This is heartbreaking information and very difficult to believe, yet… I am open minded and so am very interested in these books (and other similar studies).
This quote I have found (second hand) from another website states – “Kerth has compassion for these very damaged people and he has been trained in a special form of therapy that can help blood drinking addicts recover from their addiction.”
If this practice actually occurs on Earth at this time, then I am 100% certain that this approach (through compassion) is the only realistic approach such that we can move past this recurrent paradigm.
This is why I ordered these two books. Sam
Horrible and fascinating . . . very well written. I believe it to be fact; if fiction, it is certainly convincing. It does seem to explain a lot of things I have read about or heard about; nothing surprising about human nature and how some people crave power so much, and attain it, and then act out their fantasies on other people, subordinating and enslaving them just because they have the power to do so. That is the nature of evil; having no compassion or empathy for the suffering or feelings of others; extreme self-centeredness and narcissism. Seeing others only as means to their own ends; in those peoples’ minds, you are either simply in their way or giving them what they want – not much else. Ultimately this was a tale of great suffering that led to redemption and understanding and if all true, I bow to the author for overcoming the most horrendous abuse and saving himself – i.e., saving his own soul. I salute him.
“Couldn’t put it down.” Maryann
“This is a really good book. Everyone should read it, to get a good idea of what the world is up against. The illuminati are the biggest problem humanity faces. This book, and his first, sheds a light on their evil and psychopathy. The book is easy to read and interesting. Mr. Barker deserves so much credit and thanks for exposing them.” Cathy
“Thank you so much… Im sorry you had to go thru misery. I send you light with might from the highest form of respect and love possible.” Al
“This is very courageous of you and I hope that this book will circulate all over the planet and make more people aware.” Sophie
“We have to awake spiritually and we can put an end to this right now.” Nicole
“Thanks for your courage.The quicker we get this info out there,the more people we can wake up and hopefully get real justice and lock up these sicko’s once and for all and free humanity from this insanity.” Tony
“Thanks for surviving to tell us the truth.” Beatriz
“I got the link from thank you,” Aneta
“Although not a victim in this lifetime,certain pointers in my astrological chart point to some sort of systemic abuse in previous lifetimes. This may explain my interest in the occult,and in a horribly fascinated way – SRA,MK Ultra, Alien interference etc. As a mother of two I love and cherish their beautiful souls and will fight against these “humans” who commit these crimes and those who let it happen. Thanks to the internet we are waking up to the deception and horror of our ruling elite and their minions. A lot of warriors of Love are incarnating and are ready to stand ground and take back our planet! Bring it on!!!!” Chris
Kindly, add your comments below…
Dear Kerth,
Not sure if you received my message, incase you didn’t here it is again. Firstly I want to thank you for your well written books. I think I have them all and am now busy reading psychic development. So much valuable information and help inside, however I do have a few questions. If the power of Satan is so strong and people are turning to Satan for power why can’t we use the power of Satan to do good? What kind of God allows such cruelty to continue without intervening and at the same time says he loves his children. Christianity is very contradictory and the bible was written by man. So many versions and each one is different. Who knows who has the right one?
Secondly that Satanic chant is so powerful and hypnotic I can’t seem to get the melody out of my mind why is that?
Thank You
Thank you for your comment Savannah. To answer some of your questions. In terms of psychic powers I think that it all comes down to choosing creativity and love over destructiveness and fear. The name Satan is associated with destructiveness and fear. So I don’t use it in prayer. I don’t think of the being who is associated with the name Satan as being powerful. Anyone who is attuned to the power of love is more powerful than Satan. I happened to open my heart to the source of Creation and Love in a Christian Church, but I know that this opening to spiritual love can happen in different ways for different people. Sometimes religion does get in the way. For me Christian Prayers are the medium I use to send out vibrational spiritual love. But really any positive affirmations will work if they are love based. The Chant does have a quality to it that makes you remember it. I don’t know who wrote it, but it was very popular with some Satanists. And some of these Satanists were once friends of mine. I took a chant that had low vibrational energies attuned to it and reattuned it with love. This isn’t really a war between Christians and Satanists that’s going on right now on Earth. It’s a conflict between those who are choosing love over fear and those who remain stuck in fear.