for Ethical Psychic Tech,
First Section for Novices
Copyrighted by KERTH R. BARKER, USA
© all rights reserved, February 5th, 2014 AD
Written and Published by Kerth Barker
With the Approval and Cooperation of the Elijah Hierarchy
The secret to psychic power is this–if you believe that you can develop psychic ability then you can, but if you’re convinced that you can’t, then you can’t.
In studying this system know from the start that the only truth that you must accept on faith is that of your own potential for psychic ability. If you do have the faith that you can develop psychic ability, this handbook will prove its value. And once your psychic powers begin to emerge, you will have the certainty which comes from experience.
Basically this is a twelve-step program that leads to higher levels of psychic awareness. It was developed by an elite group of researchers. A dedicated student might be able complete the program in a month’s time, but most students should expect to take at least forty days. Others might take longer. If you do complete all twelve lessons, you can expect to have a demonstrable level of telepathic ability. Yet, no matter how far you make it into the study of this system, it will empower you in ways never expected.
Psychic ability isn’t about performing parlor tricks to amuse your friends; psychic ability can help you to survive. Some persons who are born with a high degree of natural psychic talent are unaware of the fact that they even have these latent abilities. Not knowing that they are naturally psychic may create problems for them. They may feel that they are different from others, but uncertain as to why that is. Sometimes they are wrongly labeled as being mentally ill. When such persons receive appropriate psychic training they find that they are happier and more functional in life. If you have inborn psychic power that you haven’t learned to control, this have may created emotional problems for you. With training you can learn to direct these powers appropriately so that they serve you rather than creating problems for you.
Psychic ability can have practical value. Ethical Psychic Tech can help you with financial issues. It can improve your existing relationships as well as attracting new, desirable ones. It can assist with holistic health care. Ethical Psychic Tech can help you to thrive in this world. If your goal is to empower yourself by awakening your psychic talents, this system can serve you.
“Enchiridion” is an ancient word for handbook; contained in this handbook are techniques for psychic development. This Ethical Psychic Tech consists of a series of lessons and training practices. These training practices will assist you whether your intention is to develop psychic abilities anew or to expand existing ones.
Although this text speaks very little to political issues, I do have a political motivation in publishing it. Perhaps you have noticed that our present day world is in crisis. There seems to be a dark specter which looms over the globe. It’s almost as if hostile reptilian aliens have taken over the minds of key global leaders. An oppressive New World Order is destroying our freedoms and ruining the environment. The Elijah Hierarchy is a group of psychic researchers who are aware of this ominous global trend. They are addressing this problem, not through direct political action, but indirectly through the use of psychic power. They believe that you must first liberate your mind before you can liberate the world. All the techniques and concepts of this handbook are based upon what they have taught me. Their system of psychic development offers a way to challenge this matrix of deception through the awakening of your own mental powers. This is why I am publishing a version of this handbook on the internet where anyone can make copies of it for free. I encourage you to spread the word.
Although these lessons were developed by Christians, you don’t have to be a Christian to find them useful; and in truth, these lessons make little reference to scriptures or Church doctrine. Furthermore, the principles found in these lessons were also derived from non-Christian philosophies as well as advanced scientific insights. Personally, as a Christian, I believe that the true spirit of Christ’s teachings is love, and the basis for all these lessons is love; so, in order to study this system, all you really need to believe in is love.
Furthermore, this handbook doesn’t really teach a belief system. The researchers who developed this handbook did start off with a religious belief system. But in the process of their research, they transcended their belief system while fulfilling it at the same time. They did this by experiencing miracles. Religious indoctrination seeks to place limits upon your beliefs, but you don’t need indoctrination when you have the experience of miraculous revelation. Therefore this handbook doesn’t seek to tell you what to believe; instead it’s a system which shows you how to experience miracles.
The validity of this system of psychic development is self-evident; that is, if you actually use it, you will be able to prove to yourself that it works. You don’t have to agree with everything you read in the lessons. And you’ll do better in studying this system if you don’t become preoccupied with those teachings that don’t seem right to you. Complete agreement with these lessons isn’t a requirement for developing psychic ability. But you do need to study the lessons carefully. Even if you don’t agree with everything you read, the study of these ideas will help to focus your mind in certain ways. And don’t worry about having a full intellectual comprehension of all you read. It’s better to understand these lessons with your heart. These lessons have been designed to help evoke an attitude conducive to psychic development. This isn’t a system of indoctrination, so what you choose to believe is your responsibility.
But you can only expect to enhance or develop psychic ability if you perform the training practices described at the end of each lesson; furthermore, you must perform all of them exactly as explained. There is nothing in these training practices that could degrade or harm you. The biggest complaint about them is that they do require some effort. Don’t complain that this system fails to work for you if you fail to perform these training practices. The sequence of the lessons is deliberate. Every aspect of the training practices has been intentionally designed for valid reasons. However, until you complete the course, the reasoning behind all of this may not be obvious. Any form of technology requires exact application in order to work. This Ethical Psychic Tech was developed by dozens of researchers over several decades, and simply put, these are the the techniques that work to develop psychic ability.
The developers of this system have an interest in using it to promote the liberation of humanity. The intention of The Enchiridion is to create a widespread movement of persons who empower themselves by developing psychic abilities. This will undermine the plans of the oppressive global overlords who seek to spiritually imprison the people of Earth. You become a part of this movement by developing your own psychic abilities for the purpose of self improvement. However, as you improve your life, that in itself will subtlety change the nature of the world for the better. If you do decide to develop your psychic powers, you must be dedicated to using them ethically with good will for others. However, it will be up to you to decide exactly what you should do with your newly developed talents. Most people are basically good and will tend to use their psychic powers for good purposes. Those who choose to join this movement of psychic awakening may be members of any religion or of no religion at all.
Many people in this contemporary society are phobic when it comes to psychic abilities; and so there can be a great deal of resistance against taking the subject seriously. Therefore you have to be self motivated. What you put into studying these materials is equal to what you will get out of them. All human beings are born with some potential for psychic ability. Depending upon the individual, this ability may be expressed with different forms of psychic talent and with varying degrees of psychic power. This handbook teaches you to awaken your unique latent potential. The level of psychic power that you achieve through training will be determined by two factors–how much effort you put into studying this handbook and the nature of your own unique, inborn psychic talent.
The Enchiridion is divided into two major sections–a First Section for Novices and a Second Section for Adepts. These may be referred to simply as the First Section and the Second Section. What you are reading now is the First Section. This introductory section consists of twelve lessons each of which is followed by one or more training drills. It’s the repeated use of these practices which cause your talent to systematically emerge. Be sure to master these training practices before attempting to study the Second Section for Adepts. The Second Section contains advanced teaching which won’t make sense until you’ve studied this introductory First Section. Even if you’ve developed some psychic abilities on your own, you should start with the First Section before studying the Second Section.
The Enchiridion doesn’t place limits on your potential for psychic ability. However, nobody is going to promise you that you’ll achieve supernatural abilities like those depicted in sci-fi movies. Psychic powers initially emerge as subtle influences and intuitive insights. However these basic psychic abilities, subtle as they are, can be extraordinarily empowering in helping you to achieve your goals in life. This is a path to personal liberation more than anything else.
It may be that mastering the First Section for Novices is all that you will ever want from The Enchiridion. Mastering it should help you to live a better life. Psychic healing comes about as you attune yourself to the natural energies of the Cosmos. Clairvoyance is a natural ability whereupon you can directly intuit the truth of things. This psychic healing and natural clairvoyance is what you will achieve in the study of this First Section.
LESSON ONE: Study Technique for Psychic Adepts
Note to Contemporary Readers: In this lesson you will learn of a new type of study practice. I assure you that you’ve never before heard of this system. Although this method has been used for decades by a private group of psychic researchers, I’m certain you’ve never used this technique because it’s being publicly revealed here for the first time. Before you attempt to use this unique reading method, I suggest that you first read this entire lesson in the manner you normally do.
By learning a new way of study practice you can begin to train your telepathic abilities. This is how a Psychic Adept studies written materials. When reading, a Psychic Adept will read each section of the text at least three times and possibly more. This is because a Psychic Adept desires to read not with speed but with full comprehension. But, for the purpose of psychic training, this reading and rereading must be done in a structured way.
The three readings go like this: In the first reading you intuitively scan the text looking for any words you might need to look up in a dictionary for reference reasons. In the second reading you subvocalize as you read, going through one sentence at a time, again looking for words to look up, but this time reading for deep comprehension of each individual sentence. In the third reading you read normally, without subvocalizing and without looking up words. In this final reading you are intellectually connecting your mind with the mind of the author.
This type of mind to mind communication between the author and the reader isn’t telepathy–but in some ways it’s similar to telepathy. In reading a book you maintain a sustained mental concentration upon the thoughts of another human being–the same is true for telepathy. A thought-form image is a mental picture which is deliberately held within the awareness of a person. For example, close your eyes for a moment now and imagine that you’re looking at a beautiful tree. Your conception of that tree is a thought-form image. When you read the mind of another human in telepathic practice, you maintain a sustained mental concentration on the thought-form images being projected by that person. In written literature, thought-forms are suggested by the words of the author. So in studying the words of the author, you are mentally concentrating upon the thought-forms which the author intended to project through writing. This isn’t exactly the same as how telepathy works, but there are some similarities. Therefore you need to understand that this study system described here isn’t just for academic purposes, it’s also a way for you to turn your reading practice into training for telepathy.
In telepathic practice there is a Sender and a Receiver. The primary job of the Sender is to hold a thought-form image clearly in his or her mind. In telepathy, as a Receiver, you intuitively scan the mind of the Sender, then you subvocalize to yourself your intention to read the Sender’s projected thought-form image. Finally you have a cognition (a realization) as to the information or thought-form which the Sender is projecting to you.
Of course, telepathy is an advanced technique and there are many other training practices you have to learn before you can expect to have reliable results. But the first level of training for telepathy is to start reading written materials in the manner described here. As the reader of this text, you are practicing your role as a telepathic Receiver. In telepathic practice the Receiver has the more difficult job. So you must build up your mental skills a little at a time in a systematic way so that you can learn to be a Receiver. In studying this handbook, think of The Enchiridion itself as the telepathic Sender whose thought-forms you must apprehend through the application of mental concentration.
There is a basic technique described in The Enchiridion that can be applied to a number of psychic practices. This multi-use technique is called scan/subvocalize/cognize. This three part technique is to first scan, then to subvocalize, and finally to cognize. (To subvocalize is to speak in a barely audible whispered voice.) For example, in making a psychic health diagnosis, a Psychic Healer would psychically scan the patient’s body, then subvocalize the patient’s concerns; and finally the Healer would clairvoyantly cognize the spiritual causes of those health problems. There are a number of other psychic practices where you may follow this pattern of scan, subvocalize, and cognize. This means that you are first evoking your intuition, then secondly evoking your language-based logic, and finally applying this synchrony of intuition and logic to know something with certainty.
This scan/subvocalize/cognize technique encourages the interplay between logic and intuition. The left hemisphere of the brain is associated with the mental quality of logic, and the right brain hemisphere is associated with intuition. When you clairvoyantly scan things, you are using the part of your mind that is intuitive and feeling-oriented. When you subvocalize you bring your attention into the part of your mind that is logical and language-oriented. However both of these parts of mind are interconnected. When you use one aspect of mind you are always still using the other. The scanning process puts emphasis on the intuitive aspect of the mind, and the subvocalizing puts emphasis on the logical aspect of mind. Finally when you achieve a synchrony of both intuition and logic, you fully cognize what it is you wish to know. This technique is something you can only truly understand by practicing it and experiencing it.
I understand that this concept is unusual, so I will reiterate this idea. Although study may not be what you think of as a true psychic practice, it can create a basis for psychic practice. In reading this handbook, you are experiencing a type of mind to mind communication between yourself and me, the author. This is, of course, different from telepathy because study is done via written language and telepathy uses projected thought-form images. But in both cases you are mentally apprehending another person’s communication. The level of mental concentration it takes to read literature is similar to the level of mental concentration it takes to read another person’s mind. So this special type of study practice (where you condition yourself to focus your concentration in new ways) is a prerequisite to your advanced psychic training.
This is how the scan/subvocalize/cognize technique is applied to reading. In the Psychic Adept’s study-practice, the defining of words is an important aspect of the process. Therefore this study practice may be described as scan-define/subvocalize-define/read-cognize. This is how it works:
{Step One: First you intuitively scan a section of written materials looking for any word whose definition feels uncertain to you; you make a list of all such words; and then you completely define each of those terms using a dictionary. You will scan the text by quickly looking over the text from beginning to end, briefly glancing at each word in sequence from beginning to end. During this scanning pay attention to what you feel and pay attention to any physical sensations which might arise. Consider this fact–when students come across a word whose definition is uncertain to them, they sometimes yawn. A yawn is a good clue that you’ve come across a word you need to define with a dictionary. In this scanning for words to look up in a dictionary–you’re not using your logic so much as your sense of intuition to feel which words you need to look up. If you sense that you’ve passed a misunderstood word as you’re scanning, you can look back in the text and see if it pops up at you.
Don’t worry about it if you have difficulty doing this at first, just do the scan by moving a pointer across each line of written materials to briefly glance at each word. In the scanning part of this process try to avoid reading, just look at the words the way you would look at a series of meaningless objects–like flowers in a garden. The more you practice scanning, the more you’ll discover that certain words will seem to jump out at you–you’ll come to automatically sense those words which you need to look up in a dictionary. When this happens, write down each such word in a list and then go on with the scan. Once the scan is over, only then do you refer to the dictionary, which you will use to look up all the words on the list one at a time.
Step Two: Next, you then reread that section a second time whereupon you’ll subvocalize what you are reading while you read it. To subvocalize is to speak something in a barely audible whispered voice. By subvocalizing, you are focusing your attention upon the meaning of each individual sentence. In doing this you may find more words to define with a dictionary as you go along. In this step you focus your attention upon your logic. Any time a sentence doesn’t seem logical, it’s probably because that sentence contains a word whose proper definition is uncertain to you; or there may be a word from a preceding sentence whose definition you need to check. Words often have multiple meanings, so even if you’re familiar with a word, there may be a definition for that word with which you’re not familiar. If you have any doubts at all about the meaning of a word, look it up. In The Enchiridion there is a word list at the bottom of some lessons. You should consult it, and use it as necessary in your study. This system has a unique terminology and these word lists are essential to mastering this terminology. In this second step, read and if necessary reread each individual sentence until its meaning is logical. You may or may not agree with what the sentence says, but in this step you’re using your logic to decode the sentence’s intended meaning. And you should know that a strong feeling of disagreement with what you are reading is often an indication that there’s a word or words somewhere in the text which you need to look up. As you subvocalize, pay attention to your emotional reactions; negative feelings are an indication that you should look back in the text for words whose meanings are uncertain to you.
Step Three: Finally, you read the text a third time without defining words in a dictionary and without subvocalizing–this final reading is for a more holistic sense of understanding what you’ve read. So in the third reading you’re apprehending the message of the overall text rather than just the meaning of its individual sentences. It’s in this third reading that you’ll fully cognize the intended message of the author.}
Before you attempt to use this scan/subvocalize/cognize technique in studying the Enchiridion, you should practice this technique on a short written text which is easy to read. At the end of this lesson, a training practice will be described in which you do just that.
If a text is highly challenging, you may have to read and reread it more than three times; but the typical pattern of study used by a Psychic Adept is to first scan the text sensing those words whose meanings are uncertain, secondly to read while subvocalizing to make sure that the meaning of each sentence is clear, and thirdly to read lucidly in a fluid manner to take in the overall meaning of the text.
During the scanning process take a pointer, such as a pencil, and slowly move it over each line of a section of written materials–starting at the beginning and moving through to the end. In this scan you are quickly pointing at each word and then moving to the next one until you hit upon a word whose meaning feels uncertain to you. In this first scan you are not reading for comprehension, you are only searching for those words in the text whose meanings you don’t fully understand. As you scan, line by line, through the text, you will focus your attention upon hunting for any word whose meaning feels unclear. Whenever you find such a word, write it down on a list. When you learn to do this correctly, you will have trained yourself to intuitively sense the words that you need to look up in a dictionary. In this scan of the text you will only hunt for words which you sense you may need to clarify with a dictionary. This means that this scanning process will be done quickly.
Do not, do not, do not try to determine the meaning of an uncertain word by guessing at its meaning from the context of the text. That’s how the foolish mundane students practice. One mistake that novices often make is that they fail to make a frequent use of the dictionary. Always, always, always use a dictionary to determine the meaning of an uncertain word.
Some dictionaries are better than others. Use a dictionary which lists all the different usages for each word as well as root words. Psychic Adepts make a frequent use of dictionaries when studying; so make sure you have access to a good dictionary. It’s always important to a Psychic Adept to have a lucid understanding of anything he or she reads. This is true whether you are reading a book or reading a mind.
You must become adept at using a dictionary. When defining a word with a dictionary look at the definition that best applies within the context of its sentence. Take your time in studying word definitions. Semantics is important. During the 1930s, many educators began to realize the significance of semantics to the study process. The contemporary dictionary is the toolbox created from this development of semantical technology. It’s good to understand the root words from which modern words are derived. Furthermore, Psychic Adepts enjoy using their imaginations whenever possible. So when you’re defining a new word, you should use your imagination to make up several sentences which utilize this newly defined word. Make up sentences until you feel comfortable in your understanding of that word’s definition.
Example: You’re scanning a text and you come across this sentence–“Janis Joplin was killed by the rock and roll zeitgeist of the 1960s.” Suppose you sense that you need to look up what “zeitgeist” means. If you were to guess at the meaning from its context, you might misinterpret the sentence completely, assuming perhaps that a zeitgeist is a type of serial killer. So instead of guessing at the meaning, you look it up and find out that the word zeitgeist is defined as the spirit of the times. So you reread the sentence and it makes sense. Rock and roll musicians in the sixties were known to do drugs excessively, and Janis Joplin was known to have died of a drug overdose. But you haven’t really made the word zeitgeist a part of your vocabulary until you’ve personally made up a number of sentences each of which uses that newly defined word. These would be sentences like–“To the despair of some music critics, disco became the zeitgeist of the late 70s.”
Vocabulary is essential to semantical intelligence. Every time you learn a new word you’re increasing your semantical intelligence. Think of each newly defined word as a new tool which you can use to communicate with others. Communication of various kinds is the heart of psychic ability. An increased vocabulary expands intellectual power. By defining new terms you’re improving your personal vocabulary toolbox–thereby increasing your mental power. Psychic power is a form of mental power, so by increasing your semantical intelligence you’re thereby increasing your overall mental power.
After you scan the text and create semantical clarity by using a dictionary, you then read slowly while subvocalizing what you read. During this subvocalization process, you may discover sentences which you don’t fully understand. Analyze any such sentence–looking again for words whose meanings may not be entirely understood. Don’t be afraid to use a dictionary. Frequent use of a dictionary in study is not a sign of ignorance–it’s an indication of intelligence. You may believe that people are born to be either intelligent or stupid–but that’s not the case. People tend to be as intelligent as they choose to be.
After you have scanned, defined, subvocalized, and defined more–you then reread the section of text a third time–this time just for full understanding. To cognize is to know. In this final reading you come to fully cognize the author’s message. In reading a text you may agree or disagree with what an author has written. Nevertheless, in truth, you cannot authentically judge the verity of the author’s message until you have achieved semantical clarity through dictionary use.
Although a dictionary is a most useful tool in creating semantical clarity, sometimes it’s not enough. You may come across a situation where an author is either imprecise or creative in the use of words. Some authors do not themselves understand the correct meanings of the words they use. Also there are authors who are creative in the use of words and take words which are in common usage but endow those words with expanded meanings; thus the author is creating a unique usage for a previously defined word.
An example of this is the word “hacker.” The root word for hacking referred to the process of breaking up branches, as if for kindling–so a hacker would be someone who created kindling by chopping up wood–with his hands. However, the term hacker evolved over time to describe anyone who fixed things, like toy trains, by tinkering around with them–with his hands. Early computer programmers tinkered around with equipment and programs to make them work, so they took on the term hacker. Now the term hacker is often used for a skilled computer technician–which has nothing to do with the original meaning.
So there are times in which words take on expanded meanings to such an extent that the original definitions no longer make sense. In such cases a dictionary alone may not provide clarity. Thus, if you decide that the author’s writings are nonetheless worthy of study, you may be forced to study the text over and over until you can decode the author’s peculiar terminology. The goal is always a lucidity of understanding, and this requires both dictionary use and persistent study.
You should read and reread as much as you need to until the meaning of a text is lucid. However, if a text is fairly easy and short–you may simply scan once–then (if necessary) define any uncertain words–subvocalize the entire text–and finally reread the entire text fluidly for cognition. Once you’ve mastered this process, it won’t take any longer than normally study. In fact, many persons who have mastered this technique have found that they study much faster than before.
However, if a text is long or difficult, you should break it down into shorter study sections. If you were studying a highly technical volume you might break the study sections down into paragraphs. You have to consider your own reading skill and use your common sense in dividing a text into study sections. Conquer each of these shorter sections before going on to the next one. The rule of thumb is this–the easier the text is to read, the longer the study sections should be–but the more difficult the text is to read, the shorter the study sections should be.
As well as this scan/subvocalize/cognize technique for study, there are also other insights that enhance study skill.
The contemporary education system tends to treat study as a chore which must be endured, but this attitude is counterproductive; therefore you should do what you can to develop the attitude that study is an enjoyable task. Choose or create an appropriate study environment. You may use a sound system to play relaxing instrumental music softly in the background to set a positive ambiance. Study at a time when your mind is clear and your emotions untroubled. Avoid intoxication during study. Consider the impact that your your diet has on your mental capacity to study. Although caffeinated drinks may be stimulating, it’s easy to overdo them. Attempting to study after eating a large meal may dull the intellect and lead to drowsiness. It’s best to study when you can make the experience enjoyable.
During study, the human brain is known to function optimally for periods of forty-five minutes or less. After forty-five minutes of study, the Psychic Adept takes a break and does something else for a while. This is because the Psychic Adept tends to be aware of the optimal functioning of his or her mind. The mind itself is the primary tool of the Psychic Adept.
Human beings are social creatures; if you’re studying a subject that’s difficult to master, it’s best to develop a study partner or a study group. When you engage in interpersonal communication you automatically evoke certain aspects of brain function; because of this you actually become more intelligent when you’re studying as a member of a partnership or team of students. Your mind is more functional when you engage in interpersonal communication–particularly direct verbal communication. Social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and scholarly intelligence all support one another.
In this First Section you don’t actually need a study partner for the training exercises for the first ten lessons. Most of the training drills in this First Section can be done by one person. In a training exercise after Lesson Eleven there is a training exercise which requires a partner–and the same is true for a training exercise in Lesson Twelve. However, if you want to you can study this book by yourself and do most of the training exercises by yourself. You won’t be able to complete the all training by yourself, but you can complete most of it. Nevertheless, if you can find another person who is both cooperative and enthusiastic about the subject–that would be best.
The ideal study situation is one in which you and your study partner silently read a text together in time units of no more than forty-five minutes. In between these periods of silent study you take breaks and talk about things. You can help each other with the training exercises and encourage one another as you make progress. This would help to make the process of developing psychic ability enjoyable.
If you can find other people who believe in psychic ability and are enthusiastic about it, studying with them will increase your skills at an exponential rate. However, if you try to study this Ethical Psychic Tech with people who are narrow-minded and overly skeptical, their negative attitude will become a burden to the study process. So it’s optimum to this process that you find an appropriate study partner (or partners) who’ll engage in the mutual support of your study goals. It’s better to study alone than to study with someone who doubts the process.
It’s also essential to optimal study that you apply in your life what you have studied in written materials. In this way your intellectual understanding becomes connected to your application of will power. This is to say that your thinking process must directly influence your actions or you’re merely just another daydreamer. You don’t want to become trapped in an ivory tower of academic speculation. You can only really know a subject matter when you have done something with it in the real world. Optimal brain function for learning requires real-world application. When you take a subject you’ve read about and then go apply what you’ve just learned to the real world, you bring into play other neurological functions necessary to full comprehension. You can never fully develop any ability by simply reading about it, you also have to perform training exercises which will make the learned principles real to you. With training and study you’ll come to develop ongoing practices which reinforce your skills.
The study of an ancient spiritual book, like the Bible, is somewhat different than the study of a textbook, like The Enchiridion, which teaches a skill. This is because ancient religious teachings speak in a metaphorical way. Such books are highly valuable because of their inspirational nature. When I read from the Gospels I feel connected to Christ, his Mother Mary, and all the early disciples. The inspiration I feel from such reading empowers me energetically, and it helps me to think clearly about my own purpose in life. However, I don’t see the Bible as a rulebook, and I don’t typically take its teachings literally. To rationally study the Bible one must know the historical context of the teachings, and one must realize that most of the teachings tend to be metaphorical rather than literal.
Consider what Jesus says about divorce in the New Testament. In two of the Gospels he says that a husband should not divorce his wife except for unfaithfulness. Yet in the modern world, most contemporary Churches have a more liberal attitude about divorce; however, I would contend that such Churches aren’t really in violation of Christian morality just because they fail to adhere to a literal interpretation of that specific scripture. Most rational modern persons accept that there are reasonable circumstances where divorce should take place. However, if you understand the historical context in which Jesus taught, you realize that marriage was quite different in those ancient times. People lived shorter lives and marriages tended to be pragmatic arrangements rather than romantic relationships. In the modern world, there are times when it’s to everyone’s advantage for a couple to divorce. But in Biblical times, if a man divorced his wife it would likely ruin her life and the lives of her children. So Jesus was encouraging compassion on the part of husbands. Furthermore, Jesus frequently used metaphors in his teachings. One metaphorical interpretation of this teaching is that God symbolizes the husband and the Church symbolizes his wife. This symbolic interpretation poetically speaks to the idea that if a Church remains faithful to God, that Church won’t be abandoned by God.
Many scriptural teachings can only be interpreted rationally when you realize that the Bible must be interpreted with an understanding of its historical context; furthermore, to understand the Bible you must decode the metaphorical teachings rather than to interpret them literally. If you are reading a text and you come to a word that you don’t understand, this can inhibit or distort your understanding of the text. In the same way, if you are reading a religious book and come to a metaphor you don’t understand, that misunderstanding can inhibit or distort your interpretation of the text.
The overly literal interpretation of ancient religious books can create a type of insanity. In contemporary times, some fundamentalist religious groups demand such literal interpretations, but this really creates problems. In the Bible certain teachings are obviously literal, such as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Sometimes the metaphor is obvious, such as “God is love.” The Book of Genesis says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. This is poetic and metaphorical. It suggests poetically that God is so powerful that he could create the world in a single work week. This also metaphorically suggests that workers should be able to take a day off at the end of their six day work week. However, consider the fundamentalist belief that the world was literally created in six days by God; this type of dogma is irrational. If a day is defined as a twenty-four hour period, six days obviously was not how long it took to create the world. You ruin the poetic beauty of the Book of Genesis if you demand this type of fundamentalist interpretation.
The use of scan/subvocalize/cognize can be applied to the study of ancient religious texts if one understands that such texts are inspirational, poetic, and metaphorical. However, The Enchiridion isn’t metaphorical; it may make the occasional analogy, but this handbook is intended to be interpreted literally.
Training Practice One:
Part A: Find a text which you haven’t read before, but which is something that would be easy reading for you. Mark off a section of that text which is the equivalent of about twenty standard pages. Use the three part study technique of scan/subvocalize/cognize to read that text.
Part B: Go back to the beginning of this text, The Enchiridion, and use this technique, which you have just learned, to restudy what you have just read. In doing this, you will find the word list below useful. In studying The Enchiridion, always use the word lists at the end of the lessons when you are in the second step of subvocalization. This will help in your decoding of the meaning of certain sentences. The Enchiridion defines certain terms somewhat differently than standard dictionaries. So you can avoid confusion by making sure to study these word lists. Also, some of these word lists contain special commentary which adds meaning to the lessons. So make sure that at some point you do study the entire word list.
It is suggested here that you acquire a special notebook so that as you go through your study of The Enchiridion you can write down your own cognitions and personal insights. This notebook will become your own personal enchiridion.
By mastering this practice of scan/subvocalize/cognize in study, you take your first step to becoming a Psychic Adept.
Word List
adept: adjective, to be skilled at; noun, someone who is skilled. This is from a Latin root word “adeptus” which refers someone who has attained a high level of skill. Commentary: Specifically, in the context of The Enchiridion, Adept refers to someone who is skilled at using psychic abilities. Furthermore, because of the nature of this training system–it refers to someone who is both skilled and ethical in the use of psychic abilities. A Psychic Adept is different than an occult dabbler; such are those who experiment with psychic abilities without knowing or caring about the results of their occult experiments. Therefore, The Enchiridion implies in its use of this word that an aspect of psychic adeptness is the dedication to ethical responsibilities.
angel: noun, traditionally this refers to a spiritual being who serves God and helps faithful human beings. Some people think of angels in terms of traditional religious doctrine. Others believe that angels metaphorically represent the better nature of the human condition. The researchers who developed this system of psychic training came to believe that angels are the invisible spiritual presence of benevolent extraterrestrials. Through their psychic research, the think-tank members who created this system came to identify two types of extraterrestrial influences upon humanity. There are the benevolent extraterrestrials who spiritually express themselves as angels, and there are the demonic extraterrestrials who are hostile to humanity. In dreams or while in an altered state of consciousness, a person may see the form of an angel or a demon. However, normally their presence is an invisible, spiritual one. Angels have certain characteristics by which they can be identified. They are loving. They worship the single source of all creation. They are fearless and honest. They do not manipulate or attempt to control others–but they do inspire others. By contrast, the demons are deceptive. They attempt to manipulate by encouraging fear, greed, lust, and a desire for revenge. Demons will attempt to get you to worship anything but the one true source of all creation. Some demons pretend to be gods or goddesses so as to tempt you worship them. Sometimes demons may help someone to achieve a materialistic goal, but ultimately they seek to possess those they contact. As you develop psychic powers you’ll become aware of angels and demons, and for your sake and the sake of others–you should avoid the demons. A Psychic Adept has the ability to discern the difference between angels and demons. Angels can protect you from demons. Any person faithful to God can invoke the help of angels through the simple act of prayer. I realize that all of this may sound radical to some readers. But don’t worry. You don’t have to start out with faith in the existence of angels in order to study this system of psychic development.
A.R.E.: noun, Association for Research and Enlightenment. A non-profit organization founded by the Christian Edgar Cayce who was known for his psychic talent.
astrologers: noun, a person adept in the use of astrology, which is the study of the remote influence of stars and planets upon human affairs. Commentary: The use of astrology goes back to the most ancient of times. This form of divination was and is found in virtually every civilization in the world in one form or another. In modern times, astrologers may be either silly scam artists who play on people’s superstitions, or they may be serious students of the science and intuitive art of astrological interpretation. Not all astrologers are the same. However, the fact that some astrologers are frauds doesn’t mean that they all are. Advanced principles of physics reveal scientific explanations for astrology’s validity. The Cosmos shows indications of intelligence and consciousness at its most fundamental levels. There are subtle energetic influences which emanate from heavenly bodies; these influences can act remotely over long distances. Astrology attempts to study and interpret these influences. But serious astrology is a psychic discipline because intuition must be used in correctly interpreting its charts. When done correctly, an astrologer can help people to attune themselves harmonically with the Cosmos. But this serious use of astrology isn’t fortune telling, it’s about teaching the meaning of astrological influences which can lead to a greater understanding of oneself.
Christian: noun, someone who believes in the teachings of the Christ as presented in the Four Gospels of the New Testament. adjective, related to Christianity. Commentary: In The Enchiridion, psychic ability is based upon a spiritual awareness. The Elijah Hierarchy is a name for the psychic researchers who developed The Enchiridion. The members of the Elijah Hierarchy believe in a form of Christianity, and their development of psychic ability cannot be completely separated from such beliefs. However, most of The Enchiridion is not religious in nature. Any spirituality which is based on love is adequate for psychic training. It’s the loving spirituality of Christianity, not its religious dogma, which is a basis of psychic training in the Elijah Hierarchy. With this insight, the members of this group eventually decided to not impose their religious beliefs throughThe Enchiridion. They decided that it’s better for people to experience miracles than to be indoctrinated in yet another belief system. Membership or belief in a Christian religion isn’t necessary to this system for psychic development. Furthermore, narrow-minded Christian dogma can inhibit the development of psychic ability. In the Elijah Hierarchy they discovered that their training in psychic ability tended to create an evolution of faith. They observed that as a Christian becomes a Psychic Adept he or she comes to understand Christianity in a new way. They came to understand that for the purpose of psychic training, the student doesn’t even really need to believe in God. It’s enough to believe that there’s a loving source of creation.
clairvoyance: noun, this comes from French root words which mean clear seeing. In The Enchiridion, this refers to the accurate perception of something through intuitive insight.
clairvoyant: noun, a person who is skilled at using intuitive insights to understand things.
cognition: noun, in The Enchiridion, a cognition is a realization; this realization may be an idea or an emotional response. Emotions themselves are a form of information. A cognition may be both an idea and an associated emotion. Commentary: A cognition is a knowingness. This knowingness may be an consciously experienced emotion or it may be an idea that you know with certainty. To cognize is the act of evoking the experience of a cognition. To psychically cognize at will is the essential goal of clairvoyance. To cognize is to know something with certainty.
divination: noun, this means the act or craft by which a Psychic Adept may divine something. The root word for divine means God or divinity. Among the general public, the word divination has come to mean fortune telling. However, in The Enchiridion it refers instead to accepting the Spirit of Truth from God. This is based on the principle that God is all knowing and that if you harmonize yourself with God, truths may be revealed to you from a divine source.
Elijah: name, means my God is Yahweh. This refers to an ancient prophet of God who spoke out against the priests and priestesses of the religions of Baal and Asherah. Commentary: The Elijah Hierarchy first formed as a private think-tank which was dedicated to doing psychic research for the purpose of promoting Christian ideals. Over time, as they developed higher levels of psychic power, they evolved from a think-tank for psychic research into a secret organization dedicated to helping humanity. One reason they call themselves the Hierarchy because they have developed their psychic skills to a level of advancement greater than any other group in the world at this time. From personal experience I know this to be true. The members of the Elijah Hierarchy are opposed to those who dabble with the occult for unethical purposes. The Hierarchy believe that the Baal worshipers of Elijah’s era were the ancient version of contemporary secret societies who abuse occult knowledge. Therefore the legends of the ancient prophet Elijah are an inspiration to them. The Elijah Hierarchy members remain anonymous to avoid the distractions of public recognition. The present goal of the Elijah Hierarchy is to assist in the emergence of the Second Coming of Christ. They believe that the Second Coming of Christ is not the physical return of the historical Jesus, but rather a widespread awakening of spiritual consciousness. They believe that the historical Christ experienced a profound spiritual awakening through which he was able to touch the entire world. With time his original spiritual experience would become translated into religious dogma, and would thereby become lost as Christianity became just another form of restrictive religious indoctrination. However, this original state of spiritual awakening could be called the Christ Mind–which is a passionate love for all humanity which comes about as one realizes ones interconnection with all people. Contemporary persons are now at a time when the Christ Mind will begin to emerge in numerous spiritual leaders. To Christians this may be thought of as the Second Coming of Christ, however others might define this experience in different ways. This widespread spiritual awakening is the symbolic reappearance of the prophet Elijah at the end of an Old Age and the beginning of a New Age.
enchiridion: noun, handbook. (pronounced enk-hyi-rid-ion) The word “enchiridion” is used here instead of the word “handbook” to make this distinction; this book isn’t just another handbook on psychic ability because it’s more authoritative. This is The Enchiridion. The Elijah Hierarchy are highly authoritative when it comes to psychic ability, and they wanted a title for the book they commissioned to reflect this authority. There are many handbooks on psychic ability, but this is different. Commentary: How the name developed was this. These techniques and lessons were developed by a private research project which eventually called itself the Elijah Hierarchy. Each researcher kept a personal notebook on his or her theories as well as practices relating to psychic development. They used a combination of ancient knowledge and modern scientific insights to develop their psychic abilities. They studied the practices of groups like A.R.E., the Stargate Program, and the SRI Remote Viewing research. The Hierarchy members didn’t all agree with one another about everything, but they decided that any theory or practice which a clear majority of them felt was valid would be written into a special notebook. They called that notebook the enchiridion to distinguish it from other notebooks. Furthermore, it amused them to use that word because there is a tradition in Christianity of books with the word enchiridion in the title–for example, the Enchiridion militis Christiani, which is Latin for The Handbook of a Christian Knight. Anyway, periodically these researchers would all meet together and vote on what would be put into their enchiridion. One of their members of this research group was a man whom I had met when we were children and with whom I had formed a type of alliance. This alliance had to do with our opposition to Luciferian secret societies, and this relationship had lasted over many decades. For various reasons to complex to easily explain, the Hierarchy decided that I might be the one to help them present their teachings to the world. I was already a Reiki master when I started to communicate with them as a group, but they expanded upon my psychic abilities. (Abilities which I must admit are rather limited compared to the average level of talent of one of their members.) When they educated me in their system of psychic power, they basically used their enchiridion notebook as the basis for my training. In process of my writing this book here, the Hierarchy allowed me to put their ideas into my own words. It was necessary that they allowed me to do that because over the years they had developed their own peculiar short-hand way of talking about things. They needed me to take their ideas and put them into plain language which ordinary people could understand. As I wrote this book, they periodically analyzed the validity of what I wrote and compared it to their enchiridion. Periodically they would vote on editing changes they wanted me to make on the drafts. The Enchiridion which you are reading here was completed when a majority of them decided that the basic principles and practices they wanted to present to the public were represented in it. This book, The Enchiridion, is the public externalization of the Hierarchy.
ethics: noun, this refers generally to moral correctness, in The Enchiridion ethics are based on empathy and wisdom. Commentary: To attempt to develop psychic ability without a knowledge of how psychic powers works is unethical because you can create problems for yourself and others. Many contemporary New Age teachers and occultists teach techniques for opening up to psychic abilities without realizing the potential dangers in doing so. There are invisible spiritual beings, some of whom are positive such as angels and some of whom are negative such as demons. The members of the Elijah Hierarchy believe that angels are the projected spiritual presence of benevolent extraterrestrials and that demons are the projected spiritual presence of hostile extraterrestrials. However there are other theories. Some think of demons and angels in traditional religious terms, and some think that demons and angels are projections of the collective subconscious mind of humanity. One thing becomes certain with psychic training; whatever they are–angels and demons do exist. A simple way of understanding this is to say that angels are positive psychic influences and demons are negative psychic influences. If you open yourself to psychic powers without proper training, you may open yourself to negative influences. Furthermore, you must have empathy in dealing with people in order to be an ethical person. If you were to try to use your psychic powers to manipulate others against their will, this would be an ethical violation. Ethically you should use your psychic powers by first attuning yourself to the all-loving source of creation. Having achieved this attunement you should use your abilities with the intention of helping others as well as yourself.
healer: noun, someone who assists other people to help them take responsibility for their health issues. Commentary: a psychic healer uses psychic abilities to assist in the healing of others. A psychic healer might discern the spiritual causes of a physical illness. A psychic healer with advanced skills might be able to diagnose an illness which a medical doctor cannot. A psychic healer may use talk-therapy to go to the root causes of mental health problems. A psychic healer may use psychic abilities to assist in the deprogramming of a brainwash victim. A psychic healer may direct the Universal Life Force to energetically stimulate the natural healing processes of the body. This energetic healing may be done in person or remotely at a distance.
Hierarchy: noun, a division of angels or any organization based on angelic structure. In The Enchiridion, the word “Hierarchy” generally refers to an anonymous organization of Christian psychic researchers. Commentary: At the top of the angelic Hierarchy is God, and so it is with the Elijah Hierarchy. All are dedicated to the service of God. Those who demonstrate higher levels of psychic power are toward the top of the Hierarchy, and different psychics specialize in different areas of psychic talent. There are the astrologers, the psychic healers, the precogs, the remote viewers, the telepaths, the divination experts, and the psychic defenders.
ivory tower: noun, this is an escapist attitude marked by an intellectual preoccupation which is disconnected from practical considerations; this is the attitude of someone who is intellectually trapped, as if in an ivory tower of idealistic principles.
mundane: adjective, denying the validity of psychic abilities; noun, a person who is ignorant of psychic abilities. In the context of The Enchiridion, the word “mundane” has a specialized usage. This is one of those words where the standard dictionary use of a word is incomplete for the context of this textbook. In this context, a mundane is someone who is ignorant of his or her psychic abilities. To have a mundane point of view is to hold an attitude which denies psychic abilities. Commentary: The members of the Elijah Hierarchy see the world in this way–presently there are three types of people, there are the mundanes, there are the occult dabblers, and then there are the Psychic Adepts. They predict that eventually in the future, several generations from now, everyone in the world will be a Psychic Adept. However, the term “mundanes” is not intended as derogatory. To be a Psychic Adept is to achieve your highest potential for spiritual development and mental ability. A mundane is someone who hasn’t yet attained his or her full potential. Mundanes always have the potential to choose to become Psychic Adepts. When I first started to communicate with the Hierarchy, I felt offended their use of the word mundane. I’ve heard other persons use that word as an insult, and I felt uncomfortable with how they used it. However, as I communicated with them more and more, I realized that they didn’t intend it as an insult. Developing psychic powers changes how you see the world. Until you start to develop your psychic powers, life really is mundane by contrast.
novice: noun, a person new to a subject, or someone who is not yet skilled. In The Enchiridion this refers to someone who has not yet mastered the lessons and practices of the First Section. Commentary: The time it takes to go from novice to Psychic Adept varies from individual to individual. Some people complete the First Section in a few weeks of intensive study, others make take months. However, speed in mastering the First Section is not an indication of potential psychic talent. A slower student might spend more time in going from novice to Adept, but yet might have greater powers once he or she masters the basic skills. A novice who attempts to study the Second Section before really mastering the First Section may find that he or she is unable to develop the abilities described in the advanced teachings. But being a Psychic Adept isn’t really about having advanced talents, it’s about getting all the benefits that you can get from the First Section. Through the successful study of the First Section, you train your mind so that you can take control of your life in a positive way. At that point you cease to be a novice and become an Adept.
occult: noun, generally this means hidden knowledge. In the context of The Enchiridion, “occultism” is always used as a derogatory term; however, apart from this book, the word “occult” isn’t always derogatory. For the Elijah Hierarchy, the occult is thought of as the secretive teaching of psychic ability for unethical purposes. This is often practiced in secret societies to give their members an advantage over other people. Commentary: Occultism is morally wrong because it withholds the truth of psychic ability from the general public; also it tends to be manipulative; as well as this it often operates on unethical intentions. The secretive and exploitive nature of occultism can result in harm to the practitioners as well as others. However, some secrecy isn’t necessarily immoral in itself. The Elijah Hierarchy members choose to remain anonymous so they can use their powers in private to help heal individuals and society. One reason they remain anonymous is because they don’t want the distractions which would come if they were to openly reveal the fact of their powers. This is different than those who conceal their occult practices because they want to pursue their goals of revenge, perversion, or decadent materialism. Occult teachers in secret societies tend to withhold their knowledge from the public because they desire to have an advantage over other people. Psychic ability is the birthright of all human beings; occultism withholds that birthright from the general public. For the sake of fairness, I should point out that apart from The Enchiridion, this term is not always used in this negative sense. Some persons who call themselves occultists are simply people who have studied hidden knowledge which they then try to present to the world. So it would be inaccurate to say that every person who uses the word occult is promoting an unethical use of psychic power.
occult dabbler: noun, in The Enchiridion this is defined as a practitioner who has a knowledge of psychic ability which is kept secret to conceal unethical intentions. A full understanding of psychic ability requires the ethical use of its powers. To dabble or play around with powers you don’t fully understand is unethical and foolish. In contrast to this type of occultism, The Enchiridion teaches Ethical Psychic Tech in such a manner that the student acquires psychic ability systematically so that ethical responsibilities are known as psychic powers increase.
precog: noun, a person skillful at precognition. A person who can reliably perceive the future.
psyche: noun, as this term is used in The Enchiridion, the psyche is considered to be the most central core of the individual’s being. The psyche is the unified soul and mind of the individual. This would be what a religious person might think of as the immortal soul. However, in this text the terms psyche and soul are defined somewhat differently.
psychic: adjective, to be spiritual and mentally developed, adjective, relating to mental abilities such as telepathy, precognition, and telekinesis. noun, a person who manifests spiritual and mental abilities such as clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychic healing, telepathy, precognition, and telekinesis. Derived from the root word psyche–which means spirit and mind.
psychic defender: noun, this is someone who uses psychic skills in protecting those whom he or she is pledged to protect. A psychic defender with a low level of psychic ability may simply use intuition in conjunction with martial arts training; however, the advantage of fully awakened intuition can be the difference in winning or losing. A psychic defender who is an Adept may use psychic ability to shield innocent people from psychic attack. An Adept psychic defender may use precognitive ability or remote viewing to assist in the defense of others. In the psychic defenders of the Elijah Hierarchy, rank is determined by the intensity of psychic power.
Reiki: noun, , pronounced “ray-key,” derived from Japanese root words, this means Universal Life Force. [rei = universal, ki = life force] This is the highest level of loving energy derived from the Cosmos. This is the energetic force of unconditional love. When intentionally directed, this energetic force can stimulate healing. The word Reiki also refers to a Christo-Buddhist holistic healing practice. This type of healing tends to start off as spiritual healing, but it eventually manifests as mental and physical healing. This method of invoking and projecting Reiki to heal others has become known simply as Reiki. Therefore the word “Reiki” may refer to a natural healing force or to the holistic healing practice which uses that natural force.
Reiki master: noun, someone skilled in the use of Reiki and who has the ability to teach Reiki to others.
remote viewing: noun, the clairvoyant practice whereupon a viewer systematically seeks impressions about a target that is at some remote distance in space and/or time.
rule of thumb: noun, this a useful principle having wide application–a way of roughly estimating something, as if you were using your thumb as a tool of measurement.
scan: verb, in The Enchiridion, the term “scan” refers to the act of quickly and systematically placing one’s attention upon something; usually this is to clairvoyantly sense information about something. But scanning may be a simple application of intuitive sensing. You might scan a written text to sense those words you should look up in a dictionary, or you might telepathically scan a person’s mind for information. As a noun, the word scan may refer to the technique of scanning. Clairvoyant scan technique has a number of applications.
semantics: noun, the science which studies the meaning of language, and the analysis of meaning found in words, sentences, and written text. Modern dictionaries are a product of the science of semantics, and whenever you look up a word in a dictionary you are practicing semantical technology.
soul: noun, for the purposes of The Enchiridion, the soul is defined as the immortal viewpoint of consciousness which makes the self possible. More than anything else, you are your soul. If you think a thought, it is the soul which is aware of that thought–your thought is an object and your soul is the viewpoint which observes that thought-object. The soul can be aware of itself as being aware. The soul is the consciousness of self awareness.
SRI: noun, this stands for Stanford Research Institute. Commentary: This is a highly respected science research institute. During the Cold War, psychic research was conducted there, specializing in remote viewing. A congressional hearing was held which verified that a remote viewer working with SRI had produced accurate information about a Soviet base prior to the same information being acquired by an independent and conventional source of intelligence gathering. When it became obvious that the Soviet psychic research was no threat to U.S. national security, research into remote viewing was officially discontinued–although it had repeatedly proven its validity. There are several reasons why the government stopped its remote viewing research. Remote viewers who are highly skillful using SRI methods tend to be accurate 75% to 80% of the time; however, for real-world military purposes this isn’t good enough. The usefulness of remote viewing in combat situations is questionable when it’s compared to mechanical devices for information gathering–such as drones. Post-SRI psychic research, which is presently being done by the government, is highly classified. Military intelligence no longer publicly acknowledges that such research is taking place. However, in the Second Section of The Enchiridion there are are methodologies for remote viewing which can create an accuracy that is virtually 100%.
Stargate Project: noun, this was a psychic research project run by the CIA and the DIA which lasted for more than twenty-five years. Commentary: More than twenty million dollars were spent on this project. It involved multiple research groups. Former personnel involved with this project have repeatedly and publicly demonstrated the validity of its research. However, the government came to fear that the widespread development of psychic ability would undermine its ability to control the population; therefore, it made ridiculous attempts to discredit its own research. The government’s present cover story is that it spent more than twenty million dollars over more than twenty-five years on a research project that never produced any positive results.
Tech: noun, this is an abbreviated form of the word technology, however it could refer either technology or technique. People often think of technology as the building and operating of machines. But a technology can also refer to any systematic methodology for accomplishing something. In the case of The Enchiridion, Ethical Psychic Tech refers to techniques necessary to the development and application of mental abilities, specifically psychic abilities. Ethical Psychic Tech refers to a number of precise methodologies as well as various forms of ceremonial ritual. These rituals are performed in a precise ways to evoke intuitive abilities or to invoke a psychic response from a benevolent spiritual source. In The Enchiridion, Tech is a modern word for spiritual ritual.
telepath: noun, a person skillful at telepathy–which is direct mind to mind communication between two people; this is communication through extrasensory perception. The telepath psychically scans the mind of another person to perceive a thought-form image.
thought-form image: noun, this is a clear mental construct firmly held in a person’s consciousness. This would be a persistent idea rather than a fleeting musing. Such a thought-form may be consciously held in the mind with the intention of allowing a telepath to read it. But a thought-form could be an idea which is persistently held in the subconscious mind without the individual realizing that it’s there. Subconscious thought-forms which contain negative emotions can be the source of psychosomatic illness.
think-tank: noun, a group that has been organized for intensive problem-solving and research.
Universal Life Force: noun, this is the purest form of energy which emanates from the loving source of all creation. The Universal Life Force is available everywhere in the Cosmos; it does only good and causes no harm. The Japanese word for this is Reiki.
LESSON TWO: Attuning to the Creator
There are two ways of viewing life; either you believe that the world is a trap which curses all who have entered into it, or you believe that life is a blessing for which you are grateful. If you believe the latter, you have the potential to become a Psychic Adept. But if you actually believe that life is a trap which curses you, unless you’re willing to change your attitude, it would be best if you didn’t attempt to develop your psychic abilities.
The Creator is the source from which all existence comes. To become a true Psychic Adept you must feel grateful to the Creator. Most people do feel grateful for life. It may seem odd to you that there would be people who don’t, but actually there are philosophical belief systems in which the Creator of the world is viewed as being evil. For example, the word “demiurge” is sometimes used as a derogatory term to describe the Creator of the world. Some occultists are members of secret societies which hold such beliefs. However, if you believe that the world is evil, this becomes self-fulfilling. Your perception of reality is shaped by your beliefs. If you perceive the world as evil, it will become so for you. But if you perceive the world as good, you are in a better position to make it so. Gratitude for the Creator can change your perception of the world, and thus your experience of the world.
I suggest that you take a moment and consider the true nature of your personal belief system. Do you feel that life is a trap which curses you, and therefore do you hate the Creator of this trap? Or–do you feel grateful for your life?
There’s no point in trying to develop your psychic abilities if you aren’t grateful for life; this is because the foundation for the highest level of psychic power is built on an attunement to the Creator. Some people who dabble with the occult try to develop psychic abilities while maintaining an attitude of ingratitude for life. Also, occultists are in rebellion against the Creator because they desire to be the ones in power. Irrational fear is the unseen foundation for this obsessive desire to be in control of life. When you are grateful for your life, you desire to be in harmony with life rather than in control over it. This irrational obsession to always be in control is the essence of occultism. Negative attitudes keep occultists from attaining the highest level of psychic ability. It results in them using their limited psychic powers in unethical ways. Psychic abilities should never be used to harm other people or oneself. The ethical use of psychic abilities demands that you use them for the benefit of humanity as well as yourself. The Creator is life’s essence. The Creator loves all creation. The Creator loves humanity. When you base the development of your psychic abilities on an attitude of love and gratitude, your psychic abilities will become consecrated so that they will benefit both yourself and humanity.
The religious name for the Creator is God. There are many different titles or names that are used for God. Some theologians seem very concerned that you use what they think of as the correct name. However, The Enchiridion takes the point of view that the true name of God the Creator is, in a sense, ineffable; the Elijah Hierarchy members have concluded that the true name of God literally can’t be spoken by the physical body. They believe that the sacred name of God can only be spoken by the immortal spiritual body and can only be heard by the spiritual body itself.
Consider this–sound waves are vibrations which move through the air which surrounds us, and that is their limitation. The atmosphere is a limited medium for vibrations. The vocal cords of the physical body have a limited range of vibrations they can produce; the ear-drums, as well, can only receive a limited range of vibrations. Dogs can hear sounds that humans can’t, and there are also vibrations which transcend the dogs’ range. But there are also vibratory energies which transcend the vibratory limits of the sound waves which pass through the air. There is a theory of physics called String Theory which is based on the notion that the most fundamental building blocks of the universe aren’t atoms or even quantum particles but rather unmeasurably small vibrating strings. Whether or not that theory is true, the spiritual body does operates on the level of vibratory energy that is much more subtle than those found in sound waves. The Enchiridion takes the point of view that the true name of the Creator has vibratory qualities which transcend the limits of the physical body; but nonetheless, the spiritual body does have the ability to pronounce the true name of the Creator and the spiritual body can hear the true name of the Creator.
For the Psychic Adept, the physical body is in concordance with the spiritual body; however, for the typical mundane, the physical body is discordant with the spiritual body. Only through the concordance of the physical body with the spiritual body can the name of the Creator be spoken by the Psychic Adept. When the physical body is concordant with the spiritual body, and a name for the Creator is spoken by the physical body, then the sacred name of God the Creator will automatically be spoken by the spiritual body at the exact same time. This is the synchronized speaking of the name of Creator by both the physical body and the spiritual body. However, when the spiritual body and physical body are discordant, the speaking of the name of the Creator by the physical body does not evoke this response on the part of the spiritual body. It’s important to remember that you choose to incarnate in a physical body for the purpose of love. It’s through your most loving emotions that your physical body connects with your spiritual body. Therefore the physical pronunciation of the name of God the Creator is important. It must be pronounced with the sincerity and deep faith which comes with spiritual awareness.
The Enchiridion doesn’t demand that you believe in any religion or that you only use one special name for the Creator; however, it would be a mistake to use some silly name in evoking your awareness of the Creator. The word that you use to physically speak the name of the Creator is known, in The Enchiridion, as a “Counterpart Name.” The Counterpart Name that you choose to use to evoke your awareness of the Creator must be selected with a somber attitude. If you are a faithful member of a religion, then whatever name your faith uses for God would probably be appropriate. If you aren’t religious, you must choose a Counterpart Name which speaks to you emotionally–perhaps in some poetic way. Although the physical body can’t actually say the name of the one true source of all creation, the manner in which you physically say the name of the Creator does matter. In evoking your awareness of the Creator, you must achieve an appropriate attitude. When you speak a Counterpart Name with your physical body during a moment when you feel reverent, your Spiritual Body will automatically respond by speaking the true, spiritual name of the Creator. Therefore the Counterpart Name that you choose should be one that you can speak with reverence.
Note: I am aware that some students will easily grasp this concept while others will struggle with it. If you can’t distinguish the difference between your identity as a spiritual body and your perception of yourself as a physical body, none of this will make sense. In such a case, contemplate the definition of the word “spiritual body” found below in the Word List.
The Enchiridion recognizes that there are a number of different Counterpart Names that may be used in the physical pronunciation of a name for the Creator. However, no word that can be spoken by the physical body is the actual name of the Creator. The actual name of the Creator is purely spiritual, so that any Counterpart Name you speak out loud is merely the physical counterpart for the true name of the Creator. It’s your intention in speaking the Counterpart Name which is important. It must be spoken with reverence. The Counterpart Name you choose to speak out loud may be determined by your personal religious background or your individualistic belief system.
Your choice of a Counterpart Name is critical. Certain names should never be used in prayer because they invoke negative consequences; these are names for evil deities such as Satan, Baal, Lucifer, Asherah, Kronos, or the names of demons. If you were to experiment with using evil names in ritualistic invocations, I assure you that the ultimate results of such occultic experiments would be harmful to yourself and others. I have personally known some persons who have experimented with invoking invisible spirits using such names and the results of this were tragic. This isn’t because the names have some magical quality to them–they are just spoken words–sound vibrations in the air. But in spiritual practices everything is governed by intention. If you use names that are associated with evil, then you are consciously or subconsciously intending evil. And if you intend evil, you open yourself up to negative psychic influences.
Misunderstanding the root meaning of a word can create problems in choosing a Counterpart Name. Consider the name Kali. If you are a person brought up in a Hindu culture, you might be able to use the name Kali with positive results. Kali is a goddess of destruction. From a certain philosophical point of view held by some Hindus–Kali would be the destroyer of all illusion so that ultimate divine reality can be revealed. However, Kali is generally depicted in a demonic way. She wears a necklace of skulls and dances on a corpse. A non-Hindu couldn’t help but to interpret her image in a negative way. Only a person adept in Hinduism might be able to invoke her name with positive results. For most other persons, invoking her name would yield negative results. The point being made here is that any Counterpart Name you choose should be throughly understood by you.
The think-tank researchers who first came up with this Ethical Psychic Tech were Christians; however, they remained open-minded in allowing each novice to choose a personal Counterpart Name. There are a wide variety of Counterpart Names which are allowed for within the Elijah Hierarchy. However, one clique of members have become the most powerful Psychic Adepts within the Hierarchy. Within this clique, after a great deal of experimentation, they came up with three names for God which when physically pronounced together tend to create, for them, a strong spiritual response. The Counterpart Name which the members of this clique use in prayer is this: “Yeshua Yawheh Shekinah.”
The Bible begins with the Book of Genesis, and the primary quality attributed to God in Christianity is that God is the Creator. However, Christians are not the only ones who have psychic abilities. There are persons of other faiths who have psychic abilities and there are atheists who have psychic abilities. But those persons who express strong psychic powers tend to believe in the Creator.
If your religious viewpoint is one in which you are grateful for life, you can attune to the Creator in a positive way; if you tend toward atheism, but you feel grateful for life, you can attune to the Creator in a positive way–so long as you can conceive of a Creator. An atheist might conceive of the Creator as a force of nature. A physicist might think of the subatomic aspects of the Cosmos as the source of the creation of the material universe. There are many different ways to conceptualize the Creator, and how you do this is personal. For practical purposes, the Creator may be thought of as a spiritual focus point for your gratitude.
Having said all that, I have to say that it’s my experience that those psychics who demonstrate the highest level of power tend to believe certain things about the Creator. Most Psychic Adepts have the attitude that the Creator is invisible, present everywhere, all knowing, and the source of all power. An atheist might think of the Creator as a universal energy field. But such an energy field sounds very similar in description to what theologians call God. Once you’ve attained clairvoyance it’s hard to ignore the spiritual presence of the Creator. And this epiphany in which one realizes the existence of the Creator is similar to a religious experience, even if one remains somewhat atheistic.
Nevertheless, the Elijah Hierarchy did at one time recruit a few talented people who as novices didn’t believe in God. However, those who started their training as atheists came to believe in some type of spiritual higher power as their psychic abilities developed. Also most members of the Hierarchy who started off as traditional Christians tended to modify their conception of God because they had to let go of dogmatic religious thinking as their powers increased. They came to believe that God is the consciousness and intelligence of the Cosmos. And the atheists who started out believing that the Cosmos itself doesn’t contain the traits of consciousness and intelligence came to change their minds about that. With psychic training, the atheists and traditional Christians tended to evolve similar attitudes.
Although the Elijah Hierarchy members are not in complete agreement about all philosophical matters, both the atheists and the religious believers tend to view the Cosmos in a similar way. You can say that there is no God, but that the Cosmos is conscious and intelligent; or you can say that God is the intelligence and consciousness of the Cosmos. The rigid theology of either skeptical atheism or religious dogma tends to shatter in the wake of psychic development. Therefore training in The Enchiridion doesn’t exclude atheists, but any such psychic atheists must be open-minded enough to become aware that we exist in a living universe.
I suggest that, after you finish studying this lesson, you take a moment to pick a Counterpart Name to use in evoking your awareness of the Creator. This can be anything which feels right to you. You don’t have to stick with this name, with psychic training you may change the Counterpart Name you use. After all, a Counterpart Name isn’t the true, spiritual name for the Creator; the true spiritual name for the Creator is itself eternally unchangeable. But it’s necessary in psychic training to have a Counterpart Name which your mortal physical body can speak ritualistically.
I have been told that there is an eternal language which only the spiritual body speaks and understands. Although my personal psychic abilities are limited when compared with my trainers, it has also been my experience that this eternal spiritual language does exist. All corporeal languages which can be spoken by a physical body are only reflections of this one eternal language. This transcendental language is spoken only by the spiritual body, the angels, and by the Creator. The Counterpart Name which you physically speak to invoke your connection with the Creator should be an aesthetic reflection of this eternal spiritual name of the Creator.
Nevertheless, the primary attunement to the Creator is not one in which you figure out a Counterpart Name for the Creator; the primary attunement is in expressing gratitude to the Creator. Once you have attuned yourself to the Creator through gratitude, you can say a Counterpart Name to evoke your harmonic connection with the Creator. It’s through this harmonic connection with the Creator that your spiritual body and physical body become concordant with one another. It’s in doing this that you are able to gain access to the highest levels of psychic power.
Among the Elijah Hierarchy there are a number of ways that a Psychic Adept might say a Counterpart Name for the Creator. A novice in training is encouraged to experiment with different ways of saying a chosen Counterpart Name. This is done until the novice finds something which works for him or her. The novice is encouraged to experiment with different ways of evoking reverent feelings for the Creator by using a Counterpart Name. Whatever method evokes the strongest, positive emotional response is what the Psychic Adept will come to use.
Some religious Psychic Adepts consider that the name of God is too sacred to pronounce out loud with the physical body, so they use this method to say the name of God. They write the letters YHVH onto a piece of paper and then blow gently across the paper. These four letters are known to represent the name Yahweh. This means I am that I am. Another similar method is to draw the four letters (YHVH) onto the palm of one’s hand with one’s finger–then blow across that palm before putting one’s hands together in prayer. Yesuha-Yahweh-Shekhinah became the Counterpart Name used by a clique of the most powerful Psychic Adepts within the Elijah Hierarchy; however, by no means is it the Counterpart Name used by all members. Nevertheless, the clique of members who use this particular Counterpart Name also have an associated visualization. They close their eyes and imagine that they see a man with his arm around a woman who is herself holding an infant in her arms. This is the conception of the Holy Family as God. This is Holy Mother, Holy Father and Holy Child all sharing the same single divine soul. Personally, I also use the same Counterpart Name as do this clique of powerful Elijah Hierarchy members. In using this method–in evoking my connection to the Creator in prayer–I close my eyes, place the palms of my hands together, visualize the Holy Family, and then with reverence say, “Yesuha-Yahweh-Shekhinah.”
However, in choosing a Counterpart Name for the Creator, you must consider your own personal sense of aesthetics. No Counterpart name is better than any other. It’s your subjective sense of aesthetics which matters.
It may seem illogical to say this, but I have come to see that the Second Coming of Christ is as much for non-Christians as for Christians. Sometimes Christians make a mistake in thinking that Christ loves them more than non-Christians. Christ is a liberator, and Christ intends to liberate everyone, even those who don’t believe in Christ. The Second Coming of Christ is a spiritual awakening which may be experienced in different ways by different people. For non-Christians the Second Coming of Christ may be experienced as a widespread paradigm shift in which spiritual awakening displaces materialistic obsession.
All the Elijah Hierarchy members believe in some form of Christianity, but such beliefs vary considerably. Some of the Hierarchy members started off as being Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist. However, as they went from being novices to being Psychic Adepts all of them converted to some form of New Age Christianity. This may be because of peer pressure within the Hierarchy.
However, the Hierarchy members decided that they needed to be more open-minded in how they taught Ethical Psychic Tech to the world through this book. Therefore The Enchiridion doesn’t demand religious conversion of any kind. You may wish to use a Counterpart Name that fits your own religious beliefs, perhaps something like–Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Mother Goddess, Supreme Goddess, or Supreme Being.
I know of Hierarchy members who use traditionally Judeo-Christian Counterpart Names like–Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh, Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Queen of the Angels, or Holy Spirit.
Other Psychic Adepts in the Elijah Hierarchy are less formal in how they evoke the name of the Creator, but nonetheless they do speak the Counterpart Name with reverence. Here are some examples of this type of less religious-sounding Counterpart Names that have been used in this way: Blessed Creator, Almighty Friend, Ancient of Days, Great Architect, Advocate, Mighty One, Comforter, Bright Morning Star, Author of Life, or Wonderful One.
Again, the Counterpart Name that you use for the Creator matters less than your feelings of gratitude for the Creator’s blessings. Ultimately–to what spiritual source do you feel grateful? However, you answer that question could be how you personally define the Creator. But if you don’t believe that a Creator exists or if you resent the Creator, you won’t be able to effectively develop your psychic abilities and therefore you’re wasting your time in reading this text.
Training Practice Two:
Part One: The primary attunement to the Creator is through gratitude; the following drill is based upon this principle. Here you will create a gratitude-list. What you will do in this exercise is this–you will write down a long list of things you feel grateful for, and when you are done writing–you will read that list out loud. Whatever way that you phrase the wording of this gratitude-list is acceptable as long as it is written with sincerity.
The theme of the list, in general terms, might be something like this: “I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for my loved ones. I am grateful for my physical health. I am grateful for my prosperity. I am grateful for my abilities. I am grateful for my possessions. I am grateful for this world.”
The longer the list is the better. And the more specific and detailed it is the better as well. You might write down things like–“I am grateful for my dog. I am grateful for my bicycle.”
But don’t just list material objects. You might write things like–“I am grateful for my intellect. I am grateful for my loving feelings for my friends.”
You can read this list out loud when you are alone, or you can read it out loud to an understanding friend or study partner. However, before you read this gratitude-list out loud, evoke your awareness of the Creator by reverently speaking the Counterpart Name you’ve chosen. In this way you will be reading your gratitude list to the Creator. You should know that this reading of a gratitude-list to the Creator is a type of spiritual ritual.
Ethical Psychic Tech primarily consists of three things–training practices, spiritual rituals, and spiritual insights. Some of the training practices are themselves spiritual rituals. Attunements are necessary to these spiritual rituals. To attune yourself to something is to bring yourself into harmony with something. Gratitude for life is the way to attune yourself to the Creator. However, disharmony with the Creator distorts all psychic abilities. Therefore I suggest that you perform this spiritual ritual now before you go on with this text.
Note: The Part One of this training practice (which you have just completed) is to be done only once. However Parts Two and Three of this training practice should be done on an ongoing basis; do these exercises for as long as you are training yourself to go from being a novice to being a Psychic Adept.
It’s important at this time in your studies that I clarify this point–as mentioned before, you become a Psychic Adept once you have mastered the First Section of The Enchiridion. Nobody else declares you to be a Psychic Adept, it’s something you come to realize for yourself. Different Psychic Adepts have different levels of power and different skills. When you reach a level of power and skill where you know that you have regained control over your life, you then realize that you are a Psychic Adept. Your power and skill may increase even after you have had this basic awakening. And you achieve this basic awakening by studying (and possibly restudying) the First Section of The Enchiridion.
If you feel you haven’t gotten what you need to from the study of the First Section you may wish to restudy its lessons. Once you’ve learned all you can from these lessons, you may choose to continue to use the training practices. At some point you’ll realize that you’ve become a Psychic Adept, and then you’ll have the option of moving on to the Second Section of The Enchiridion.
Different novices evolve different levels of psychic power and different forms of psychic talent. The time it takes to go from novice to Psychic Adept varies from individual to individual. Clairvoyant talents will emerge in a natural way as you use the training practices. Don’t set specific goals, just let your unique clairvoyance emerge naturally.
Don’t be in a hurry, it’s better to enjoy the natural emergence of clairvoyance. Then one day it will happen that you decide on one of two paths; you may decide to stop your psychic training and just enjoy the new abilities that you’ve gained, or you may feel a need to start studying the Second Section. Don’t push yourself to make this decision. Which ever of these two choices you pick is the right decision. Trust what your feelings tell you. But once you’ve made that decision, either way, you’ve become a Psychic Adept.
I mention this point now because becoming a Psychic Adept is directly related to gratitude. The epiphany which is achieved when a novice turns into an Adept is one of overwhelming gratitude. It’s this conscious shift in your relationship with the Creator which makes you an Adept. You must feel grateful to the Creator for your psychic powers. Ultimately this feeling of gratitude will create an exponential expansion of psychic ability.
Clairvoyance means clear seeing. When you view the world with an attitude of ingratitude, then you aren’t seeing the world clearly. When you view the world with an attitude of gratitude, then you are seeing the world clearly–as the Creator intends you to. This is why performing training exercises which reinforce your feelings of gratitude are essential to psychic training.
Part Two: Begin a journal in which you describe in detail your memory of a happy episode in your life. Episodic memory is a memory of an event which you have experienced in the real world. In this drill you will recall an episodic memory of a happy event for which you feel grateful. You will then systematically write down everything you can easily recall about that event.
In writing in this journal, ask yourself these questions: What was the time or date of this episode which I am recalling? What are the sensory perceptions contained in this memory? What did I see, touch, taste, smell, and hear? What is my recall of my physical actions in this episodic memory? What is my recall of other people in this episodic memory? What made this event a happy one? What makes me feel grateful for this experience?
Example: “I recall a time I went on a picnic with my family. It was during spring break in 1975. We went to Forest Park in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. We got there about one o’clock in the afternoon and left a couple of hours later. It was a fun experience and everyone was happy. My father and mother were there as well as my sister and a friend of mine from the neighborhood. We sat at the Pavilion and ate our lunch. I remember the smell of fried chicken. I recall the taste of coleslaw. I recall my mother’s laughter. I recall the feeling of warmth from the sun and how I felt cooler in the shade. I remember the smell of my father’s pipe tobacco when he smoked after we ate. I remember the green of the grass on the hill. I recall seeing children playing in the fountain. My friend and I threw a frisbee back and forth. I recall the feeling of running as we did this. I recall a playful dog running around trying to catch the frisbee. I remember the sound of his barking. I feel grateful for this memory because it was a time when I was with people I cared about and I felt happy. I thank God that I’ve been allowed to have such happy experiences in my life.”
While you are still a novice in training, try doing this drill once everyday. Each day, recall a happy experience from your past and write down your analysis of your memory of that experience. You can allow your study partner to read what you write, but you don’t have to. Don’t censor yourself, don’t judge your own happiness or contentment. Whatever happy experience you choose to write about is OK. However, whatever it is that you write down, express gratitude to the Creator for having allowed you to have this experience.
Part Three: Begin a daily practice of writing a gratitude diary in which you list those experiences you have had that day for which you feel grateful. At the end of each day, think back upon the day and recall everything you experienced for which you are grateful. Do not, do not, do not write down anything for which you are ungrateful. Never expressed ingratitude to the Creator. Quickly and succinctly make a list of each thing for which you are grateful. After making this list, evoke your awareness of the Creator by reverently speaking the Counterpart Name. Then read the list, giving thanks to the Creator.
At the end of each week, read over the seven daily lists for that week and thank the Creator. Do this review every week during the time you are developing your psychic abilities. You will do parts Two and Three of this training exercise on an ongoing basis until you have become certain that you are a Psychic Adept.
Word List
attunement: noun, in The Enchiridion, this refers to the act of psychically connecting to another person or entity. This would also refer to the rituals or affirmations which help you to make such a connection. Commentary: If you tune a radio to a radio signal, you are selecting a specific frequency which will allow the radio station to broadcast through your radio to you. Think of tuning the radio as an analogy. What we are suggesting is that you can become mentally attuned to God–or if you prefer–the creative aspect of the Cosmos. The way that you attune your mind to the Creator is with feelings of gratitude for life. Once you’ve learned to attune your mind to the Creator, you can attune your mind to other people who believe in the Creator, and you can attune your mind to the angels.
Creator: noun, source of all creation that has manifested the material universe. For the purposes of The Enchiridion, this may be thought of as an entity such as God; or it may be thought of as a natural phenomenon, such as the creative aspect of the Cosmos itself. The Creator may even be thought of as the cycles of nature. Commentary: Defining the Creator is not a intellectual exercise; this is about what you feel. Do you feel grateful to be alive? If you can say “yes” to that, then all you have to do is to realize that life is a gift. However you conceptualize the giver of that gift is the Creator. There is something else that you will realize in developing your psychic powers; at some point it will become obvious to you that the Cosmos is conscious and intelligent. These qualities of cosmic consciousness and intelligence may be thought of as God, or conceived in some non-religious way. The point which you must understand is that your feeling gratitude to the Creator must be personal.
demiurge: noun, A derogatory name for the Creator of the world which is found in some ancient belief systems; this type of belief states that the Creator of the world is evil and that the material world is a trap of some kind–which by the way it is not.
evoke: verb, the act of bringing something forth from inside yourself.
invoke: verb, the act of calling something forth–usually something outside of yourself such as a calling forth of an angel. However, the terms evoke and invoke are essentially interchangeable; both of them refer to bringing something forth.
God: noun, some theologians would define God as the Creator of all existence who is all knowing, all powerful, all good, and present everywhere at all times. Nevertheless, theological definitions aren’t necessary to training in The Enchiridion; it might be enough if you just think of God as your spiritual higher power. To what spiritual force are you grateful? To whom do you pray?
Yeshua: noun, the name of the Messiah. In Hebrew it means God is Salvation. It was the name of the historical Jesus. It is a name for the redeeming aspect of the Creator.
Yahweh: noun, in Hebrew it means I am that I am. It refers to the all powerful God of creation.
Shekinah: noun, in Hebrew it referred to the dwelling of the Divine Presence in the Temple. It can be used as a name for the local Presence of God.
spiritual body: noun, in The Enchiridion, this is defined as the incorporeal body created by the psyche. Your spiritual body is your psyche’s conception of self. Simply put, if the psyche can be thought of as having a form, the spiritual body is that form. Commentary: The members of the Elijah Hierarchy have become so adept at remote viewing that they have been able to accurately observe the reality of other worlds in other star systems. They have the means to psychically observe the process by which a spiritual body reincarnates after death. They have come to these conclusions based on such research. After the death of your physical body your spiritual body will continue to exist. Your spiritual body will reconnect with a new physical body on this or some other world. If you are in discordance with the Creator when you die you will reincarnate into unfavorable circumstances. If you are in harmonic concordance with the Creator when you die, you will reincarnate under favorable circumstances when you die. If you are in perfect harmonic concordance with the Creator when you die, you will reincarnate into Heaven. This is a paradise world where the advanced technology for physical immortality exists. So once you incarnate into Heaven, you will become freed from the cycle of death, birth, and reincarnation. But sometimes a psyche is traumatized by life and resists the process of reincarnation. When a spiritual body refuses to move on to its next incarnation it may became a ghost for a time; but this is an undesirable condition, and most ghosts do eventually move on of their own accord.
LESSON THREE: The Theology of Having a Good Heart
In the future, psychic technologies will tend to displace theology. Ethical Psychic Tech is only one of many psychic technology systems that will develop in this new era of civilization created by the sciences. But any psychic technology without empathic love is destructive to both the individual and society.
In the first place you must appreciate the difference between real science and scientism. Much of what passes as science is merely scientism. For the purposes of The Enchiridion, science refers to the empirical process and the data acquired from it; scientism is merely the opinions of persons who have identified themselves as being scientific. In other words, scientism is the unproven opinions of prestigious scientists–science itself is verifiable facts created by the empirical process.
The empirical process is the method of creating reliable facts based on precise observation and verification. The collection of these reliable facts becomes the basis of science. The application of scientific data becomes the basis of technology.
But you have to appreciate that there is a difference between truth and data. Truth transcends the limits of science because science is confined to logic. Truth requires the interplay of logic and intuition. Those who have sought to apprehend the truth of anything with pure logic have always failed. The human mind just doesn’t work that way. There was a scientist named Kurt Godel who was fascinated with logic; however he eventually developed theorems which proved the futility of searching for pure logic. Even common sense should tell you that human beings figure out the truth of things by using both logic and intuition.
But there have always been dishonest scientists who pretend that, because they are scientists, any idea they believe to be true must therefore be accepted as science. However, the intuition of a scientist is no better than the intuition of a non-scientist. Furthermore, contemporary training in the university system tends to suppress intuitive abilities so that the intuition of the average university-trained scientist is stunted. Therefore the opinions of scientists are often less scientifically valid than what they might suppose. In contemporary society, certain scientists set themselves up as authority figures in the minds of the public so that any opinion they express, no matter how wrong-minded, is nonetheless confused for real science. This is mere scientism.
Many of the devotees of the cult of scientism deny the truth of psychic ability in the name of skepticism. Contemporary scientists in the university system tend deny the validity of psychic ability because they have been covertly brainwashed by the educational system. The university system does teach people useful skills, but at the same time it programs them to deny certain truths. Contemporary scientific education is not the noble pursuit of truth that it pretends to be. It’s really more of a system for training future corporate employees. You must learn to ignore this contemporary cult of scientism if you are to become a Psychic Adept.
A psychic is someone whose core identity is the spiritual body itself. A Psychic Adept is a self actualized human being who is fully attuned to his or her spiritual body.
The psyche is the unity of soul and mind. The spiritual body is the invisible form which the psyche takes. In The Enchiridion, the soul is defined as the immortal viewpoint of individual consciousness. The mind is defined as subjective thoughts and emotions; the mind is the means through which the soul observes reality. When the physical body takes in information about the environment through the sensory organs, the mind is what processes this sensory information so that it can be apprehended by the soul’s awareness. The mind takes sensory information and organizes it into a virtual-reality model of the environment. And the soul is the focus of consciousness which experiences this virtual-reality created by the mind. Sensory perception is a process by which the body gathers sensory data, the mind organizes that data into a comprehensible model of reality, and the soul experiences that model of reality.
The mind has two aspects, there is the incorporeal mind of the spiritual body and the corporeal mind of the physical body; this corporeal mind is the brain’s functions. The brain is an organic mechanism which operates on the basis of electrochemical interactions. The brain represents the mortal aspect of the mind, but the mind itself has aspects that transcend the brain. The transcendental aspect of an individual’s mind is a personal energy field which interacts with the physical body through the brain and nervous system. This personal energy field is the mental aspect of the psyche; and it’s generated by the focus of consciousness arising from the soul.
So a basic maxim of The Enchiridion is that consciousness creates mind, and that mind directs the flesh. This truth is in opposition to the belief system of scientism which falsely assumes that the brain generates consciousness as some type of byproduct of neural activity. The truth is that the brain is the byproduct of consciousness. As does all other material forms, the physical body emerges from cosmic consciousness. The soul manifests the consciousness which creates the mind. It’s through this incorporeal mind’s interactions with the brain that the soul operates the physical body.
The self is made up of soul, mind, and physical body. To be a Psychic Adept isn’t to deny the flesh, but to put the physical body into its proper perspective as it relates to the spiritual body. There is a shift in identity that takes place as a novice evolves into a Psychic Adept. The mundane individual identifies with the physical body, the Psychic Adept has the experience of knowing that he or she is the spiritual body which operates the physical body. During training, the typical novice starts off feeling that he or she is a physical body; but the Psychic Adept ends up knowing, through experience, that he or she is a spiritual body.
Although your spiritual body is using the physical body for the purposes of sensory perception and physical action, your spiritual body can directly perceive reality without the physical body’s help. Sensory perception is necessary in operating the physical body, but the spiritual body has every form of perception the physical body has as well as having other forms of perception. When you learn to consciously use your spiritual body to directly perceive reality you become capable of extrasensory perception.
Someday your physical body will die, but your spiritual body will continue to exist. If you were to learn the methods for doing this, you could recall your previous incarnations. The transcendental, incorporeal aspect of your mind records everything which has happened in this lifetime, just as it did in your previous incarnations. Your spiritual body existed before the birth of your physical body, as it will exist after the death of your physical body. As a spiritual body, you have had other physical bodies in your previous incarnations. After the death of your present physical body, you will eventually reincarnate into a new physical body. This will happen whether or not you actually believe in reincarnation. Your physical body is part of who you are now, but at the core of your being–you are your spiritual body.
You have co-created your present-time physical body through the choices you have made in your past lives. As an immortal spiritual body, you are involved in a process of spiritual development which takes place over many thousands of years and many incarnations. Actions you have taken in previous incarnations have helped to create the physical body and environment in which you now find yourself. Of course, the Creator has directed the creation of your present physical body, and the Creator has acted through the natural processes of the material universe in doing this. But the Creator respects the gift of free will that each individual possesses; thus the Creator works in cooperation with the free will of the spiritual body in developing a physical body for the purpose of incarnation. So although other factors are involved in the creation of your physical body, the most important factor is the choices you’ve made in the past; these critical choices were made during your past lives as well as during the interim period between your last incarnation and your present one.
As a spiritual being, you must take responsibility for what you have co-created. You are responsible for your present physical body. But you mustn’t confuse your immortal spiritual identity with your present physical incarnation. It’s a mundane belief system which asserts that the physical body is the self. The mundanes foolishly believe that they are their physical bodies. A Psychic Adept knows that he or she is a spiritual body which is manifesting through a physical body as an expression of self.
A human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm which is the Cosmos. You are a human being, but at your spiritual core, you are a psyche. In The Enchiridion, the Creator is a title for the supreme being who originated the material universe. The natural laws which govern the material universe were intentional. The material universe isn’t some type of cosmic accident; it was and is deliberately created with intelligence by a conscious being. You are a spiritual child of the cosmic Creator, and you are the creator of your own life.
When you focus in on the fact that you are your spiritual body, you realize that as a spiritual being, you have an eternal relationship with the Creator. You are to your physical body what the Creator is to the material universe. At a foundational level of the Cosmos are fields of subatomic forces which manifest qualities of consciousness and intelligence out of which the material universe emerges. Another way of saying this is that the Creator is the spiritual and mental aspects of the entire Cosmos. It’s from these spiritual and mental aspects of the Cosmos that the material universe is created. A human being is defined as the unity of soul, mind, and physical body. The immortal psyche, which is the soul and transcendental mind, plays a role in manifesting the physical body. As you look at your own body consider that it’s the tangible expression of karma that has been created over many incarnations.
Karma tangibly manifests from mental forces created by the actions of an individual. These actions arise from intention, and mental intention creates a type of energetic force. This mental energetic force is subtle and invisible–yet its consequences are tangible. Karma results as an expression of mental energetic force acting subtlety over time. Karma is a process that manifests in complex ways over numerous incarnations. It isn’t a system of punishment and reward, it’s a learning mechanism. Think of it this way–as an immortal spiritual body, what you desire above all else is to learn. Your present physical body is the optimum vehicle for learning those spiritual lessons you most need to learn.
Meditate upon the idea that as a human being you are a microcosm of the macrocosm. Just as you have a soul which is the well spring of your consciousness, the Cosmos has a Universal Spirit–this is a universal field of subatomic forces which manifests the consciousness that is the basis for all quantum effects. Just as you have a mind, the Cosmos has a Universal Mind which translates the Universal Spirit into the quantum mechanics necessary to atomic structure; these atoms form the molecules that make up the material universe. The human soul manifests the human mind which operates the physical body. The Universal Spirit manifests the Universal Mind which forms the material universe. A human being is defined as the unity of soul, mind, and physical body; in this same sense, the Cosmos could be defined as the unity of Universal Spirit, Universal Mind, and material universe.
Prayer is the act of attuning yourself with the Creator. There is a single wellspring for all creation. The Creator is one. The Creator is the Universal Spirit and the Universal Mind acting together; the Creator manifests the material universe. The psyche is the soul and mind acting together; the psyche itself helps to manifest the physical body via the mechanism of karma which acts in synchrony with the will of the Creator. Although your body’s creation took place through the natural laws which govern the material universe, your karmic forces influenced those natural processes. Furthermore, the manifestation of your present life is the result of the relationship of your immortal psyche with the Creator. When, as a Psychic Adept, you say a silent prayer to the Creator in your mind, you are a microcosm communicating with the Macrocosm.
Therefore as a Psychic Adept, you must have some reliable way of conceptualizing the Creator. Your relationship with the Creator is a personal relationship, therefore how you choose to conceptualize and speak about the Creator must also be personal. From the point of view of The Enchiridion, any way that you choose to conceptualize the Creator is acceptable so long as it’s sincere and loving.
It was the intention of the Elijah Hierarchy that The Enchiridion be as inclusive as possible. If your conceptualization of the Creator is both non-religious and non-anthropomorphic, you may tend in the direction of thinking of yourself as an atheist because most religions have some anthropomorphic conceptualization of God. That is, for most religions, God is thought of as a person such as God the Father, the Mother Goddess, or the Divine Child. These all suggest different ways of relating to a single God. And as well as monotheism there is also polytheism–which conceives of a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Polytheism isn’t necessarily the opposite of monotheism. Although there is only one Creator, that one Creator may be conceived of in many different ways. Monotheism demands a single conception of the Creator. Some forms of polytheism may allow for multiple conceptions of the one Creator. Yet it’s hard to reconcile monotheism with polytheism or either of these with atheism. The history of the world shows that many wars have been fought over these theological disagreements. However, as a Psychic Adept, you have to realize that theology can be like a maze. You can easily wander into false paths that lead nowhere by allowing yourself to be drawn into unprovable theological arguments.
This is how the Psychic Adept escapes this theological maze. There is only one theology which matters and that is the theology of having a good heart. In order to develop psychic abilities it doesn’t matter if you’re religious or non-religious. If you are religious, as a Psychic Adept, it doesn’t matter if your religion is polytheistic or monotheistic. The only theology that matters is having a good heart.
Do you love yourself? Do you love humanity? Do you love life? Do you love the Creator? If you can answer “yes” to those four questions–then your theology is the theology of having a good heart, and in order to be a Psychic Adept, that’s all you need.
The Enchiridion puts aside unprovable theological arguments to concentrate on what is necessary for the development of psychic abilities; so it’s for practical reasons that The Enchiridion conceives of the one Creator as having three relational aspects. These aspects are–the transcendental aspect of the Creator, the redeeming aspect of the Creator, and the local presence of the Creator. This would be the Holy Trinity used by a Psychic Adept.
The original think-tank for psychic research which would evolve into the Elijah Hierarchy was made up of Christians, but it had a very open-minded idea of Christianity. There was no one branch of Christianity which dominated the group. Some of the members either converted to Christianity from another faith or in some way came to integrate basic Christian ideals into their own philosophy. Some of the Christians were actually Jewish, but they believed that Yesuha was the unacknowledged Messiah of Judaism. Some of the Christians were open-minded Muslims who believed in the validity of some of the teachings of Jesus, whom they saw as a being a prophet of God similar to Mohammed. Some members started out as open-minded atheists who, although they rejected the idea of God and the miraculous events described in scripture, nonetheless had some respect for the Bible; these atheists believed in Christianity’s message of love and found value in some of the moral teachings of the Bible. Furthermore, although most members of this original think-tank tended to be monotheistic, not all of them were; those believing in polytheism conceded that there was a single source of all creation, but they believed that the divinity of this source might be expressed to humanity through a multitude of deities; yet these polytheists saw Jesus Christ as a revered spiritual teacher. All of these differing points of view would eventually become mediated by the experience of psychic ability. Ultimately, for each individual member of this group, his or her identity as a Psychic Adept became more important than any of their original theological beliefs. So in my conversations with the Hierarchy, what was described to me was a type of New Age Christianity based on psychic awakening.
A powerful clique of Psychic Adepts within the Elijah Hierarchy has evolved a similar point of view; for them, their Holy Trinity is Yeshua, Yahweh, and Shekinah. [Yahweh = transcendental source. Yeshua = redeemer. Shekhinah = presence.] For these Hierarchy members there is an anthropomorphic visualization for God–Yahweh is the Holy Father, Yeshua is the Holy Child, and Shekinah is the Holy Mother. Together they may be conceived as God the Holy Family. This anthropomorphic visualization is successfully used by some very powerful Psychic Adepts.
However, every member of the Elijah Hierarchy is unique in his or her beliefs. For example, some Hierarchy members don’t use any anthropomorphic visualization for the Creator. And there are actually many different ways in which different Psychic Adepts within the Hierarchy evoke their awareness of the Creator. Some Hierarchy members use the name “Allah” as their Counterpart Name. Although there are different cliques within the Hierarchy, all of them recognize that every Psychic Adept must find his or her own personal way to conceive of the Creator.
The transcendental aspect of the Creator is the recognition that the Creator transcends you–that is that the Creator has greater creative power than your own. It does require some humility to realize this, but that humility is necessary.
Also at times, everyone goes out of harmony with the Creator. We all feel ingratitude for life at times. We all make mistakes at times. When that happens to you as an individual, you must have faith in the grace of the Creator to forgive your disharmony and return you to harmony again. That is the redeeming aspect of the Creator. And this redeeming aspect of the Creator can assist you in erasing negative karma.
Ultimately, you must realize that the spiritual presence of the Creator is always with you whether you are conscious of this spiritual presence or not. This is the local or personal presence of the Creator. This means that the Universal Mind always knows where you are and what you are experiencing, and it means that the Universal Spirit is always conscious of you. In other words, the Creator is aware of you as a person and the Creator knows you completely as a person. Your relationship with the Creator is personal. This is true even for persons who aren’t aware of the Creator or who deny the Creator’s existence. And in fact you are an aspect of the Creator. The Creator is part of who you are. The Creator is within you and surrounding you always. When you worship the Creator you are also worshipping that aspect of yourself which is most spiritual. Worship of the Creator is self actualizing.
You will only be able to fully realize your own creative powers as a Psychic Adept when you can express gratitude to the one Creator as manifested in these three relational aspects: Transcendental Creator, Redeeming Creator, and Local Presence of the Creator. You attune your mind to the Transcendental Creator through gratitude; you accept the grace of the Redeeming Creator to overcome any disharmony you experience in your relationship with the Creator; and you feel the Local Presence of the Creator during psychic experiences. This is how you, as a microcosm, have a spiritual relationship with the Macrocosm. One of the most important maxims of Ethical Psychic Tech is that when the microcosm is in harmonic concordance with the Macrocosm, psychic abilities become emergent.
Training Practice Three:
As a practical matter, as a Psychic Adept you must be able to define the Creator to yourself using words, visualizations, and/or symbols. So this process of defining the Creator for yourself will be the exercise for this lesson. Take out a piece of paper. On this piece of paper use words, drawings, and/or symbols to depict your personal conceptualization of the Creator. As you develop increasing psychic abilities, your conceptualization of the Creator may evolve. So you may wish to do this practice periodically during your training.
Consider the three relational aspects of the Creator–these are: Transcendental, Redeemer, and Local Presence. As a Psychic Adept your relationship with the Creator is important–you must be able to clearly define the Creator in your own mind. So be somber as you do this. Once you have completed this learning exercise, you may even take this piece of paper, frame it, and hang it on a wall. However, this piece of paper should not become a graven image. You should only worship the Creator in spirit. And in worshipping the Creator you must realize that you are not separate from the Creator, you are an aspect of the Creator. You are not worshipping something separate from yourself, you are worshipping something intrinsically expressed within yourself as a part of your own being. In your relationship with the Creator you have access to unlimited power and knowledge. Therefore realize that it’s not the piece of paper that has power–it’s your personal relationship with the Creator which has power. And as a Psychic Adept, you will come to realize how great that power is.
Word List
karmic: adjective, karma, noun: from Sanskrit for the fate caused by ones actions. Commentary: There are those who, for philosophical reasons, may deny the Law of Karma. We feel that if you do enough psychic research you will eventually come to believe in karma. However, a belief in karma is not essential to the development of basic psychic abilities. Karma as described here may be thought of as a mechanism by which the Cosmos helps to teach us to have good hearts. So with that in mind, consider these ideas. Karma is a mental force created by the actions and intentions of an individual; this mental force influences the Universal Mind to create reciprocal actions which impact the individual at a future time. This is a spiritual process which compels the immortal spiritual being in the direction of creating a personality which feels compassion for all sentient beings. For example, if you steal something of value from someone else for whom you feel no empathy, in a future time, in this or some subsequent incarnation, you will experience what it feels like to have something of value stolen from you–thus you will learn to feel empathy for the victim of your theft. Although you might not consciously choose to be the victim of theft, the psyche has a relationship with the Universal Mind. The subconscious impulses of the psyche and the influence of the Universal Mind upon the world will work together to arrange for you to be the victim of an empathy-causing experience. Many people seem to feel that karma is a punishment for wrong behavior, but that’s not really the case. You might say that when you deliberately hurt others you create bad karma for yourself, and when you deliberately help others you create good karma for yourself. But karma isn’t a system of rewards and punishments. If you do things to help others, you do tend to create experiences in your future where others will in turn help you, but those experiences also cause you to feel greater empathy. We live in an intelligent Cosmos and it has the intention that we evolve as individuals in the direction of compassion and morality. This is why spiritual beings evolve, over many incarnations, toward the direction of greater psychic interconnection. This psychic interconnection results in increasing empathy between people. You can bypass this karmic mechanism at any time by consciously choosing to develop feelings of empathy for all people. However, if you fail to deliberately create feelings of empathy for others, karma is the default cosmic mechanism which imposes empathy-development upon you.Your negative karma, from this and any previous incarnation, can be instantly erased at any time by making a powerfully intentional choice to feel compassion and empathy for others as an immortal lifestyle choice. Your relationship with the redeeming aspect of the Creator can help you to do that.
material universe: noun, this is the matter, energy, and space acting through time which comprises the universe that you can observe with your sensory perceptions. This is the universe which you can touch, taste, smell, hear, and see. The material universe is made up of tangible things such as electromagnetic energy and basic elements. Your physical body is a part of the material universe.
New Age Christianity: noun, this is not a belief system but rather a system for creating the experience of miracles. When Christ began his ministry he did it by creating miracles which caused people to have spiritual experiences. Over time, stories about Christ were written down and became the basis of religious dogma. Wars were fought and many innocent people killed over arguments about Church doctrine. New Age Christianity is not about forcing a doctrine on anyone. New Age Christianity recognizes that human civilization is in a new era. This New Age is really an age of science and technology–but it’s also an age of spiritual awakening. People look to their own spiritual experiences rather than the authority of the Church understand the human condition. Religion is still important, but it’s value is not as a form of government but as an organized way for creating spiritual experiences. In Medieval times the Church was an intrinsic aspect of the governmental social system, and in those days the Church was oppressive. But now we are in a New Age in which it does make sense for government to be secular. But a secular democracy needs a population of voters who are ethical and spiritually awakened. In a sense, New Age Christianity is a form of applied psychology. It uses the poetry and metaphors of the Bible to inspire a healthy way of life. I know of atheists who considered themselves to be New Age Christians; this is because they reject the traditional Christian conception of God but recognize the value of Bible-inspired ethics. In New Age Christianity, ethics is not about obeying a list of memorized rules, it’s about developing the experience of empathy for others and having an attitude of gratitude to the Creator of life.
Local Presence of the Creator: noun, this is the aspect of the Universal Mind which is fully knowledgable of who you are, who you have been in the past, and who you will be in the future. This Presence of the Creator can always be accessed at your local position in the universe, and it always will personally respond to your mental intentions. The Creator is always present everywhere in the universe. The Creator is within you and surrounds you always. During moments of spiritual awareness you can feel the Creator within you and surrounding you. Redeeming Creator: noun, that aspect of the Creator which brings you back into harmony when you have lost harmony with the Creator. For example, in the traditions of the Christian religion, Jesus Christ represents forgiveness for sin by the grace of God. However, your personal conception of this cosmic redemption may or may not be religious. Ask yourself this–when you lose your feeling of love for life, what brings you back to that feeling of love for life? How you answer that question is how you may conceive of the Redeemer. Through your relationship with the Redeemer, your negative karma can be erased. When you learn to accept the Christ Mind of unconditional love for all people your negative karma instantly evaporates.
Transcendental Creator: noun, this is those aspects of the Creator which transcend intellectual comprehension. In contemplating these transcendental aspects one might have mystical feelings of awe and wonder. It’s in these experiences of mystic transcendence that the soul becomes predominant over the intellect. In other words, being aware of the transcendental aspects of the Cosmos creates a mystical experience that evokes positive feelings.
Universal Mind: noun, a universal field of subatomic energy which manifests qualities of cosmic intelligence. This would include the natural laws which govern the material universe; this would also include all knowledge and all mental processes used by the Creator to relate to sentient beings. One aspect of the Universal Mind is the Akashic Records which is a type of memory of all past cosmic events as well as a precognitive knowledge of all future events in the Cosmos.
Akashic Records: noun, the Universal Mind is located in the present moment always–however it has a knowledge of all past events in the universe and a precognitive knowledge of all future events in the universe. A name for this universal field of subatomic energy that comprises the Universal Mind is “Akasha.” This is a Sanskrit word for ether. However, in The Enchiridion, Akasha is defined somewhat differently than in Hinduism. For example, the universe isn’t really made up of ether, air, water, fire, and earth; that conception of the essential elements of the universe is archaic. The Enchiridion defines Akasha as the subatomic field of energy which comprises the Universal Mind. Contained in the Akasha is a cosmic memory of all past universal events and a precognitive knowledge of all future events. As a Psychic Adept, if you can attune your mind to the Universal Mind, you can remotely view information from anywhere in the universe at the present, past, or future time. The Akashic Records is the aspect of the Universal Mind which contains all information about the universe from the present, past, and future.
subatomic: adjective, describes something which has dimensions smaller that that of an atom. Subatomic forces too small to be measured with the instruments of science are the foundational building blocks of the universe.
Universal Spirit: noun, a universal field of subatomic forces which manifest the quality of cosmic consciousness. This is the purely spiritual aspect of the Creator. The Universal Spirit manifests the Universal Mind. The cosmic consciousness of the Universal Spirit inspires the structure and forms which comprise the Universal Mind. Together, the Universal Spirit and the Universal Mind are the Creator. The Universal Spirit is the most essential aspect of the Creator. Essentially the Universal Spirit is unconditional and unlimited spiritual love. In periods of deep meditation you can attune your soul to the Universal Spirit and experience moments of deep bliss and joy.
sentient being: noun, any being which is intelligent to the point of being self aware. This would include all human beings and similar extraterrestrial beings. To varying degrees of intensity, other life forms are also sentient.
LESSON FOUR: The Power of Consciousness
Consciousness is the greatest power in the universe, and it is the foundation of all subatomic energy in the universe. All forms of energy and matter arise from the subatomic level of the universe, formed by the intelligence of the Universal Mind. As well as having a material form, the Cosmos itself manifests the qualities of consciousness and intelligence. This is an epiphany which the most advanced thinkers in Quantum Physics have realized. However, scientists have not always thought this way.
The early scientists, the natural philosophers, like Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton, tended to envision the universe as a giant clockwork machine. The large mechanical clocks, that had become popular in Europe in those days, became a metaphor which they used to describe the entire universe. Over time, this metaphor of the mechanical clock as the universe became more than a mere metaphor, it evolved into a schematic description of the universe–in other words, it became a model for the universe. So in the minds of these early scientists, this mechanical model for reality was born.
Charles Darwin would come along and apply this mechanical model to biology in describing evolution as a mechanical process. In Darwin’s description of evolution there is no place for any consciousness to guide Natural Selection; and for Darwin there was no place for an intelligent-designer of life. Darwin completely embraced the idea that life arose from chemical processes and then proceed to evolve new forms through a mechanical process of Natural Selection. Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection is devoid of any moral authority; according to his theory, the life forms which survive to reproduce themselves do so because of an amoral tendency to be more rigorous or adaptable than other life forms. In the Darwinian world view, all life forms compete with one another in the brutal struggle for survival.
Almost immediately, Darwin’s mechanical process of evolution became the basis of Social Darwinism. This philosophy put forward the idea that the amoral struggle for survival is some type of higher virtue so that all of society should be based on brutal competition. Social Darwinism became the basis for justifying the viewpoint that the strong should exploit the weak. This means that strong nations could justify invading weaker nations and that wealthy persons could justify exploiting the poor. Under various different names, Social Darwinism became a basic world view which the leaders of Western Civilization adopted. So this mechanical model of reality came to dominate the mind set of Western Civilization; and as Western Civilization attempted to colonize the entire world, this mechanical model of reality became the dominant paradigm for the modern world. One materialistic philosopher took this type of thinking so far as to make fun of the idea of the human soul, saying that it was nothing but a ghost in the machine.
However this mechanical model of reality was never anything but a metaphor. And just as a map is not the territory it describes, a metaphor is merely a way of describing reality, it’s not reality itself. Back in the days of Newton, the mechanical clockwork model may have been a good metaphor for the universe. But as science progressed, this metaphor proved to be overly simplistic and inaccurate.
With time, this mechanical model for reality was shattered by the ideas of Albert Einstein and the other scientific pioneers of quantum physics. As they studied the structure and function of the atom, these advanced scientific thinkers came to realize that the classical, mechanical view of reality was not the authentic basis for the universe. Advanced quantum physics indicates a relationship between consciousness and subatomic particles–and thereby atomic structure. Those things that we can see and touch are what we call matter. The atomic building blocks of matter are actually energetic forces. In other words, an atom is a submicroscopic structured field of energies. These energies arise from subatomic forces. At a foundational level of the universe, subatomic forces manifest the qualities of consciousness and intelligence. Therefore consciousness isn’t a unique quality of the human brain, but rather consciousness is an intrinsic aspect of the entire Cosmos. So we are not ghosts trapped in a giant universal machine; we are living beings interacting with living energies within a living Cosmos.
Although Social Darwinism was successful in justifying Western Civilization’s attempted colonization of the world, it has proven to be a morally bankrupted philosophy. It has resulted in a type of deep corruption of society which now threatens to destroy all civilization. The philosophical basis of Social Darwinism was the Darwinian biology of the 1800s. However, modern biology has shown that Darwin’s ideas were presumptuous. He formed his theory of evolution prior to discoveries concerning DNA and the complex functioning of cellular components. Some cellular components have irreducible complexity. What this means is they’re intelligently-designed organic machines which can’t be explained with the theory of Natural Selection. Put simply, Darwin’s theories are limited in what they can explain, and evolution is driven by other factors as well as some influence from Natural Selection.
There are good reasons, based on real science, to believe that there is a higher consciousness guiding the process of evolution and that there is an intelligent-designer of life. Furthermore, it’s wrong to say that life is driven by competition. Although competition does take place between species, it’s the cooperation of symbiotic life forms which most enhances survival. Furthermore, in terms of society, it’s the cooperation of human beings with one another which most strengthens civilization. It’s cooperation, not competition, which is the foremost dynamic which drives evolution–whether that be biological evolution or the evolution of human civilization. Social Darwinism with its endorsement of amorality is nothing but a pseudo-intellectual justification for insanity and criminality.
You must come to fully appreciate the difference between science and scientism. Real science is nothing more than a collection of facts. These facts have been produced through an empirical system. These scientific facts can be used to create useful technologies. But what they can’t really do is to create an accurate model of reality for life or the universe. Science is a useful tool but a poor basis for philosophy. Just because a scientist expresses a belief, does not make that belief into a scientific fact. Scientism is the worship of science as if it were a god. In this distorted view of science, any opinion expressed by a prominent scientist is accepted as if it were a self evident truth. Although it is a fact of science to say that Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection can explain some of the factors involved in the evolution of biological life forms–it’s scientism to say that Darwin’s theory explains all biological evolution or that it can be applied in any way to human society.
The mechanical model of reality, that was so cherished by the early scientists, has been proven to be an overly simplistic philosophy which simply is not true. Yet in spite of the proof otherwise, many contemporary scientists are still prisoners of the mechanical universe, but to develop your psychic abilities you need to transcend all that nonsense. If you wish to become a Psychic Adept, you must escape the psychological prison of this mechanical universe.
You need to realize that your ability to consciously direct the focus your mind is the key to all psychic ability. This cannot be emphasized enough. Consciousness is the foundation of all energy in the universe, and energy is the foundation for all matter. Your qualities of consciousness and intelligence are transformational in changing the universe. And you don’t need advanced training to practice telekinesis, most people just fail to realize that they have that power. Simple prayer can be a subtle expression of telekinesis.
For example, as a Psychic Adept you can learn to direct your consciousness in such a ways so as to stimulate the healing process in a person who is on the other side of the world. And in this process of remotely healing another person, you will have no direct contact with that person, you will only be using your mental concentration. But in using your mental concentration alone, you will be able to physically heal someone located in a remote environment–far away from you. Even without advanced training in psychic remote healing, if you pray for another person who is ill, that act will subtly stimulate physical healing in that person even if he or she is located in a remote location. You may not be able to lift inanimate objects with your mind, but you can stimulate healing in yourself and others–and that’s even more important.
In using psychic abilities, distance makes no difference because pure consciousness can instantly transverse any distance. This is something that Descartes with his clockwork mechanical model of the universe could never have understood. To become a Psychic Adept, you must make a quantum leap and abandon the old fashion thinking of anyone who still clings to his outmoded paradigm. I have even heard some contemporary scientists say that the whole concept of consciousness is irrelevant because they can’t prove it empirically. That type of thinking is a trap which negates the development of psychic ability. You must simply leave behind those who choose to remain in this trap and move forward into freedom.
Your quality of awareness is the essence of your personal power. To be fully human is to be aware of your free will, your emotions, your thoughts, and your actions in the present moment. To deny this quality of consciousness is to deny your humanity as well as your potential for psychic power.
In becoming a Psychic Adept you learn to discipline your mind so that you can release the transformational power of your consciousness. And one important step in doing this is to learn to direct your attention upon a single point of concentration. You cannot learn to concentrate upon sending healing psychic energy to a person on the other side of the world until you can learn to concentrate upon the perception of something in your immediate environment.
Training Practice Four:
Therefore, the learning exercise for this lesson is that of mental concentration. There is a technique used in many different systems of meditation training. This is called candle gazing. The Enchiridion expresses its own unique version of this technique.To do this you will sit comfortably in a chair where you can gaze upon a lit candle. You will then make yet another application of the process of scan, subvocalize, and cognize. So this practice has three basic steps.
Step One: SCAN.
In order to learn to make a psychic scan, you need to first learn to scan with your intellect and emotions. When you scan a written text for words to look up in a dictionary, you are using your intellect. But even in such a case a small degree of intuition comes into play. In this training drill of candle gazing, you are scanning your own body with your feelings. You simply place your attention on the feelings of stress that you are holding in your physical body. This too is another step in your psychic training. Through the repeated use of this type of scanning, you will slowly awaken your natural ability to make psychic scans.
For this practice, you will first scan your physical body for tension. In this scan, do a systematic analysis of where you are holding unnecessary tension in your body. Start with your toes and move upward until you reach your scalp. Look for any tension in your muscles or in your breathing. When you feel any such stress being held in your body–you will intentionally relax–letting go of the tension.
After you have relaxed your physical body during this brief scan, you then go into a subvocalization of a memorized invocation. Listed below at the end of the lesson are two examples of invocations that you may use for this. One invocation is religious and the other is non-religious, so you have a choice. Read and reread one of these listed invocations until you have memorized it. You will learn to subvocalize this invocation to bring into your mind an awareness of the Local Presence of the Creator.
Step Three: COGNIZE
Having invoked this spiritual awareness through a subvocalized invocation, you then gaze gently at the hypnotic candle flame. Blink as necessary, relax naturally, and breathe normally. In this silence you will feel aware of the Local Presence of the Creator. This is to say that you will cognize your relationship with the Creator with your emotional sensitivity. Such cognitions may not be ideas so much as they are feelings of love. The Creator loves you unconditionally, and when you focus upon the existence of the Creator you may come to know that love. Your awareness of the unconditional love of the Creator may be your cognition. But some people have an intellectual response to this practice. It may happen that other thoughts will occur to you about your relationship with the Creator. So the cognition may be emotional, intellectual, or a combination of emotion and intellect.
However, no matter what the response is, after you subvocalize the invocation, you will have a psychic response of some kind. This may not be an earthshaking response, it probably will be something subtle. And at first you might not sense anything at all. However, even if you don’t sense anything, keep your attention focused upon the candle flame. Light is a symbol for the Creator. The Creator is an invisible source of inner illumination. Christ said that he was the light of the world. Throughout the world light has been used as a symbol of spiritual awakening. Although the Creator is invisible, the light of the candle gives you a form to gently gaze upon. Don’t glare intensely at the flame, blink as necessary and let your gaze become unfocused so that you feel comfortable. As long as your attention is focused upon the flame, your mind is open to the Local Presence of the Creator. As you master this practice you will find that you do have a serene response of some kind.
As you mentally focus in silence upon the Local Presence of the Creator, other mundane thoughts may come into your attention to distract you. Instead of just having spiritual realizations about the nature of your relationship with the Creator, you may find yourself distracted by thoughts of ordinary mundane life. These might be concerns or desires related to your everyday life–things like your worries about bills or wondering what you’re going to eat for lunch. When this type of distraction happens, which it will, simply imagine that those mundane thoughts are burnt away by the flame of the candle. Then you go back to a new cycle of the process of scan/subvocalize/cognize.
Each session of this Enchiridion-style of candle gazing need only last ten to fifteen minutes. However, the more times that you do this, the more you will become aware of your feeling for the Local Presence of the Creator. You will have stronger and stronger feelings for this spiritual presence with practice. Don’t worry if your feeling for this spiritual Presence is weak at first. You are performing an act of faith every time you perform this process.
The three parts of this mediation technique are the scanning for relaxation, subvocalizing the invocation, and knowing the spiritual presence of the Creator as you gaze at the light of a candle.
This practice is a spiritual ritual in which you attune yourself to the Local Presence of the Creator. It’s through your acts of faith that you increase your spiritual connection with the Creator.
This practice is a mental exercise in which you are disciplining your thoughts. This exercise helps in teaching you psychic scanning. It helps in conditioning yourself to be able to go easily into a state of relaxation at will. It helps in training yourself to remain centered in the present moment. And it helps in training you to hold your concentration on a single point of mental focus for extended periods of time.
This training exercise may also be used as an ongoing practice. You should practice this on an regular basis for as long as you are a novice, and perhaps even after you’ve become an Adept. The more times you use this practice the more you will find that you spend an increasing amount of time in periods of deep meditation. In such periods of deep meditation, you feel the Local Presence of the Creator without any mundane thoughts which might distract you. With time, your awareness of this spiritual Presence will become stronger. As a Psychic Adept you will be able to learn how to use this connection in the advanced practices of the Second Section.
One thing which can interfere with the success of this practice is the intrusion of the ego. The ego is the aspect of your personality which identifies itself as the physical body. Because you aren’t really your physical body, the ego is to some extent based upon an illusion. But this illusion is necessary for physical survival. So you do need your ego. But it is your ego which is the source of your mundane thoughts.
Candle gazing is used to transcend mundane thinking. You stop the mental chatter of your mundane thoughts so you can take time to feel and know a spiritual presence. The ego is a necessary component of a healthy self image. The ego is not evil, but it can be a kind of monkey-mind in that it sometimes chatters away like a monkey. Even when you try to quiet your mind, so that you can know the Local Presence of the Creator, this monkey-mind of the ego will want to chatter on. It may repeat songs in your mind that you’ve heard earlier on the radio. It may focus in on arguments that you’ve had in the past. It may focus in on unfulfilled materialistic desires.
Some of these ego-driven thoughts may at times seem quite fascinating. You may want to cling to some of these mundane thoughts. Sometimes it may be difficult to discern which thoughts are coming from the ego and which may be arising from a spiritual source. However, the ego is concerned with mundane things, not your spiritual relationship with the Creator. This is how you discern ego-driven thoughts from spiritual cognitions; you must know the difference between the mundane and the spiritual. And such discernment arises from feelings of serenity. Those thoughts which move you deeper into serenity are spiritual, but those thoughts which move your attention away from serenity are mundane. Of course, the ideal state for this meditation experience is one in which you don’t think anything at all but merely feel serenity. It’s in such feelings of serenity that you know (cognize) the true nature of the Creator.
However, if you become fascinated with distracting, mundane thoughts–you will miss the point of this practice. It’s only natural to worry about how you are going to pay the bills or what you are going to eat for lunch. You’re not a bad person because such ego-driven thoughts do come up. It’s better to just acknowledge these thoughts when they enter into your awareness, then imagine these distracting thoughts as being burnt away by the candle flame, then subvocalize the invocation once again, and then return to the knowing the spiritual Presence.
The reason this simple practice is important is that invoking the Local Presence of the Creator is the starting point of many other psychic practices. So the time and effort you put into mastering this practice creates the foundation for more advanced skills. Furthermore, once you master this meditation technique it can be a source of spiritual joy.
Religious Invocation
The light of God surrounds us,
The love of God enfolds us,
The power of God protects us,
The presence of God watches over us,
Wherever we are, God is
And all is well.
Non-Religious Invocation
The light of love surrounds us,
The aura of love enfolds us,
The power of love protects us,
The presence of love watches over us,
Wherever we are, love is
And all is well.
Word List
ego: noun, in The Enchiridion, this is defined as the ideas which you associate with the physical body. The ego is your identification of yourself as your physical form. The true self is the soul, which is the spiritual focus point of consciousness. Arising from this focus point are thoughts and images–which comprise the mind. Through the brain the mind relates itself with the physical body. The mind then dedicates itself to fulfilling the needs of the physical body. It’s those ideas about the physical self which form the ego. There is nothing bad about having an ego. You need to have an ego in order to survive. Brainwashing is an attack upon the individual’s ego; and such practices are destructive to mental health. The Enchiridion system of psychic training doesn’t require you to destroy your ego. But when you become fixated on ego thoughts you come to suppress psychic abilities. You need to be able to set your ego aside for a while in order to awaken psychic abilities. In order to function as a person in society, you must normally act as if you believe yourself to be your body. For example, when a person accidentally cuts his finger, he might say, “I cut myself.” It’s normal to identify oneself as ones physical body. That identification is the ego. Although the ego isn’t really the true self, it’s a necessary illusion. This illusion of ego makes operating the physical body possible. So the ego isn’t evil, but it also isn’t real. It’s during moments of deep meditation and other spiritual experiences in which you may rediscover that which is real. You experience that rediscovery in moments of serenity.
invocation: noun, in The Enchiridion an invocation is a ritual, process, or set of affirmations which invokes the awareness of another sentient being. The most important invocation is one which connects you with the Creator. Although you might say that the Creator is always aware of you, when you use an invocation you are bringing forth your own conscious connection to the Creator. The potential for this mental connection is always there. The invocation process is a mechanism of the intellect which affirms this connection. The Creator has gifted you with free will, and so you must affirm your connection with the Creator of your own free will. So an invocation is any expression of this intention.
LESSON FIVE: Self Discipline
A Psychic Adept recognizes that the physical body is a source of pleasure to be enjoyed; however, a Psychic Adept values the pleasures of the spirit above the pleasures of the flesh. A Psychic Adept recognizes the value of physical health and the welfare of the physical body; however, the code of discipline of the Psychic Adept requires that the needs of the psyche are predominant over the desires of the physical body. A Psychic Adept appreciates an emotional sensitivity to the physical body; however, the Psychic Adept never allows feelings of fear, anger, or hatred to emotionally hijack his or her behavior. Nevertheless–this attitude of spiritual predominance goes against the values of materialistic, mundane society.
Too often, in this present day culture, individuals allow the impulsive whims of their physical bodies to dictate their behavior. This is how people become addicted to drugs and self-destructive habits. Contemporary culture has become defined by addictive behaviors such as overeating, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual perversions, greedy wealth-acquisition, hoarding, irrational violence, and obsessive use of media such as TV or video games. There are many ways that people can lose control of their lives to some type of addiction. But as a Psychic Adept, you must realize that behind every addiction is spiritual deprivation; what this means is that the human psyche itself has been suppressed by this culture of mundane materialism.
Self discipline is not the adherence to rules and regulations. The psyche is the true self. The psyche is the source of your thoughts, awareness, and loving emotions. The psyche is your soul and mind. You are your psyche. You are spirit. Therefore self discipline is achieved when spiritual needs are valued over materialistic desires. Spiritual deprivation is overcome through enjoyable spiritual practices and the living of a happy spiritual lifestyle.
Yet the psyche can become suppressed through a number of means. Mind control, brainwashing, physical abuse, and torture are some of the ways in which an individual can become disassociated. With the death of the physical body, the spiritual body disconnects completely from the physical vehicle. However, there are lesser traumas which do not result in such a complete disconnection. When the psyche is suppressed by the abuses of life, it can become somewhat separated from an emotional awareness of the physical body–it disconnects to some degree. This is called disassociation.
Emotions arise from the interplay of the spiritual body with the physical body. While in the human condition, for intuition to be effective, you must be sensitively connected to your emotions. Disassociation would take place if you allowed yourself to become emotionally desensitized.
When someone becomes disassociated, spirituality ceases to be the prime motivator of that person’s behavior. The physical body has its own instinctive drives, and when the psyche disassociates, those instinctive drives take over.
Your psyche is your emotional and thinking self. But if you were to experience too much emotional trauma or mental confusion, then your emotional sensitivity and rational thought processes would be decreased; such a condition would be the state of disassociation. When disassociation takes place, physical instincts hijack human behavior. This is how the spiritual body loses control of the physical body.
Although the instinctive drives of the physical body are there for survival, they can become warped by various environmental factors. There is the natural flight or fight response to the presence of a threat in the environment. When persons become too frightened they may lose touch with their powers of reason and behave irrationally when this fight or flight instinct hijacks their behavior. The dehumanizing social environment of contemporary society creates continual and overwhelming threats which have come to suppress the natural courage of human beings.
Endorphins are the brain’s natural reward system for those behaviors that support survival. However, this endorphin response can also create problems for a person who is in a dehumanizing environment which encourages unnatural behavior. The brain produces endorphins which naturally create feelings of pleasure and well being. Love making, eating a good meal, vigorous exercise, having a success in life–all these things can stimulate endorphin production in the brain. When done properly–spiritual experiences through prayer and meditation can also stimulate endorphins. All of these behaviors are good. However, drugs and compulsive behaviors can stimulate endorphins in unnatural ways. When the psyche becomes disassociated, then the behaviors of the physical body are instinctively drawn to drugs and compulsive behaviors as a means to stimulate endorphins. This tendency to create endorphins through these unnatural ways can degrade the individual’s will power and cause him or her to lose control.
When people lose control over their lives they may find themselves trapped in a controlled environment such as a prison or drug treatment center. When addicts submit themselves to a drug treatment center, they’re admitting that they’ve lost control over their lives. They’re surrendering their freedom to the control of their therapists. However, this can have a positive influence if treatment is done correctly.
For example, a patient may come to realize that if somebody else can control his behavior, then he himself can take back control of his own behavior. However it can also happen that a patient might simply give up trying to control himself and instead become dependent upon an institution. Becoming institutionalized in this way isn’t an expression of self discipline–in fact it’s the opposite of self discipline because it’s the institution itself which is imposing the discipline.
This brings up the materialistic, mundane conception of self discipline. The mundanes tend to think of self discipline as accepting the control of an authority figure. However, in accepting the control of an authority figure, such as a drill sergeant, you may become disconnected from your own thoughts and feelings. This could become just more disassociation. Simply doing what someone in authority tells you to do doesn’t make you self disciplined.
The essence of the self is the soul, mind, and physical body. The soul is essentially good; the soul is moral by nature. As well as that, the human mind is rational by nature. Furthermore, the physical body is naturally healthy. Human beings are naturally good.
But the physical body is vulnerable to torture and various forms of deprivation–such as starvation. Through continual stress, torture, or deprivation, the physical body can be abused to cause mental illness. When the soul is suppressed and the mind is broken, then immoral human behavior may take place. The natural goodness of a human being can be suppressed so that a person will come to think and behave in ways that are evil. And contemporary society often does destroy the natural goodness of human beings.
A man may restrain himself from criminal violence because he’s afraid of prison. In such a case he isn’t expressing self discipline, he’s repressing his violence impulses out of fear; so he’s controlled by fear rather than self discipline. But if a man refrains from criminal violence because he feels empathy for others, then he’s truly self disciplined.
Spiritual awareness is the key to empathy, and empathy is the key to moral behavior. When you feel empathy for others you do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When you are aware of your empathy for others, you are expressing your authentic self.
Extending empathy to others is an expression of psychic ability. If you feel your empathic connection with another person strong enough–you will be able to read his or her mind. Telepathy is nothing more than a mental scanning technique which takes advantage of a strong empathic link with another person. Think about how mothers are so telepathically connected to their new born infants. A mother can feel what’s going on with her child although that child can’t speak to her. Psychic abilities will result when you combine feelings of love with mental discipline. The most powerful Psychic Adepts are also the most compassionate.
Mental and emotional health are essential to becoming a Psychic Adept. This is one way in which the true Psychic Adept differs from the occult dabbler. Mentally ill people sometimes experiment with occult knowledge thinking that they can use it to accomplish their worldly desires of lust, greed, or revenge. The true Psychic Adept is above such indulgences. A Psychic Adept desires to use his or her powers for good purposes. Although a Psychic Adept may uses these powers for self benefit, a true Psychic Adept also desires to be of service to humanity and life.
So the key to overcoming addictive behaviors and achieving self discipline is the healing of the psyche. The psyche is strengthened by spiritual activities. The psyche is strengthened by the development of the mind. You don’t become self disciplined by disconnecting from your thoughts and feelings, you become self disciplined by enhancing your sensitivity to your thoughts and feelings. Mundanes often fail to appreciate this point. As the mind and soul are strengthened, self discipline becomes natural. This is what it means to have control over your own life.
All of the lessons and practices described in The Enchiridion are designed to put you into control over your life. All of these lessons and practices enhance the proper relationship between the spiritual body and the physical body. The Ethical Psychic Tech of The Enchiridion requires self discipline. But this type of self discipline should be a joy–not a boring chore.
Nonetheless, depending on how disassociated you have become as a result of the abuses of this world, you may find the study of The Enchiridion difficult. If this is the case, you should feel encouraged by the fact that the more difficult you find this study of The Enchiridion, the greater shall be the gains that you achieve from it. For some students, the path of The Enchiridion can be a path which brings about personal empowerment through the attainment of spiritual self discipline. The Psychic Adept is someone who has the desire for this type of self discipline. This type of self discipline isn’t a denial of self but a full achievement of self actualization.
There are some people who believe that taking drugs can increase psychic ability, but that’s not really the case. Drugs like marijuana or psilocybin can cause a type of shamanic experience that does involve psychic insights. This happens because most people have been conditioned by society to not use their psychic abilities, and when someone takes a psychedelic drug it can temporarily break this social conditioning; in such a case the drug experience might let psychic insights in. Nevertheless there are dangers associated with taking such drugs, and therefore The Enchiridion does not recommend any drug use for psychic development. Furthermore, it needs to be pointed out that, in the long run, all drugs and alcohol decrease psychic ability.
It isn’t just recreational drugs which decrease psychic ability–medical and psychiatric drugs often diminish psychic ability as well. Sometimes for health reasons a person may need to take medical drugs, and The Enchiridion isn’t encouraging anyone to stop taking necessary medical drugs. However, there are many experts who have publicly stated that psychiatric drugs are being over-prescribed at this time in our society. Nevertheless withdrawal from psychiatric drugs is only safely done with medical supervision; and personally I have known people who feel that they need psychiatric drugs to survive. So The Enchiridion isn’t encouraging you to do anything which would place yourself at risk. But it has to be pointed out that the chronic use of drugs does suppress psychic development and may prevent the full emergence of psychic abilities. Therefore it should be mentioned that sometimes there are legitimate holistic health alternatives to taking medical drugs; this may be something you may wish to research. In developing psychic abilities, the dedicated student should avoid drugs whenever it’s safe and healthy to do so. In a society where so many people become dependent upon drugs and alcohol, it’s no wonder that so many people deny the possibility of psychic power.
Drugs and alcohol can be used to stimulate endorphins which create pleasure, but there are better ways of doing that. Endorphins can be stimulated through healthy exercise and other activities like yoga or tai chi. Creating positive social experiences can stimulate endorphins. Even simple breathing exercises, when done correctly can stimulate endorphins.
The Latin root word for “spirit” literally means breath or to breathe. Spirit is what animates life, and this animation is visibly seen in the act of breathing. This insight is relevant in understanding the training practice for this lesson.
Training Practice Five:
Breathing exercises when done correctly can be a spiritual experience. There are many spiritual disciplines which make use of breathing exercises. Yoga is one example. However for our purposes of developing psychic abilities, this breathing exercise should take a certain form. Again we will use the pattern of scan/subvocalize/cognize.
In this case, you will scan your lungs through the act of breathing. When you inhale or exhale, you are making a perception of your lungs. This is literally true. Your physical body, through your nervous system, has internal perceptions. If, for example, you were hungry, you would feel the hunger inside of your stomach. But not all internal physical perceptions are unpleasant–some are pleasant and some are neutral. So by the same token, you can feel your lungs when you breathe in or out. To scan something is to place your conscious awareness upon something. In psychic scanning you are extending your feelings outside of your body; before you can learn to do that, you must be able to focus upon the feelings you have inside of your body. When you breathe in, you will be scanning your lungs by feeling your lungs expand. When you breathe out, you will be scanning your lungs by feeling your lungs contract.
For this exercise it’s best if you breathe from your diaphragm. If you can do this comfortably, breathe in by pushing out your stomach thus causing your diaphragm to expand. Once your diaphragm is filled then expand your chest thus filling your upper lungs. Reverse the process when you exhale by exhaling first by contracting your diaphragm then exhale from your upper lungs. As a prerequisite to this drill, practice diaphragm breathing until you can do it habitually without having to really think about it.
As you breathe, do it in a way that is comfortable to you. If you can breathe in deeply from the diaphragm that’s good–if it’s comfortable. But comfort is the key. Don’t push yourself past your comfort zone. Never push yourself past the point of safety. Breathe in as deeply as you can and out as completely as you can. Breathe in and out as slowly and deliberately as you can. Don’t allow yourself to hyperventilate. Be sensitive to your feelings as you breathe. Scan your lungs by paying attention to your feelings in your lungs. Practice this type of deep breathing until you find a comfortable pattern and the practice becomes automatic.
After every breath in and out, you will then briefly subvocalize after you exhale. What you will subvocalize is a short affirmation that expresses your gratitude for your life. Make this affirmation as simple as possible. Keep this affirmation short–we suggest “Life is good.” Whatever affirmation you use, it should be a positive expression of your love of life.
After you subvocalize, you will momentarily close your eyes and pay attention to your feeling of gratitude for life. So after you subvocalize the affirmation of gratitude for your life, you will feel your connection to all life. It is through this feeling, that you know that you are connected to all living things though the life force generated by the Earth’s ecosystem. In The Enchiridion this natural force is called the Gaian life force. Of course, your physical body is a part of the Earth’s ecosystem. Therefore this cognition is your awareness of your emotional connection with all life in the ecosystem. Simply focus upon feeling a love for life. It’s important that you feel your love for life so that you know your love for life. In this case, you know by feeling. As you focus in on this knowingness, close your eyes momentarily so as to turn your attention inward, then immediately open your eyes.
So in this breathing practice you have a repeated three part pattern. You first scan your lungs as you breathe in and out. Secondly you subvocalize a brief affirmation of love for life. And thirdly you center your awareness by momentarily closing your eyes in a spiritual knowingness and then opening them. This brief spiritual knowingness is your cognition.
A cognition may be thought of in terms of a unit of time. In The Enchiridion, the term “cognate” is given a specialized meaning. A cognate is a single unit which makes up a longer cognition. This unit of time is so short that it’s really a blink of an eye. A very short cognition would take place in a blink of an eye–in the time it takes you to close and open your eyes. A longer cognition might be made up of many of these short units of time. So a cognition is made up of many units of cognates.
When you use scan/subvocalize/cognize in reading–the third reading of the text might be as long as forty-five minutes; that would be a forty-five minute cognition. Such a cognition would be made up of hundreds of cognates. But for the purpose of this breathing drill, you want the cognition to be as brief as possible; that would be a single cognate, the time it takes to close and open your eyes.
So this is how you apply the pattern of scan/subvocalize/cognize to your breathing exercise in six exact steps: 1. Sit down in a comfortable chair. 2. Start the cycle of this exercise by breathing in and then exhaling. 3. Briefly subvocalize a short affirmation like “Life is good.” 4. Close and open your eyes to experience a single connate. 5. Continue with this cycle scan/subvocalize/cognize for as long as you feel comfortable in doing so. 6. End the cycle by returning your breathing to normal; then stretch your arms and make sure that you haven’t become lightheaded from hyperventilating before you stand up.
This cycle of scan/subvocalize/cognize is done over and over so that your act of breathing becomes an ongoing affirmation of gratitude for life. This practice of breath control can be done for as long as you feel good doing it. This has the potential to be exhilarating. At first it will just be a hassle as you concentrate upon mastering the process. But when the process becomes automatic and habitual–you will find that your cognition is the feeling of bliss. Every time you close and open your eyes you will have a brief moment of spiritual joy. When practiced enough times, this breathing exercise becomes an ecstasy producing process. This is because you are using your own bioenergy to directly stimulate the endorphin producing function of your brain. With practice this will come about automatically. The ecstasy you will feel from doing this will produce greater joy than taking drugs or any other addictive habits.
As a practice, this serves several purposes. One thing is that it is another step in developing an effective psychic scanning technique. It also evokes awareness of the Gaian life force. Furthermore, it enhances self discipline. In order to fully develop psychic ability some students may have to quit or reduce alcohol consumption. This can help with that because in this practice the student is asserting the predominance of the spiritual body over the physical body.
A drug addict, for example, has lost control over his life and physical body; this is because the addiction has dominated his physical body to the point where will power and reason have become meaningless. When this breathing exercise is mastered, the spiritual body is reasserting dominance over the physical body if only for a short period of time. With the continuing practice of this technique, the addict will come to realize that his or her will power can be utilized to take back control away from the addiction. Of course, withdrawal from drug addiction, in order to be safe, may require medical supervision.
Furthermore this breathing exercise reinforces the pattern of scan/subvocalize/cognize which has many other applications in psychic ability. As well as that, it trains you in yet another way to enhance your ability to maintain mental concentration over longer periods of time. This concentration training is similar in purpose to that of the candle gazing practice.
Also this practice trains you in the use of diaphragm breathing, so that you will start to habitually breath from your diaphragm routinely in life. This habit of diaphragm breathing increases your oxygen intake which enhances physical and brain health. When you breathe from the diaphragm you are using your whole lungs. Thus you take in more air with every breath. This is known to be good for heart health as well as brain function. The more times you practice this, the more that diaphragm breathing will become habitual. And once it does becomes habitual, you’ll do it automatically in other situations.
Before you go on to Lesson Six, make sure that you have mastered this technique. You will know that you have mastered this technique when it becomes so practiced that it is automatic. During your training in going from novice to Adept, use this practice for at least ten minutes everyday. If you have issues with addiction, use this practice for longer periods of time.
Word List
bioenergy: noun, this would be all forms of energy connected to life. Photosynthesis in plants, for example, would be an expression of bioenergy. The electrochemical functions of the brain and nervous system would be bioenergy. The digestive processes of the body involve bioenergy.
cognate: noun, in The Enchiridion this term is given a special, unique meaning. Think of a cognition as being built up of a set of smaller cognitions. The smallest unit of cognition is a cognate. A cognate takes place so fast that it happens in the time it takes to close and open your eyes. A single cognate may not be intellectually comprehended–it comes across more like a feeling. If knowledge can be thought of as a mental construction, a cognate is a single building block of that construction.
Gaian life force: noun, this would be the life energy created and utilized by the the Earth’s ecosystem. This isn’t exactly the same as the Universal Life Force. The Gaian life force is a limited expression of the Universal Life Force. The Gaian life force is both bioenergy and the Universal Life Force acting in unison to direct all life forms on Earth. All of the living things on Earth are connected together by the Universal Life Force. The bioenergy used by living things is influenced by both the laws of nature and the subtle influence of the Universal Life Force. Gaia is a name used in bioscience for the ecosystem when its actions are conceived of holistically. Gaia is also an ancient name for Mother Earth, or if you will–the Earth Goddess. The Gaian life force is therefore the living energy created by the ecosystem. You are a part of the ecosystem and this living energy can be felt within you, for example when you breathe. However, there is a difference between the Universal Life Force and the Gaian life force; the Universal Life Force does only good and never causes harm, yet this isn’t always true for the Gaian life force. The Gaian life force has three aspects–creativity, preservation, and destruction. The Gaian life force inspires birth and survival, but it can also inspire the energy of violence; when one animal hunts and kills another animal that would be an energetic expression of the Gaian life force through natural instincts. This is not to say that the Gaian life force is evil. You need the Gaian life force for as long as you physically live in the world, but you need to keep your personality centered in an awareness of the Universal Life Force. The Gaian life force is empowering, but it can become a channel for negative emotions such as fear or anger. Love is the only emotion associated with the Universal Life Force. The Gaian life force can be an expression of a wide spectrum of emotions such as fear, anger, disgust, aggression, contentment, sensuality, or happiness. The trick to happiness isn’t to suppress your negative emotions, but to center your awareness in love so that you don’t become stuck in fear or anger. When you are fully feeling all of your emotions, you are fully connect to the Gaian life force.
LESSON SIX: Dynamics of Mind
The different dynamics of mind can be represented in the different ways you breathe. Consider this. When you are asleep, your mind is unconscious and yet you breathe automatically. During your normal waking time you also tend to breathe automatically, until you place some of your attention upon your breathing, whereupon it becomes a conscious act. If you were involved in a sporting event, your primary attention would be upon the competition, but you might have to occasionally pay attention to your breathing as well–for example when you struggle to catch your breath. Thus in that situation your breath control would be semi-conscious. But with training, you could condition the habitual functions of your mind so that you breathe in a better way, and this too would be a use of the semi-conscious mental function. If you were looking at a horror movie where you were frightened by something that you saw, this might influence your subconscious mind to cause an involuntary change in the pattern of your breathing. If you use breathing as a spiritual practice, you might come to feel periods in which you experience spiritual joy, and during such periods of spiritual joy, you would be aware of your superconscious mind which is the source of your spiritual intelligence. Your mind arises from consciousness, and every aspect of mind represents an expression of consciousness.
The mind is a complex system and has many different aspects depending upon how you analyze it; for the purposes of The Enchiridion, there are five basic aspects that you need to understand. These are conscious mind, subconscious mind, semiconscious mind, unconscious mind, and superconscious mind.
subconscious mind: noun, the aspect of mind which develops in the infant prior to an understanding of language. This pre-lingual, non-linguistic aspect of mind functions perfectly well for the infant although it’s not dependent upon spoken or written language. The subconscious mind is the first mind of the individual, and it thinks without using language. The subconscious mind is intuitive, imaginative, and feeling-based. The subconscious mind remains with the individual throughout life, but as the child learns more and more language, the childlike subconscious mind sinks below the level of consciousness. As the child grows up, the adult mind learns to think more and more with language and becomes less aware of those mental functions which are non-linguistic. However, this subconscious mind asserts itself through the practice of art forms and through sleep dreams. Sensitivity to the subconscious mind can be a basis for intuitive awareness.
conscious mind: noun, this is the aspect of mind that you use when you are fully awake and aware of your present time surroundings. Although the conscious mind is not devoid of intuitive awareness, it is founded primarily on language. It is the adult, mature mind. The conscious mind is logical and centers itself in physical awareness. The conscious mind expresses itself through the physical body, but it can also be aware of spiritual influences.
semi-conscious mind: noun, this is the mind that both develops new habitual behaviors and directs these habitual behaviors once they have been learned. This is habitual mind is associated with certain centers in the brain. The use of these habitual functions does not require full conscious awareness. For example, you learned to develop the habit of walking when you were a child. Walking involves complex muscles movements and physical balancing, but as an adult you probably take the complexity of this physical action for granted because it now takes very little conscious attention to walk. When you are talking with someone as you walk along, your conscious attention would be on the conversation–not the act of walking. Walking has likely become for you a semi-conscious function. However it’s not completely unconscious because you do make conscious decisions relating to it. You decide when to walk, how fast you will walk, and things of that sort. But as an adult, you typically take for granted the complex muscle movements necessary for walking because they have become so automatic. So walking is a semi-conscious function. Any routine behavior, through training, can go from being conscious to semi-conscious. If you were to learn to ride a bicycle, for example, at first it would require all of your concentration to pedal, balance, and steer. Eventually your habitual mind will response to all of your conscious training so that the newly conditioned habits become semi-conscious. Development of the semi-conscious mind is significant in meditation training. At first meditation training requires a conscious and focused concentration. With training the practices become habitual, like walking.
unconscious mind: noun, these are the functions of the brain which take place automatically without any conscious supervision. Basically this is the autonomic nervous system. However, within the nomenclature of The Enchiridion, this isn’t to be confused with the subconscious mind. It should be pointed out that as a living thing, the physical body has its own consciousness which is the consciousness of the Gaian life force. When the physical body dies, the spiritual body permanently leaves it immediately. The spiritual body operates the physical body through the brain, and when brain-death happens, the spiritual connection to the physical vehicle is terminated. However, it takes some time for all the cells to die. Hair cells may continue to grow for a time after death, for example. The spirit immediately leaves the body at death, but the Gaian life force slowly retreats. The unconscious mind does not rely on the consciousness coming from the soul, that’s why it’s called unconscious instead of subconscious; but the unconscious mind does have its own type of consciousness which comes from the Gaian life force. As a living human being your overall consciousness is a life long marriage between the Gaian life force channelled through your physical body and the pure Universal Life Force channelled through your spiritual body.
superconscious mind: noun, this is the spiritual aspect of mind that is purely emergent from the psyche. This is the mind of your spiritual body. This is the source of your greatest psychic abilities. This aspect of mind is incorporeal in that it isn’t dependent upon the brain. The superconscious mind does often emerge through the subconscious mind. Much of the training described in The Enchiridion teaches you how to allow your superconscious mind to interact with the other five dynamics of mind.
All of these different dynamics of mind are interconnected, and the superconscious mind can interface with any other aspect of mind. The superconscious mind can influence the brain, but it also operates on its own–independent of the brain. The superconscious mind is the mind created by your soul. The superconscious mind has the ability to recall all experiences from all of your previous incarnations. In deep meditation, when the act of meditating becomes habitual through training, the superconscious mind becomes more prevalent in your awareness. The consciousness which arises directly from the Universal Life Force is most manifested in the superconscious mind.
For the living individual, there are always two sources of consciousness; there is the consciousness which arises from the Universal Life Force and the consciousness which arises from the Gaian life force. The Gaian life force is completely emergent in the unconscious mind. The Universal Life Force is completely emergent in the superconscious mind. The Universal Life Force and the Gaian life force are equally emergent in the semi-conscious mind. In the conscious mind–the consciousness arising from the Universal Life Force tends to be more emergent than the consciousness arising from the Gaian life force. The subconscious mind can be conditioned so that it becomes a link between the conscious mind and the superconscious mind. The interplay of the Universal Life Force with the Gaian life force is a lifelong synergetic relationship.
The Gaian life force is the fusion of bioenergy with the energetic expression of the Universal Mind. This makes the Gaian life force more directly connected to the material universe than the Universal Life Force. Although the Gaian life force is more materialistic than the Universal Life Force, these two sources of consciousness are not in conflict with one another. It’s their complementary relationship which makes human life possible.
Human consciousness can be defined, to some extent, by what is known as brainwave states. An EEG machine measures the frequently of brainwaves. Scientists recognize four distinct brainwave states: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Beta waves are the fastest. These brainwave states slow down progressively as they go from Beta to Alpha to Theta and then to Delta–which is the slowest. Beta emerges when the individual is fully awake and active. Alpha emerges during periods of light relaxation. Theta emerges during periods of deep, trancelike relaxation. And Delta takes place in deepest sleep. What these four states describe is four levels of conscious awareness. They describe the four levels of intensity with which the conscious mind is involved with directing the physical body. These four states go from full waking consciousness at the Beta state to full unconsciousness at the Delta state of deep sleep.
The dynamic relationship between incorporeal consciousness (which channels through the spiritual body) and corporeal consciousness (as expressed through the physical body) defines the focus of the conscious mind. Generally speaking, the more that the conscious mind is engaged in controlling the physical body, the more rapid become the brainwaves. The conscious mind is fully activated in the Beta state, but the conscious mind is deactivated in the Delta state.
An analogous way of thinking about this would be to consider the relationship between a driver and his automobile.
(Beta) When the driver is in heavy traffic, he would be very focused on the act of driving, and perhaps because of this he would feel stressed out.
(Alpha) As the traffic thins out, the driver would become more relaxed and might even turn on the radio to listen to pleasant music.
(Theta) When driving down a deserted country lane, he might daydream and only pay casual attention to the road.
(Delta) And of course, when he parks the car and leaves for a while–the driver has no consciousness of the car until he returns to it.
(Death and Reincarnation) When this car becomes too used-up and finally breaks down, then the driver gets rid of that car and finds a new one.
The psyche is the driver of the physical vehicle. It’s through the focus of the conscious mind by which the psyche operates the physical body. The brainwave states of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta define the different degrees of intensity to which the conscious mind is engaged with the physical vehicle.
During sleep the subconscious mind may express itself in profound ways. The subconscious mind may find an emotional outlet through sleep dreams. Because there’s a great deal of emotional suppression in contemporary society, sometimes sleep dreams are the only way that the subconscious mind can express itself. Some artists draw inspiration from their sleep dreams as a way of expressing the subconscious mind through their art.
If a person begins to pay attention to his or her dreams, the ability of lucid dreaming may emerge spontaneously. This is where you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming when you are in a dream. This may allow you to control your dream in some way. Your dream self may decide to fly or anything else that the imagination enacts within the dream world. Lucid dreaming takes place when the conscious mind is expressing itself to some degree through the dream environment created by the subconscious mind.
Persons who begin to pay attention to their dreams may find that they astral project spontaneously. The Astral Body is a mental projection of your physical body created by the superconscious mind. An Astral Body can operate during times when the spiritual body is out of the physical body. The Astral Body interfaces with the spiritual body when the spiritual body leaves the physical body during deep sleep. During deep sleep, the spiritual body may leave the physical body for a time and wander around outside of it. Normally you have no conscious memory of this. This out-of-body experience isn’t really dangerous. The unconscious mind automatically operates the physical body during these times of deep sleep. While the physical body is still alive, the spiritual body is attuned to the unique energetic signal of the brain and nervous system. Through a dedicated psychic connection, the spiritual body is always linked to the living physical body. Therefore the spiritual body automatically returns home whenever the physical body awakens.
However, the experiences of the spiritual body aren’t recorded as memories by the brain during these out-of-body ventures. When you awaken, the conscious mind, which is dependent upon brain-based memory, doesn’t normally remember the out-of-body experience.
Nevertheless, the superconscious mind can create a mental projection of the physical body which becomes a configuration which is imposed upon the spiritual body. This intentional mental projection turns the spiritual body into an Astral Body during out-of-body experiences. This Astral Body is like a recording device which keeps a record of the perceptions of the spiritual body during these out-of-body experiences.
The spiritual body perceives reality differently than the physical body. So the Astral Body has to be able to translate spiritual perceptions into representations which can be interpreted as if they were sensory perceptions. The astral travel experiences have to be mentally translated from one type of perception to another. The Astral Body is designed by the superconscious mind so that it can mimic the physical body. Because of this, the Astral Body is able to create mental representations of the events experienced by the free-floating spiritual body. This Astral Body will remember these experiences upon returning to the physical body. As the Astral Body reintegrates with the physical body, those memories of astral projection are downloaded into the brain as neural memories. In this way the experience of astral projection may be remembered after awakening.
During lucid dreams or astral projection the psychic talents possessed by the superconscious mind may be fully realized. Some Psychic Adepts have precognitive dreams which they may remember when they awaken. Through astral projection, some Psychic Adepts observe remote locations and remember what they have observed when they awaken. The Second Section deals more fully with these phenomena; however they are mentioned here because sometimes a novice in training may spontaneously experience some of these things. Astral projection or lucid dreaming may take place during the deep Theta state near Delta.
Meditation techniques create the conditions in which the brain of the practitioner goes into the Alpha state or the Theta state. The Alpha state of light relaxation and the Theta state of deep relaxation are ideal for meditation practice. As the conscious mind slows down, the natural healing functions of the autonomic nervous system can emerge to restore physical health. So it’s optimal during the day to spend some time in the relaxing states of Alpha and Theta. This is why the regular practice of meditation is good for health.
There is another point which should be made for the sake of clarity. When The Enchiridion refers to the subconscious mind or the superconscious mind, it’s not referring to the unconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the memories of the pre-semantic mind and the functions of the non-semantic mind. The superconscious mind is the transcendental aspects of the psyche.
The Enchiridion distinguishes the difference between the terms unconscious mind and subconscious mind–although it’s common for contemporary psychologists to use those terms interchangeably. In The Enchiridion, the unconscious mind is defined as the functions of the autonomic nervous system. The Enchiridion defines the subconscious mind as the thought processes and memories of the pre-semantic mind or non-semantic mind. But contemporary psychologists don’t always make such distinctions.
The semantic mind is that aspect of mind which thinks using language. This is often associated with the left hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere is concerned with logic, sequence, and language. The right hemisphere tends to be more emotional, image oriented, spatially aware, and intuitive. This is the non-semantic aspects of mind. The conscious mind of the adult relies greatly upon its semantic aspects.
The mind of an infant is a pre-semantic mind. Until he or she learns language, the infant thinks without language. As the child learns language, the semantic mind comes to dominate. But this non-semantic mind never disappears. The conscious mind tends to be semantic, but its foundations come from the non-semantic mind of the child. The subconscious mind is foundational and submissive in its relationship to the conscious mind. The conscious mind relies upon the subconscious mind and is complemented by it, so the subconscious mind must not be discounted. The imagery and emotions that you experience in your dreams at night arise from your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is childlike and feeling-based. It’s the source of imagination and intuitive insight. Metaphorically speaking, the subconscious mind could be described as your inner child.
The psychic Edgar Cayce once noted that the subconscious mind is the door to the superconscious mind. The superconscious mind is the source of your psychic abilities; it is super-conscious in that it transcends ordinary consciousness. Your superconscious mind is the non-corporal aspect of the mind which is immortal. This is the aspect of mind which stays with your immortal soul–incarnation after incarnation. As a psyche, you are your soul and superconscious mind. It’s your subconscious mind which can best access these transcendental aspects of the superconscious mind. The subconscious mind operates on the basis of feeling and imagination, and these are necessary to comprehending the superconscious mind.
The conscious mind thinks in terms of language, but language-based thinking is dependent upon neurological functions. When the brain dies, language understanding dies with it. The superconscious mind has its own spiritual language which does not arise from the brain’s semantical functions. The superconscious mind can use the imaginative, intuitive subconscious mind to translate its spiritual language into the neural-based language used by the conscious mind.
This is why scan/subvocalize/cognize works. When you scan, you are being intuitive. When you subvocalize you are being logical. When you intentionally engage the interplay of intuition and logic you stimulate cognition. Cognitive realization arises from the synchrony of the conscious and subconscious mind-dynamics.
All of this brings us to the relationship between the brain and the mind. Again, The Enchiridion has its own way of defining these terms. To the Psychic Adept, the brain is the physical aspect of the mind. The brain operates on electrochemical functions. The mind is often thought of as the functions of the brain as opposed to the material aspects of the brain. But really there is a corporeal mind and an incorporeal mind. The corporeal mind builds itself on the foundations created by the Gaian life force. The corporeal mind is the cellular matter, electrochemical energies, and functions of the brain; the incorporeal mind is the consciousness and subatomic forces which are associated with the soul.
The point of defining all of these terms is to discern the varying ways in which consciousness relates to the mind. The mind is the primary tool of the Psychic Adept. Consciousness is the foundation of the human mind and the Universal Mind. Archaic scientific thinking, which was based on the mechanical model of the universe, only attributed consciousness as a peculiar function of the human brain. But human consciousness through the brain is only one emergent manifestation of the underlying consciousness which permeates the entire material universe. Consciousness is the ultimate foundation for everything in the Cosmos.
The mind of a human being is designed to operate on the interaction of logic with intuition. The old mechanical model of the universe was a concept based on one type of logical construction. Then quantum physics came along with a different type of logical construction which could explain some things that the old mechanical model could not. Quantum physics opened the door to the realization that consciousness is the foundation of the Cosmos. However, all scientific models of reality, quantum or otherwise, are based on logic. To really use your brain effectively you can’t get stuck in logic–you must move back and forth between logic and intuition.
For example, in order to understand the meaning of this lesson that you are now reading, you must at times transcend your logic and use your intuitive understanding. These lessons are written in a way to force you to go back and forth between logic and intuition in order for you to understand them. The function of these lessons isn’t so much to indoctrinate you with a philosophy as it is to awaken the necessary interplay of logic and intuition which leads to natural cognition. The lessons of this course are not found in these written words so much as they are found in your own self-realized cognitions.
The purpose of this particular lesson is to begin to familiarize you with the terms that you will be using as you study the more advanced principles of psychic ability. Also this type of analysis is an intellectual exercise in identifying the complex ways in which consciousness relates to thought.
Training Practice Six:
The learning exercise for this lesson is to begin the practice of dream-recall journalling. What is being suggested here is that you start keeping a type of journal in which you record your sleep dreams. It’s suggested that you keep doing this type of journalling for as long as you are pursuing the development of your psychic powers.
This type of journaling is easy. When you wake up in the morning, write down in simple words a description of what you can recall of your sleep dreams. Don’t analyze these dreams for meaning. And don’t worry about dream symbolism. In plain language just describe what you remember.
As you are training yourself to go from novice to Adept you may occasionally make reference to this journal. From time to time, read what you’ve written in the journal and consider how it speaks to your feelings.
If you prefer, you can verbally record the dreams with an audio recorder rather than writing them down in a notepad. It’s the act of describing your dreams in words that matters. This practice is an observation of your subconscious mind. You do this by remembering a sleep dream, so that as you awaken, you make a semantical interpretation of it by writing or speaking.
It’s a way of creating a stronger link between your non-semantic subconscious mind and your semantic-based conscious mind. Such a link is necessary to becoming a powerful Psychic Adept.
If you can do this type of dream journaling on a daily basis, that’s good, but that may not be practical. So just do the dream journaling as often as you reasonably can. Use you intuition to determine how long you feel you need to maintain this practice. You might do this for a just a few weeks or you might use this practice for years.
It may happen that as you begin to pay attention to your dreams on a regular basis, you’ll find that you spontaneously began to have lucid dreams or you may even find that you astral project at times. That isn’t the purpose of the drill, but there’s nothing wrong if this happens. Both lucid dreaming and astral projection are natural. However, sometimes people may become alarmed when they find themselves astral projecting for the first time. It can feel disturbing to see your physical body lying on the bed while you’re looking down at it. Your Astral Body will function just as your physical body functions, but it will also respond to your intentions and thoughts. If you feel uncomfortable while you are out of your physical body, just think the thought that you should return to it and make an intentional decision to do so. Once you are near your physical body, you can simply lie down into it and you will reintegrate and wake up.
Another reason to pay attention to your dreams at night is because of a spiritual phenomena which the Elijah Hierarchy call “the Dream.” Virtually everyone involved with the Elijah Hierarchy has had a vivid dream which in some way relates to Christ. I am nearly sixty years old now, but when I was about thirty years old I had a dream about Christ which changed my life. This dream was more vivid than real life, and when I awoke from it I was filled with emotion. In the dream I saw a chess game in which Christ and Satan were playing against one another. I realized that they were playing for the disposition of my soul. Christ eventually won, and then he looked over at me and smiled. Although much of the dream seemed surrealistic, when he looked at me it felt as if I was actually standing in his presence. Although before the dream I had occasionally gone to Church, I wasn’t really interested in Christianity in those days. After that dream I began to study Christianity more and developed a more authentic sense of spirituality.
For different persons in the Elijah Hierarchy, the Dream has come in different ways. For some Christo-Muslims, they’ve seen the prophets Jesus and Mohammed standing together as friends. Some Christo-Buddhists have seen Jesus and Siddhartha Gautama sitting in meditation together. Some Christians have seen Christ with an army of angels flying amongst the clouds. Some have seen the prophet Elijah bringing a message about Christ. Some have seen deceased family members talking to them from Heaven. A Christo-atheist I met told me that he had a dream in which he saw Christ as a type of spiritual scientist. The Dream was unique to each person, but always when it came it changed their life for the better. If you are paying attention to your dreams, it’s possible that you might experience the Dream in some form.
Word List
Astral Body: noun, this is basically your spiritual body, however, it’s your spiritual body when it’s exterior to your physical body. This is something you may experience when your physical body is asleep or unconscious. Normally your conscious mind resides in your physical body. Through training and strong intention you can learn to project your conscious mind into your Astral Body while you are in an out-of-body state. That is known as astral projection. To be able to astral project at will is an advanced skill. But sometimes novices will find that they spontaneously astral project during sleep. The word “astral” comes from a root word which means star. In ancient times, astronomers studied the stars not with telescopes but through natural astral projection. Your Astral Body is able to travel in space if you choose this. But this should not be the goal of a novice.
LESSON SEVEN: Non-Locality and Psychic Shield
This lesson does have certain political implications in this limited sense–the oppressive globalist, New World Order is headed by occultists. The real leaders of the world hide in the shadows and manipulate the publicly-known world leaders as if they were puppets. These plutocratic occultists use psychic power to remotely influence key persons in governments and corporations. Also some of these secret societies of occult practitioners use their knowledge of psychic power to attack their political enemies. If you’ve been opposing the New World Order, you may have been under psychic attack without realizing it. With what you will learn in this lesson and its training practice you will be able to become a psychic defender. You can use your psychic powers to shield yourself from attack or to shield other persons from attack. You can shield world leaders from demonic influence. There is a psychic war taking place on this planet. But this is never about projecting hatred to anyone. It’s important to remember that all members of humanity are interconnected.
Until you understand the nature of the Cosmos, you can’t understand the significance of psychic ability. The true nature of the Cosmos is that of interconnection. You see this interconnection manifesting itself in many different ways. A concept that describes one aspect of this interconnection is known as quantum non-locality.
Quantum non-locality is a proven principle of physics. The Enchiridion isn’t concerned with teaching physics, but you should know that nothing in this system of Ethical Psychic Tech conflicts with advanced understandings of science. Quantum non-locality may refer to two quantum particles that are entangled. These two particles will influence one another even when they’re far apart; this is because they have a non-local connection. This means that they aren’t connected by the energy and matter in the intervening space between them. At a foundational level of the material universe is an information field. This information field is the Universal Mind. The entangled quantum particles, which have a non-local connection, are connected to one another by information contained in the Universal Mind. Thus it is that these two particles are connected not by the material universe but by the information field of the Universal Mind. This is what is meant by non-locality.
Another name for non-locality is synchronicity. Synchronicity takes place where there is an observable relationship between two events which are not connected through the normal mechanism of cause and effect. A cause and effect relationship is what we usually see in the material universe. If you hit a billiard ball across the table into another billiard ball causing it to move, that would be a cause and effect relationship. However, a non-local connection doesn’t need for one object to move through space to another object. It would be as if you wiggled a billiard ball on one side of the table and that in turn caused a billiard ball on the other side of the table to wiggle. This isn’t how things normally work in the world we can observe with our sensory perceptions, however, through the invisible Universal Mind, all things are connected. Synchronicity can explain why astrology can be used to explain the influence of distant planetary bodies upon human affairs. Non-local connections can be observed between human beings. When a mother bonds with her infant, even when she is apart from her child, she can feel what’s happening with her baby. If people pray for someone who is ill, they will tangible assist the patient with his or her healing process. The remote viewing of distant environments has been proven by scientists. Reiki and other holistic healing methods use remote healing techniques. Non-locality is the basis of psychic abilities.
There have been controlled studies which show that if a person is prayed for by others, even if he doesn’t know that he’s being prayed for, that person will recover faster than a person with the exact same ailment who isn’t prayed for. This is the basis of Reiki remote healing. Reiki healing practice gives a precise structure to the prayer process which makes it more effective than normal prayer. But Reiki practice has no monopoly on remote healing. If you say a prayer with strong intention for the Creator to heal yourself or someone else, the Creator will send the Universal Life Force to you or another. You may or may not find it useful to learn Reiki practice from a Reiki master. But whether or not you study Reiki, you can easily perform remote healing through simple prayer. Once you have established your positive relationship with the Creator, all you have to do is to evoke your awareness of the Local Presence of the Creator and ask for the Universal Life Force to be sent to whomever you choose, and the Creator will do this.
Sometimes theological arguments get in the way of this simple process. For example, I once heard a person say that since God is all knowing and all loving, it didn’t matter if you pray because God knows who needs help and provides such help automatically. I would contend that there is a reason why you do have to go to all the bother of praying. This is because God grants us free will. You must choose of your own free will to invoke the Universal Life Force. This healing energy is directed by the Universal Mind, and it responds to mental intentions. Although it’s freely available to all, you must choose to invoke it, it will not be forced upon you.
The Universal Life Force does only good and can do no harm, but that isn’t the case for the Gaian life force. Nevertheless, the Gaian life force can be directed for the purpose of healing. For example, if you give another person a therapeutic massage, that will evoke the healing aspect of the Gaian life force. If you give another person a friendly hug, that will evoke the Gaian life force to heal yourself and the other person. These things evoke the preserving and healing aspect of the Gaian life force. Furthermore, the Gaian life force may work more quickly than the subtle influence of the Universal Life Force. The Gaian life force can evoke creative energy. Sex is an expression of the creative aspect of the Gaian life force. But the Gaian life force can also be destructive. When two men get in a fist fight, they are expressing the destructive aspect of the Gaian life force. The Gaian life force can be healing/preserving, creative/sexual, or destructive/violent.
Sometimes occult dabblers use the Gaian life force to express the lower vibrational energies of psychic power. This is an unethical use of psychic power. Using the healing and preserving aspect of Gaian life force can be effective in the healing process. But some occult dabblers try to combine sexual practices to evoke psychic powers. This is sometimes called sex magic. Although some occultists do get the results they want from this, it is nonetheless unethical. Lovemaking is a beautiful act between consenting adults, but occultists prostitute these sexual energies when they use them for the psychic manipulation of others. Also, at this time in this world, some extremely unethical occultists use animal sacrifice and even human sacrifice in evoking psychic powers. This is an abuse of the Gaian life force. Some occultists use their mental powers to take advantage of the principle of non-locality in unethical ways. An unethical occultist might direct psychic energies to confuse the mind of another person or even to make that person ill. In our contemporary world, there are secret societies which teach their members in such techniques. And some of the most powerful people in the world are members of such secret societies.
This is why the tactic of psychic shielding is important to psychic development. In order to create a psychic shield you need to do three things:
1. Center yourself in an awareness of love for the Creator.
2. Affirm an attitude of good will for yourself and all humanity.
3. Affirm and visualize yourself and those you most care about as being surrounded by an aura of glowing light.
By doing these things repeatedly, you develop a habitual use of psychic ability which protects you automatically from negative non-local psychic connections and attracts positive non-local psychic connections. This is the art and science of psychic self defense.
There are also some things which tend to open you to psychic attack. Occult dabbling is dangerous because it may open you to psychic influences for which you aren’t ready. Often people experiment with psychic techniques without realizing that they can open themselves to negative influences. Drug addiction and alcohol abuse can weaken your natural psychic shield. Even legally prescribed medical and psychiatric drugs can weaken your natural psychic shield. Of course, if you’re using drugs for recreational purposes you have the option to quit, however this may not be the case with medicines. Nevertheless, anything you can do to minimize your drug use without harming your health is important. Compulsive negative attitudes can open you to negative psychic influences. It’s best if you don’t obsess on hatred, desire for revenge, or irrational fears. Good general health practices can help you to maintain your natural psychic shield. Spend time in the sunshine when you can and take appropriate amounts of vitamin D. If you can–it’s best to avoid poor diet, poor sleep, and lack of appropriate exercise. When you center your awareness on a love for the Creator and empathy for your fellow human beings, your psychic shield will naturally be strengthened by these positive attitudes.
Training Practice Seven
Part One, Simple Prayer for Healing:
Say a prayer for yourself or somebody else. If you ask the Creator to send the Universal Life Force to heal yourself or another, the Creator will do this. First you evoke your awareness of the Local Presence of the Creator. You may do this by sincerely saying a Counterpart Name for the Creator. Then you formally ask the Creator to send the Universal Life Force to yourself or another person for the purpose of healing. It’s your strong intention which makes this work. However, the more ritualistically you do this the better. You can word this type of prayer in any way that makes sense to you, and you can develop rituals in any way that feels good to you. But complex rituals aren’t necessary. You might do something like read something from a book of spiritual wisdom or light a candle. If you do something like that before saying a simple prayer it can be very effective.
This is one way you might say a healing prayer. Bow your head, close your eyes, and place the palms of your hands together. First state a Counterpart Name for the Creator and then say something like this:
“Beloved Creator, I am very grateful for all the health you have allowed my loved ones and me. Thank you for the many blessings you’ve given us. Thank you for your grace. You are the one true source of creation and I worship only you. Please send the Universal Life Force to assist in my healing and the healing of (state that person’s name). I am open to your healing power. I am open to your wisdom. Truly.”
After you’ve said the prayer, maintain the attitude of reverence for a while and visualize yourself and the person you’ve prayed for as being healthy and fully recovered.
In the Second Section of The Enchiridion, there are advanced teachings for healing techniques. But simple prayer is easy, and it’s a good starting point for training. While you are in training to go from novice to Adept, frequently say simple prayers for yourself or others. Specifically say healing prayers. Think of people you know, (you don’t have to be close to them even) and say prayers for those persons. If you hear about strangers with health problems in the news or from gossip–say prayers for them. If you see a sick person on the street–say a prayer for that person. It’s perfectly alright to say prayers for yourself as well. Take some time everyday and say prayers. The more you do this, the easier it will become for you to consciously direct the Universal Life Force at will. This is your rightful inheritance as a child of the Cosmos.
Part Two: Visualizing Your Psychic Shield:
There is a specific process for this. The more often you do this the stronger this experience will become. Try following this exact procedure:
1. Center yourself in feelings of love for the Creator, and say a Counterpart name for the Creator.
2. Pray to the Creator for psychic protection for yourself and those you care about. You can word this anyway that feels right to you. You might say something like this:
“I am very grateful for all the protection and peace you have given my loved ones and me. Thank you for the many blessings you have given us. Thank you for your grace. You are the one true source of all creation and I only worship you. Please send the Universal Life Force to protect my loved ones and me from negative psychic energy. I am open to your protective energy. I am open to your guidance and grace. Truly.”
3. Visualize the Universal Life Force as if it were clear glowing water coming down from above. Imagine it entering into the top of your head. Imagine that you are filled and then surrounded by an aura of glowing light. Imagine that this aura expands into a sphere of light which surrounds you. Visualize this also for anyone else you might wish to protect. Imagine that you see light coming down into them at the crown of the head, and visualize them being filled and surrounded by light.
Word List
lower vibrational psychic energy: noun, in The Enchiridion this refers to psychic energies, arising from the Gaian life force, which are fear-based. These would be subjectively experienced as fear, anger, hate, greed, and unhealthy sexual obsession.
higher vibrational psychic energy: noun, in The Enchiridion this refers to love-based psychic energies, which may arise both from the Universal Life Force as well as the Gaian life force. These would be subjectively experienced as love, joy, health, prosperity consciousness, and healthy sexual attraction.
LESSON EIGHT: The Ethics of a Psychic Adept.
Love is the essential principle of ethics. Love of self, love of romantic partner, love of family, love of tribe, love of humanity, love of life, love of Cosmos–these seven expressions of love all represent natural instincts. No matter how well life has allowed you to fulfill these instincts, by nature, all of these instincts are there. The Cosmos has intelligently-designed us to feel and express love.
Intelligent Design is the valid theory of biological evolution. Darwinism is a flawed theory of biological evolution which needs to be modified. But Darwinism did displace the religious dogma of Creationism–which was too simplistic to be scientific. The Book of Genesis is a beautiful poem, but it isn’t science. Intelligent Design isn’t the same as Creationism, which demands a literal interpretation of the Bible. But Intelligent Design does acknowledge that the Cosmos, on an intrinsic level, is intelligent and conscious. In this sense, it metaphorically acknowledges an aesthetic truth which is contained in the Book of Genesis.
Think of the educational process of a dialectic; this is defined as the process of debate which expresses thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. This was the debating method that Socrates used to teach his students. The Book of Genesis is the basis for Creationism, which was the original thesis. Darwin came along with the antithesis, which was Natural Selection. The debates between the Creationists and the Darwinists has resulted in a synthesis of thought. Intelligent Design is the result of that synthesis.
Intelligent Design recognizes that on subatomic levels of the Cosmos there is the expression of intelligence and consciousness. So although Natural Selection is one valid mechanism of the process of biological evolution, it’s not the entire story. Quantum physics, which recognizes the significance of consciousness and interconnection, opens the door to understanding why life was intelligently designed. You need these advanced theories of Intelligent Design to explain the origins of DNA and the structure of complex cellular mechanisms.
What this has to do with ethics is this, Natural Selection describes a process without intention and without moral judgement; Intelligent Design puts morality and intention back into the equation. Human beings were not the creation of some amoral and unintentional process. Social Darwinism with its rejection of morality is insane and destructive to civilization. There is a Creator of humanity. This Creator intends that we be moral. This is why ethics actually matters.
Feeling empathy and understanding for the viewpoint of others is the basis of all ethics; the specific ethics of being a psychic adept is five fold:
1. Reject the deceptive techniques of the psychic-frauds.
2. Make spiritual love the basis of all your psychic practices.
3. Reject psychic practices based on materialistic attitudes or lower vibrational energies.
4. Teach what you know openly.
5. Never worship false gods or invoke demons; only worship the one true Creator in spirit.
Contemporary skeptics deny the validity of psychic abilities and in doing so demonstrate a lack of insight; however, even the mundane skeptics aren’t wrong about everything–some people claiming to be psychics are fraudulent. There are many different techniques that frauds may use to fake psychic abilities. But these break down into three categories: #1. cold reading, #2. telling people what they want to hear, and #3. trickery.
Cold reading consists of getting people to give information about themselves so that the faker can pretend to have gotten that information through psychic methods. A faker might say something vague like, “I’m picking up that someone connected to you gave somebody a calendar as a gift.” Of course, calendars are very popular gifts, and it’s a safe bet that the victim of psychic-fraud will respond in some way. So, for example, when the victim replies that his late uncle once gave a calendar to his elderly mother–the faker has his hooks into the victim. The faker may then say something like, “I’m sensing that your uncle, on the other side, is trying to reach us. He’s saying that he wants you to pray for your mother’s health.” This is what the cold readers do, they tease information out of people through covert methods. When people play along with this game, the illusion of psychic ability may be created.
Many people who contact psychics-frauds want answers to certain typical questions. They want to know that their loved-ones, who have passed on, are in Heaven. They are looking for romance. They have concerns about money. Those fakers who can only pretend to have psychic abilities have no real answers, but they know what people want to hear. So if you’re calling somebody on a hot-line who is faking psychic abilities, you’re going to get their standard answers no matter what questions you ask.
There are all types of tricks and illusions by which psychic ability may be faked. For example, a faker might see what you’ve written on a piece of paper by looking at the reflection in a window behind you. Then there’s spoon bending. If you take a silver spoon and weaken it by bending it back and forth, as you then hold it in your hand, the body heat from your hand will soften the metal to the point where it will seem to bend on its own. There are hundreds of tricks of this sort. When examining claims of psychic abilities, it’s good to have a healthy degree of skepticism. However, more than that, once you’ve developed your own psychic ability, you’ll be able to intuitively sense when other people are either being real or faking it. As a psychic, you can feel when others are using their powers.
Furthermore, psychic powers are subtle and yet real. Telekinesis can be used to promote healing in another person on the other side of the world; but you can’t use it to pull a rabbit out of hat. Once you’ve developed psychic powers you’ll know what’s possible and what isn’t. But ethics demands that you be honest with yourself and others about your abilities.
There are some persons, trying to make money as professional psychics, who have learned to develop a limited level of psychic ability, and thus they try to combine fraudulent techniques with authentic ones. This is where ethics comes in. Whenever people fake psychic abilities, they encourage the skeptical mundanes to deny the potential for authentic psychic abilities. So it’s best to be honest with people and not pretend a level of psychic power you don’t actually possess.
You must found your psychic practices on feelings of love, not fear. Through quantum non-locality, you are connected to other people. If you direct negative thoughts toward people you can only create bad karma for yourself. It’s best to start off feeling empathy for people and direct love-based, positive thoughts towards people. That way you’ll create good karma. You need to realize that your thoughts aren’t just abstract ideas. Your thoughts are energetic. Your thoughts direct your psychic energy.
However, this is a subtle force. Suppose you get angry with a friend and think, “I wish you were dead.” That thought won’t kill him, and if he dies soon after it won’t be because of your fleeting, unkind thought. But if you direct focused and repeated negative thoughts toward a person over a period of time, it could cause actual harm to him and you. This isn’t a superstitious belief, it’s quantum physics applied to psychology. With psychic training your thoughts become more intensified and focused. The thought-energy put out by a psychic is greater than the thought-energy put out by a mundane. This is why it’s an ethical responsibility of a Psychic Adept to have a persistent attitude of good will for all people.
This is the problem with the occult dabblers, they have enough knowledge of psychic power to do some harm–but not enough knowledge to do good. Personally I have nothing against witches if they approach their faith with sincere spiritual commitment. Although I’m a Christian, some of my best friends have been witches. And it disturbs me when I think about all the innocent persons persecuted by medieval Christians because they were accused of being witches. So I recognize the importance of discerning between those occult dabblers who draw ideas from the study of witchcraft and those witches or warlocks who practice the old religion as a matter of sincere faith. Wiccan philosophy as an authentic faith isn’t about casting evil spells on unsuspecting victims; it’s about giving the Earth Goddess the respect she deserves. However, occultists who have read some books on witchcraft may try to use them to experiment with psychic powers with the intention of achieving unethical goals–and this can cause problems.
Typically occultists cast spells to fulfill their greed, lust, or desire for revenge. You have to be very careful about your intentions. It’s perfectly ethical to have the intention to achieve prosperity; but you must include in that intention the desire to achieve prosperity in ethical ways. Greed is driven by a fear of lack. Prosperity consciousness is driven by a love of self and others as well as a sense of gratitude for all that the Creator has given you. It’s perfectly ethical to use your psychic abilities to attract the type of relationship that your good heart desires; but this is never about manipulation. You should never use psychic abilities with the intention of harming another person. Emotions such as fear, anger, or hatred are a part of the human condition and everyone feels them at one time or another. But you must never ritualistically direct your psychic projections based on such negative feelings. When you ritualistically evoke your psychic powers you must always be centered in feelings of love, serenity, and gratitude for the Creator.
When occult dabblers use their psychic practices while experiencing negative emotions they harm themselves and others with their projections of lower vibrational psychic energy. Psychic Adepts reject this type of unethical use of psychic power. Creating a psychic shield doesn’t harm those persons who are attacking you–a psychic shield only defends yourself and others. A strong psychic shield will automatically dispel the lower vibrational energies projected toward you or those you intend to protect; in this way you can defeat any troublesome occult dabblers.
Those who use Ethical Psychic Tech can afford to be open about their practices, but practitioners tend to be secretive when they have an incomplete knowledge of psychic power or when they have unethical intentions. One reason that The Enchiridion was released was to openly present knowledge on psychic ability so that interested persons wouldn’t be tempted to go down the path of occultism. If you really understand psychic power you won’t use it for greed, or lust, or any shameful purpose; psychic ability is only empowering if it’s used with ethical good will for all.
Training Practice Eight:
Ethics is not about memorizing rules to be obeyed; to be fully ethical is to be fully loving–this is what Christ came to the world to teach. The learning drill for this section is to contemplate the nature of love. Take a big sheet of paper and draw a small seven pointed star at the center. This will represent the seven natural expressions of love. At the seven points write these words: self, romance, family, tribe, humanity, life, and Cosmos. Then around the page, in no particular order, depict the expressions of love which are most relevant to you. You can use words, quotes, symbols, and pictures. It’s your contemplation of the nature of love, not the piece of paper, that matters. This is a meditation on the subject of love which you will write and draw onto paper. You may wish to keep this piece of paper to meditate upon in the future. However, the piece of paper should not become an object of worship. Never worship graven images, only worship spirit. God is love; the Creator is love. And love is the spirit of the Creator. The more you are able to focus your thoughts on love, the more harmonic you become with the Creator. When you are centered in love, you are naturally ethical. As a Psychic Adept it’s vital that you base your practices on feelings of love. So as you develop your psychic abilities, be sure to do this type of contemplation of love on a regular basis.
LESSON NINE: Self Esteem and Media Mind Control
Although a simple definition of the self would be the unified soul, mind, and body–there needs to be a more complex definition when understanding the nature of personality. For the purposes of The Enchiridion, the personality is defined as the persona, the core personality, and the shadow personality.
The persona is the social role that you wear like a mask in dealing with people in society. In dealing with society, everyone is like an actor–playing a certain social role. There is the persona of your job, the persona of your day to day dealings with people, and the persona that you wear when you’re having fun. Having a persona allows you to better interact with people and it protects you emotionally. To some extent, your persona is disconnected from your core emotions and thus it protects your emotional self.
However, you have to share your real emotions with the people you care about. Sometimes you have to take off the social mask of the persona and allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable. This is your core personality.
Nevertheless, there are some emotions and thoughts that you don’t share with anyone. Of course the Universal Mind knows everything you think and feel, so you’re never really alone. But in living your life, you’ve probably learned that some emotions and thoughts are better kept to yourself. If you suppress your thoughts and feelings too much this could drive you insane. But nobody is so open that they share everything. Any aspect of your personality that goes unshared is your shadow personality.
Your persona is known to everyone. Your core personality is known to your closest friends and family. Your shadow personality is known only to the Universal Mind. It could be said that the Universal Mind knows you better than you know yourself.
Personality is the means through which you interact with the world. Your persona is a model of your inner self which you present to the world. Your core personality is a model of your inner self which you present to your loved ones. Your shadow personality is a model of your inner self which you withhold from the world.
Sometimes there are good reasons for withholding certain things you feel or think from the world. For example, persons who continually obsess on their anger aren’t really being honest, they’re being self indulgent. Sometimes part of being an adult is knowing what you need to withhold. Your shadow self isn’t evil, it’s just that which must be withheld.
However, in your relationship with the Universal Mind, you may sometimes come to realize that you can safely let out aspects of your shadow self. As you achieve a greater psychic connection with other people, you may come to realize that somethings which you have kept secret may be safely shared with some others. In this way you can let some of your shadow personality out into the light.
Sometimes negative emotions which you’ve withheld to protect others may make you sick if you don’t find a way to process them. If you feel a great deal of unexpressed anger, you may be able to learn to find healthy ways to express it. Emotions are energy and energy can be given new forms. Negative emotions aren’t evil, they’re just energies which haven’t yet found an appropriate outlet. Some activities sublimate emotional energies, such as sports. As you come to realize fully who you are as a personality, you come to realize better ways interact with the world.
If you withhold that which is within you, it might destroy you. But if you find a way to express that which is within you, it may save you. Within you is an entire world of your own creation. Understanding this truth is essential to psychic ability.
One of the great secrets revealed by neurology is that the individual isn’t directly perceiving reality with his or her senses. The brain takes in sensory perception as raw data, it constructs a model of reality based on that raw data, and then the consciousness of the individual views this model of reality. What you are looking at when you look at a rose isn’t your visual perception of a rose, it’s your brain’s construct of a rose. Of course the brain is constantly receiving raw data from the senses, so it’s a construct of reality that is constantly updated.
This is why you can see optical illusions. This is why you can see hallucinations. Some of the great intellectuals of the 1950s experimented with LSD, and some saw it as a path to enlightenment. Long before that, shaman used natural hallucinogenic drugs for mind-expanding purposes. The Enchiridion doesn’t recommended this as a part of your psychic training, but if you’ve ever seen a hallucination, you have learned something important whether you realized its significance or not. What a hallucination proves is that this model of reality given to you by the brain can contain lies. When the brain’s construction of reality is altered in some significant way by hallucination it suggests this truth. There’s actually a bigger reality out there than the one that’s presented to you by the constructed model of reality created by the brain. But you don’t need to take drugs to know this truth.
The whole purpose of propaganda and brainwashing is to alter the individual’s model of reality. By redefining the individual’s model of reality, manipulative persons can redefine the individual’s self image. And we live in a time when propaganda and mind control are rampant. This is one of the biggest barriers you face in developing your psychic ability. The entire contemporary culture works to condition people to believe that there’s no such thing as psychic ability. People aren’t born mundane, they’ve been brainwashed to be that way. Fictional movies and sci-fi stories present psychic power in unrealistic ways, and often it’s presented as a curse in which the fictional psychic can’t control or even understand his powers. Yet psychic powers are real and they’re not evil. The truth is, you don’t know who you really are until you develop your psychic powers. Until then, you are living inside a false model of reality.
Attack on the self esteem of the individual in this contemporary culture is never-ending. You can never be thin enough, strong enough, handsome enough, sexy enough, or rich enough. The images presented to you on television are always unattainable. Men are made to feel that they should be super-heros with unattainable superhuman abilities. Women are made to feel that they should be supermodels with unattainable glamor. No matter what you achieve at work, it isn’t enough. You can’t be productive enough. Dogmatic Church leaders tell you that you were born in sin instead of telling you that you’re a child of God. No matter what you accomplish, you’ll never be good enough. Your salary will never be enough to pay your bills or to make sure that you have all the expensive toys advertised on television. You’re in a rat race. You are being manipulated like a lab rat in a maze. And the mechanism for manipulating you is an image of yourself which can never be achieved. Until you escape the false model of reality that this materialistic culture is projecting upon you, you will never escape the trap of being a mundane.
This is a story that mundane society has told you about psychic ability; they’ve told you that it’s all a fraud. The contemporary king-skeptic who is quoted time and time again as the man who has disproved all psychics is the so-called Amazing Randy–a Las Vegas stage entertainer. If you go into enough research you’ll find that time and time again scientists have shown that psychic abilities do exist. The DIA and CIA spent more than twenty million dollars over more than twenty-five years because they knew that psychic abilities exist. The SRI devoted considerable resources to such research, and congressional hearings proved that there were examples of their successes. However, real-world psychic abilities don’t express themselves in dramatic ways such as you might see on some silly TV movie. Real psychic abilities are subtle. Things like spoon bending and levitation are obviously not real. But through quantum non-locality, remote healing and remote viewing can take place, and science has proven this. So you have a choice, you can believe the hard science or you can believe a Las Vegas stage entertainer.
If you have realistic expectations for your psychic powers, you can develop them so that they serve you. Once you have developed them, you won’t need faith–you’ll have experience. But there’s a great deal of effort that’s been put out through the educational system and the mass media which encourages you to have low self esteem as well as a limited awareness of your own powers. So you should know that the realistic development of your psychic power is an authentic expression of your self esteem. And you have a right to these powers as well as your self esteem.
Psychic powers don’t have to be expressed consciously for them to work to your advantage. This is a very important point. When psychic abilities are directed by your subconscious and superconscious levels of mind they may serve your life in extraordinary ways. You can attune your conscious mind to your superconscious mind with certain practices. When you do this you will find that your conscious mind can indirectly guide your psychic powers. In this way they will automatically serve you to create a better life.
The key to doing this is to take back control of your imagination from the television set and the media propaganda. You need to take back your natural power of visualization; mechanical visualization projectors, such as TV and videos, hijack this power. If you watch a lot of television or play video games a great deal, you should consider cutting back. Most contemporary news programs on TV are little more than propaganda. It’s better to study current events through reading. If you do watch videos, think about what you watch.
Everything you look at influences your subconscious mind. The Enchiridion suggests that you avoid looking at videos depicting violence or sexual perversion. In the Elijah Hierarchy, during the time when a novice would receive his or her basic training, they forbade all watching of television and all listening to radio. However, The Enchiridion needs to be accessible to ordinary people living normal lives. I know that for many people looking at videos is a social activity, so it might be unreasonable to demand that you stop completely. But you can cut back some during your basic psychic training. And you can choose to look at positive, life-affirming videos instead of trash. Comedies are better than horror. Family oriented movies are better than porn. When you look at garbage on the screen, you are pouring garbage into your subconscious mind.
Training Practice Nine:
Mirror gazing is a practice found in many different disciplines. The Enchiridion has it’s own version of this for the purposes of psychic development. While doing this, you may wish to play relaxing instrumental music in the background. Before practicing this, center yourself in your love for the Creator.
This is the practice of scan/subvocalize/cognize in mirror gazing. First sit in a comfortable position in front of a mirror. Gently look at your image in the mirror, scan over this image briefly–looking up and down at your image. Then close your eyes and subvocalize saying, “I am a Psychic Adept.” Next you create with your imagination a self realizing cognition. In this particular case, the cognition will come from your ego. Thus you are giving your superconscious mind access to your ego. Your cognition will be a brief daydream. Visualize something that you desire to achieve in your life. Imagine something in your life and the lives of your loved ones as you would wish it to be. This wish doesn’t have to be realistic. Furthermore, in making this visualization you should know that that the thing you wish for won’t necessarily magically come about. However, your subconscious mind will respond to this visualization. Your subconscious mind is strongly linked to your superconscious mind, and your superconscious mind is the source of your psychic power. After you briefly visualize this wish, open your eyes and look in the mirror again to scan your own image. Again close your eyes and subvocalize, “I am a Psychic Adept.” While your eyes are still closed, again visualize something that you’d like to achieve. It can be the same thing or something else. Continue with this cycle of scan/subvocalize/cognize for as long as you feel comfortable. Do this practice whenever you feel in the mood to do so. It will consecrate your subconscious and superconscious psychic powers to the service of your life.
But never use hateful visualizations. Don’t base any visualization on anger. Don’t allow any negativity into any of these visualizations. All visualization must be based on higher vibrational energies. If you find yourself dwelling on lower vibrational energies as you attempt this practice–stop doing this practice and do something else. Only use this practice when you feel naturally centered on feelings of serenity and spiritual love.
LESSON TEN: Prayer and Meditation
You should have realistic expectations for your psychic abilities. In fantastical sci-fi movies, people with psychic abilities are depicted as having supernatural powers. They can kill people with their telekinesis and fly through the air–things of that sort. Real-world psychic training focuses on abilities such as the development of clairvoyant insight and remote healing through prayer. Clairvoyance is the ability to use subtle psychic insights to enhance the powers of reason. This gives the clairvoyant individual tremendous advantages over those who have not developed their power of intuition. As you learn to use prayer to heal yourself and others you will see and experience the results. You should expect that if you develop your psychic abilities you will be able to live a better life. This is because you will have greater self determination and certainty in your decision making. It’s this self determinism and certainty which defines the lifestyle of the Psychic Adept.
The Lessons (One through Twelve) and the practices taught in this First Section serve two purposes–they are a prerequisite to developing the more advanced skills and they make a spiritual lifestyle possible.
But this clairvoyant lifestyle should not be underestimated. Many people live their lives in a fog of uncertainty; they feel that they are pulled back and forth by external forces which they don’t control. The clairvoyant lifestyle of the Psychic Adept leads the individual to feel that he or she is back in control of his life, and it creates a clear sense of purpose.
A happy clairvoyant lifestyle doesn’t require the advanced psychic abilities that you may develop by using the Second Section of The Enchiridion. Basic clairvoyance requires being centered in your relationship with the Creator. However once you have achieved this clairvoyant lifestyle–you may choose to develop your advanced psychic skills which will allow you to better serve humanity, the ecosystem, and the Creator.
Some of the training practices described in this First Section are intended to be life long practices, such as the use of scan/subvocalize/cognize in reading for high comprehension. Other training practices should be done over and over again during the period when you are developing your basic psychic skills, such as contemplation of the nature of love as described in Lesson Eight; however such practices need not become life-long practices because they are only being done to reinforce an attitude change. Other training practices may be done for as long as they yield positive results, such as keeping a dream journal; some Psychic Adepts might choose to keep a dream journal for only a few weeks as a learning exercise, others might make it a long term practice. However, The Enchiridion encourages daily prayer and meditation as a life long practice.
The most important practices described in this First Section are prayer and meditation. This is because they keep your mind centered in your harmonic connection with the Creator. Prayer and meditation works like this. First you speak or subvocalize a prayer with the intention of evoking your awareness of the Creator. Then you silently concentrate on a holy mantra to maintain your feeling of this Presence. How long you do this meditation may be determined by personal desire and practical considerations.
When and how often you pray and meditate may also be determined by both personal desire and practical considerations. However, during the time when you are developing your psychic ability to go from novice to Adept, it is recommended that you practice prayer and meditation at least twice a day everyday. After you have gone from novice to Adept, you can reevaluate how often you need to do this.
Although a specific prayer and mantra will be suggested below, what prayer and mantra you use should be a personal choice. What is most important is that any prayer or mantra you use be representative of your spiritual love for the Creator. As a microcosm of the macrocosm, prayer and meditation is a way to center your life in an awareness of yourself as a child of the Cosmos.
The most important aspect of prayer is that you are centered in a feeling of gratitude for the Creator; your feelings of gratitude matter more than any ritualistic aspect of prayer. However, there is something to be said for the ritualistic use of a traditional prayer position. The traditional prayer position is to knell and bring the palms of the hands together at the heart level with the head tilted slightly forward and eyes closed. Knee problems, or other practical reasons, might make the act of knelling unreasonable. Yet if the prayer can be said while in the traditional prayer position, it may be more effective. This traditional prayer position mimics the position of the embryo in the womb. To assume that position while saying the prayer brings forth positive feelings associated with prenatal memory.
After praying, one should practice mantra meditation while sitting in a comfortable position with eyes closed; it’s during this meditation that you concentrate upon a holy mantra. While physically silent, in your mind use the power of your imagination to speak the mantra mentally. If this is difficult, subvocalize the mantra for a while. But it’s best if you can make the mantra purely mental. When other thoughts enter into the mind which distract from the mantra, acknowledge such thoughts and then return to the repeating of the mantra. It’s important to remain connected to your feelings of spiritual awareness while meditating. You evoke your feeling of connection to the Creator with the prayer and then you extend that feeling of connection with mantra meditation. Prayer and meditation is all about creating a spiritual awareness and then maintaining it for a time. How long you meditate should be determined by practical considerations as well as emotional sensitivity. You should meditate for as long as it feels good to meditate.
Training Practice Ten:
Use the prayer and mantra below, or another prayer and mantra that you choose, and practice prayer and meditation.
Heaven on Earth Invocation
Holy Family of Christ who are in Heaven,
Hallowed is the name of the Creator.
Thy Republic come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give to us this day the Spirit of Truth,
Bestow to each of us a heart of courage.
Guide us to a loving attitude, and show us our greatest good.
For thine is the glory and power forever, Verily.
mantra: “Yeshua Yahweh Shekinah.”
LESSON ELEVEN: Holistic Health
The first principle of Holistic Health is that you must decide to take responsibility for your health. This is not to say that it’s your fault if you’ve gotten sick or been hurt in an accident. Taking responsibility isn’t the same as blaming yourself. Taking responsibility means that you choose to do whatever is necessary to improve your health.
People often do things that make themselves ill, sometimes without realizing how. In this contemporary society, public information about medical issues and diet are often misleading. For example, many people don’t realize that, rather than preventing illness, some vaccines are actually designed to make you sick. If you wish to remain healthy in this unhealthy contemporary society, you must dedicate yourself to doing research. You have to do a great deal of research to know what foods are safe to eat and are good for you. Sometimes a simple change in diet can improve your health.
In recent years, there has been a consolidation of the corporations which control the news. At one time mainstream journalists had more integrity than they do right now. These days the decisions about what will be presented in the news are made by a relatively small group of people, none of whom care about anything other than corporate profits. Contemporary mass media news sources are often deliberately inaccurate. Unfortunately, in this present time culture, you can’t trust information from the government or the corporate-controlled news programs. You have to do your own research into issues. Even information given to you by doctors may be inaccurate because they too are subjected to a corruptive corporate system. We’re not telling you these truths to make you paranoid, this is simply the way things are right now.
But even in the future, after society has been reformed, citizens will still be responsible to be educated in health issues. So it will always be true that you must take responsibility for your own health by doing your own research. Whether to are trying to maintain your health or to restore your health, you have to do a great deal of research. You have to research about healthy food and water. You have to educate yourself on basic health issues. You have to use your study skills as a first step in achieving or maintaining health.
Here are a few examples of how contemporary misinformation is making people ill. GMO foods are promoted as being safe when in fact they may cause illness. Psychiatric drugs are being widely promoted as a way of treating mental illness when in fact the over prescription of them has often harmed mental health. Circumcision is being promoted as being good for the health of male infants when in actuality it’s a form of torture which causes severe health problems; furthermore, circumcision decreases sexual gratification when the victim grows to manhood. Don’t take my word for any of this, do your own in-depth research.
Another way to take responsibility for your health is to make the changes in your behavior which you know will improve your health. Certain things are obviously harmful like smoking cigarettes or failing to get appropriate exercise. Until you choose to take responsibility, you will continue to be a victim of health problems, and your recovery simply will not take place.
There are many different systems of holistic health, and The Enchiridion doesn’t go into most of them. But there is one type of holistic health practice which does relate to psychic ability. This is the use of the Universal Life Force to heal oneself or others. You invoke this power when you pray for yourself or others.
Through prayer you can project the Universal Life Force to send subtle healing energy to another person; however Palm Healing which is done in person, can be more effective for several reasons. Reiki practice is a version of Palm Healing, however, I’m not going to describe the Reiki method here, if you want to learn Reiki you have to learn it in person from a master. There will also be more information on Reiki in the Second Section. However, you don’t have to be a trained Reiki healer in order to do Palm Healing.
In Palm Healing which is done in person you’re not just invoking the Universal Life Force, you’re also evoking the Gaian life force which is naturally projected by your own body. Furthermore there are psychological factors involved in Palm Healing which enhances its effectiveness. In Palm Healing you place the palms of your hands onto another person to allow the natural Gaian life force to flow into that person’s body. The Second Section goes into other methods, but simple Palm Healing is a good starting point for novices.
Palm Healing is natural. Early Christians were known to perform healing through a “laying on of the hands.” You find versions of this type of healing in cultures from all around the world. When a child is hurt, such as a skinned knee, the natural instinct of parents is to place their hands onto the hurt place. Your body naturally flows healing energy through the palms of your hands. If you take advantage of this fact, and you apply prayer and meditation to enhance the process, what you have is basic Palm Healing.
Gaian life force is continually being generated by your physical body. Gaian life force flows naturally out of the palms of your hands. Furthermore, the palms of your hands are sensitive to sensing the Gaian life force in others. The palms of your hands are almost like sensory organs, they receive information from the Gaian life force and they project the Gaian life force. If you were to place the palms of your hands onto the shoulders of another person, that person would naturally receive healing energy. Also, for emotional reasons, the friendly act of appropriately placing ones hands on another person is psychologically beneficial. This is why people shake hands and hug.
You can intensify the healing power of the natural Gaian life force with prayer, invoking the Universal Life Force. Then the Universal Life Force will complement and enhance the Gaian life force. Think about where you can place the palms of your hands on another person’s body so that it feels appropriate to that person as well as yourself. Standing behind a person who is sitting down, you may place the palms of your hands onto his or her shoulders. Or you might place the palms of your hands onto the sides of his or her scalp. If the person is lying down, you might place the palms of your hands onto that person’s stomach, knees, or ankles. You would need to talk with the other person to determine that person’s comfort zones as well as your own. In this type of simple palm healing, you would use your intuition to determine where you place your hands and how long you keep them there.
Training Practice Eleven: Palm Healing
Part One: Self Healing
Step 1. After washing your hands, sit in a comfortable chair, place the palms of your hands together at the heart level, close your eyes, and reverently say a Counterpart Name for the Creator.
Step 2. Say a prayer for healing. Word it anyway that seems appropriate to you, perhaps something like this. “Blessed Creator, thank you for all that you have given me and my loved ones. I am grateful for my health. I am thankful for all the unconditional love you have given me. You are the one true source of all creation and I worship you and you alone. I now open myself to your unconditional grace. Please send healing energy to me now. May healing energy flow forth from the palms of my hands.”
Step 3. Visualize the Universal Life Force entering into your body. With your eyes closed imagine that you see clear glowing water flowing down from above entering into your body at the crown of your head. Imagine that this glowing force flows down into your heart level, then from there through your arms and out into the palms of your hands.
Step 4. Take the palms of your hands and place them lightly on either side of your head so that your middle fingers touch at the crown of your head. Gently hold them there for a minute–remaining sensitive to your feelings. Next, move the palms of your hands around to your forehead with the fingers pointing upward, and hold them there in the same fashion for about a minute. Then for about a minute place the palms of your hands gently on the sides of your neck. Don’t apply pressure, just hold them there lightly. After that lightly place your hands near your heart and hold them there gently for about a minute. Then do this with your stomach–holding your palms there for a minute or so. Next place the palms of your hands on your hips for about a minute. Finally place the palms of your hands on your knees for a minute or so.
Step 5. Open your eyes, and gently clap your hands about 7 times. (This will turn off the flow of Gaian life force and indicate the end of the healing session.) Finally wash your hands again.
Part Two: Send Healing Energy to your Study Partner
Each of the two of you should take turns sending and receiving healing energy. For the purposes of this training exercise, we’re only interested in giving you a brief experience of sending Universal Life Force to another person through palm healing. This experience will assist in a later training practice for telepathy.
The person receiving healing energy sits in a chair. The person sending healing energy starts off standing behind the receiver’s chair. But eventually the sender will sit on a chair across from the receiver.
Always wash your hands before and after Palm Healing. As well as common sense for sanitary reasons, this washing of the hands helps to ritualize the process–and that’s always good in doing any type of psychic work. You want every process that you use for psychic ability to have the quality of ritual about it.
First, for this drill evoke your awareness of the Creator and say a prayer. Then place your hands gently on the shoulders of your study partner. After that, close your eyes. Use scan/subvocalize/cognize in this way. Scan your study partner’s body by imagining that you are beaming light into his or her body through the palms of your hands. Subvocalize this affirmation, “I feel the flow of healing energy now.” Then pay attention to your feelings. Most people will feel a subtle flow of energy coming from their hands as they do this. That feeling is your cognition. Repeat this pattern of scan/subvocalize/cognize a number of times–just to allow yourself to feel your connection to the Gaian life force.
Then walk around so that you face the receiver and sit in a chair a few feet away. Hold your hands up in front of you, face your palms forward and close your eyes. Imagine that beams of healing energy are projected from your palms to enter into your study partner’s forehead. Try to see this with your mind’s eye. You will scan the receiver by projecting Reiki. You won’t be physically touching your study partner at this point. This will be remote healing. Then subvocalize the affirmation, “I feel the flow of healing energy now entering your forehead.” Then pay attention to the feelings in the palms of your hands for several seconds. That feeling in your palms will be your cognition. Repeat this pattern of scan/subvocalize/cognize for a while. Then when you are done–gently clap your hands about 7 times.
Do this training practice no more than once a day, and perform it at least seven times before going on to the next lesson.
LESSON TWELVE: Basic Telepathy and Divination
The purpose of telepathy and divination isn’t to do parlor tricks to amuse other people. This type of training has practical uses. Once you’ve had some experience with telepathic communication, even if it’s a small experience, you’ll find that your ordinary communication becomes more effective. In your conversations with people you will be more sensitive. In your written communication you will be more insightful. As well as this, divination practice will make you better able to understand your purpose in life. You will become more intentional and effective in accomplishing your goals. Through divination practice, your relationship with the Creator will improve. This will cause you to be more confident in how you live your life.
In The Enchiridion, divination isn’t an occult practice, it’s a spiritual practice in which you are asking God to send you the Spirit of Truth. This is a different type of practice than the divination done by occult dabblers who open themselves to demonic influences. You must use divination with the attitude that you do so in service to the Creator and humanity as well as your own enlightened self interests. For divination to work in this way, you must feel that you are in harmonic concordance with the Creator.
Whatever tools you use for divination are not magical in and of themselves; a divination tool is any mechanism through which the subconscious mind, influenced by the superconscious mind, can express psychic insight. Divination is simply a way to receive guidance from the Spirit of Truth. Here, the Spirit of Truth is defined as the informational manifestation of the Universal Mind. When such knowledge is revealed, you will apprehend it with a feeling of certainty. For some Psychic Adepts, divination tools aren’t necessary because these Adepts feel such a strong connection to the Creator that the Spirit of Truth is easily manifested into their awareness. Even if that turns out to be the case for you as well, some training using divination tools is a useful way to condition your mind to be receptive to the Spirit of Truth. A couple of examples of divination tools are playing cards or a forked stick for water dowsing. More advanced techniques for divination are discussed in the Second Section. Enchiridion-style divination works by attuning your superconscious mind to your subconscious mind so that the subtle movements of your physical hands are influenced directly by your superconscious mind. In this way the shuffling of cards or the bobbing of a stick becomes an expression of psychic ability.
Whatever divination tools you use should be consecrated to God before using them; in this way only the Spirit of Truth will speak through them. By spiritually consecrating your divination tools, you screen out negative psychic influences. For example, if you’re going to teach yourself dowsing, when you find or create an appropriate forked stick, say a prayer and ask God to bless the dowsing stick. Consecrate the dowsing stick to God by pledging to only use it for good purposes to help others. In doing the training practices at the end of this lesson you’ll need a standard playing card deck. Before you use this deck be sure to consecrate it with prayer. Strong intention determines your level of psychic power, so by consecrating your divination tools, you are expressing strong intention.
Astrology can be used for divination. However, no form of divination should be used to impose limits upon persons or to compromise their power of free will. Good astrologers reveal options to their clients, they don’t tell them their fate. With astrology you can come to understand the unseen influences in your life. Understanding such influences can help you to determine your own fate. Astrology is a complex discipline which is both a science and an art. It requires a great deal of study as well as a highly developed sense of intuition. Contemporary astrologers vary greatly in terms of skill. If you consult an astrologer you should locate a skillful one. And you shouldn’t attempt to become a professional astrologer unless you are willing to do the study necessary.
However, for this lesson here you are going to deal with the simplest form of divination. This is where you mentally connect with the Universal Mind and use playing cards in order to get a yes or no answer to a question. It’s best to master a simple form of divination before going on to a more complex one. If you are interested in becoming an astrologer, the divination practice described in this lesson will help to prepare you. In fact, this practice here is a good prerequisite to any other form of divination training.
Divination is telepathic communication with the Universal Mind. Much of your training in The Enchiridion thus far has been to attune your individual mind to the Universal Mind. Divination uses the subconscious and superconscious levels of mind as a means to open to the Universal Mind. One problem with this is that a message from the subconscious mind might be confused for a message from the Universal Mind. This is a problem which many novices face. It can be difficult to know what is coming from the Universal Mind and what is coming from the subconscious mind. This can cause confusion, especially with people who have mental health issues. The subconscious mind of an abused person may contain persistent negative emotions. Even if you intellectually comprehend the precise methodology of a divination technique, if you’re not attuned to the Universal Mind that technique may merely open you to confusing subconscious influences. This is one reason why telepathy training with another person is a prerequisite to divination training. Never attempt divination in any form until you have mastered a basic level of human to human telepathic communication. In this way you have the experience of knowing that you are connecting with a mind other than your own subconscious.
Cards may be used both in divination and in basic training for telepathy. And for these practices you only need standard playing cards. This is a deck made up of suits of red hearts, red diamonds, black spades, and black clubs. Don’t use Zener cards. They were supposedly designed for psychic training, but they’re ineffective. They consist of five black symbols, each on a white background. These symbols are a star, a circle, a square, a cross, and symbol made up of three wavy lines. These five symbols look too similar to lend themselves to distinct visualization. Zener cards superficially look mystical in a pseudo-scientific way. But really they are a poorly conceived tool for psychic training. They only create confusion. In telepathy you are projecting and receiving thought-forms. These thought-forms must be vivid and distinct from one another. The value of standard playing cards is that half the deck is black and half the deck is red; and this can be use to inspire two distinct visualizations. Think of the binary language of computers–it consists of ones and zeros. Well, you are going to learn the binary language of telepathy using red cards and black cards. The red cards represent fire and the black cards represent ice. These suggest two vividly different visualizations–and thus two different thought-form pictures which can’t be confused with one another. When the Elijah Hierarchy members started training themselves in telepathy by using cards–they eventually threw away the Zener cards and started using standard playing cards–the kind you can find almost anywhere.
Training Practice Twelve
Part One: Basic Telepathy Training
Before you attempt divination you should establish a degree of telepathic connection with another person. In divination you’re receiving mind to mind communication from the Universal Mind of the Creator. In telepathy you’re receiving mind to mind communication from another person. When you reach a point where you begin to sense that you are actually mentally connecting with another person through telepathy–this is an important breakthrough. In order to go on to divination you don’t have to be highly skillful with telepathy, but you do need to achieve the breakthrough where you experience communication which you know with certainty has come from a mind other than your own. You must have the reality of this experience. This telepathic communication is taking place between the superconscious minds of two persons. Once you have this experience, you can more strongly attune your mind to the Universal Mind. So the practice of telepathy is a prerequisite to divination training. One problem in some types of divination is that you don’t necessarily know whether or not the information is coming from the Universal Mind or merely your own subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is powerful but also childlike. Like a child it may play tricks, pretending to be a source of divine knowledge. This can cause confusion. But if you start off with telepathy, you come to know when the information is coming from a source outside of yourself.
Find a standard deck of playing cards and make sure it has an even number of red and black cards. Invoke your awareness of the Creator through prayer and meditation. Then ask the Creator to consecrate the deck of playing cards to make it receptive only to good influences. Then visualize the deck of cards bathed in glowing white light.
There needs to be two people to do basic telepathy training. Before you and your study partner start this training, the two of you need to do three preparations. These are an empathy drill, a visualization training drill, and a dry run to master the protocols.
First Preparation: The empathy drill works like this. You and your study partner make a long list of everything you have in common. Don’t put down anything on this list which you don’t have in common. For example, let’s say that you don’t like spinach but your study partner does–then don’t put spinach on the list; but let’s say that you both like carrots–so carrots do go on the list. Make this list ridiculously long. Spend several hours putting it together. At first ask mundane questions like–“What are your favorite foods?” Some topics that can be covered are favorite books, favorite songs, favorite historical figures, favorite celebrities, favorite sports, and so forth. Have a long conversation and find out all the things you have in common. They don’t have to be big things, they can be small things. Eventually get around to talking about the bigger issues of spirituality and philosophy. But in this conversation, only focus on the things you have in common. Don’t argue about what you don’t have in common. Telepathy arises naturally from empathic connections, so firmly establish empathy between yourself and your study partner.
Second Preparation: This has to do with learning the visualizations for the red cards and the black cards. To do this preparation you’ll need a bowl of ice cubes, a candle, a piece of black paper at least as large as a play card, and a similarly sized piece of red paper. You’ll also need a deck of standard playing cards. With these items you’ll be able to teach yourself the binary language of telepathy.
Life on Earth is binary in the sense that we have a continuing cycle of day and night, day and night. The day is bright and warm, the night is dark and cold. But we need them both. The two visualizations that you’ll learn in this preparation mimic this natural dualism. One fact that you should know is that the intuitive right hemisphere of the brain is hardwired to the left hand, and the logical left hemisphere of the brain is hardwired to the right hand. The significance of this fact may make sense to you as you move forward in this training.
First start with the black card visualization. You will base this visualization on your memory of an experience you will create. The experience is black/cold/ice. Get an ice cube and hold it in your right hand as you stare at a black piece of paper–associating this image of blackness with the cold feeling in your right palm.
Next work on the red card visualization. The experience you create for this is red/warm/fire. For this you use the candle’s warmth, so that without burning yourself, you hold the palm of your left hand near the flame to feel the warmth; do this as you stare at a red piece of paper to associate the color red with the warm feeling in your left palm.
Go back and forth between the red/warm/fire experience and the black/cold/ice experience. The more you do this the better. Take a deck of playing cards and shuffle them. Then go through the deck one card at a time. When you get a black card you hold the ice in your right palm briefly as you look at a black piece of paper. When you get a red card, hold your left palm briefly near the flame while staring at the red piece of paper. Go through the whole deck this way so that you imprint yourself with black/cold/ice in your right palm and red/warm/fire in your left palm.
Next, put out the candle and set aside the ice cubes so you can concentrate on practicing visualization. Reshuffle the deck and start over. When you draw a black card you’ll close your eyes and visualize a black piece of paper–imagining (or remembering) the cold feeling of an ice cube in your right palm. When you get a red card, close your eyes and visualize a red piece of paper–imagining (or recalling) the feeling of the flame’s warmth in your left palm. Go through the entire deck this way. You should practice this until you can, at will, hold a clear thought-form in your mind which is inspired by either a red card or a black card.
Third Preparation: When you actually start telepathy training you will follow a set of exact protocols. You and your study partner will sit at a small table across from each other so you can see each other face to face. In advanced telepathy training you would eventually learn to communicate telepathically without seeing your study partner’s face; advanced telepathy partners can communicate to each other from many miles away because distance makes no difference. However in this beginner’s telepathy training, you need to be able to see your partner’s face; this is because you are learning to slowly go from sensory-based communication to extra-sensory communication. This is actually a big leap. This can be very emotional. So you need to make this transition one step at a time. That’s why you need all these preparations.
The third preparation you need to do is a dry run. Before you get into the actual use of telepathy, you need to do a dry run in which you’re only pretending to use telepathy. In this dry run you each will take turns being the Receiver and the Sender. In this preparation, you aren’t going to try to actually send or receive, you’ll just practice the protocols of telepathy training. When you’ve become comfortable with the protocols–each taking turns pretending to be the Sender and the Receiver–then you can go on to the actual telepathy training. But do practice this dry run until the protocols become habitual. When you are doing the actual telepathy training you’ll want to be able to concentrate upon the thought-forms–not the protocols. So spend as much time on the dry run as you need to until you have completely familiarized yourself with its routine. The Protocols are listed below, so memorize them completely before doing the dry run.
Telepathy Training: When you go onto the actual telepathy training, make sure of these things. You must be sober when you do this, and you can’t be hung over from drinking too much the night before. Drugs like marijuana stay in the system for days or weeks. So if you’re in the habit of using recreational drugs, you’ll have to dry out completely or you won’t be effective. You must be well rested when you do this, and you must be healthy. If you are stressed out, or have anxiety about some issue, you may not be able to concentrate. So do this when you are healthy, clear-headed, and sober.
Before you go into the training session, you and your study partner should pray together and meditate for a short while. Once you are done meditating, stand up close to one another and place the palms of your hands together; that is, the palm of your right hand will be touching the palm of your study partner’s left hand, and the palm of your left hand will be touching the palm of your study partner’s right hand. (This may feel a little awkward at first, but it will create a subconscious telepathic connection between you.) You and your study partner will do this by holding up your hands at about the level of your shoulders–palms facing forward; then you will both push your hands forward until the palms of your hands are gently touching. While making eye contact, hold the palms of your hands together like this for about thirty seconds. Most people will feel a slight charge of Gaian life force surge between them when they do this. In the Elijah Hierarchy they call this “priming the pump.” (In the old days, if you used a well, you had to pour water down the pipes before you could pump water up from an underground aquifer; that was called priming the pump–so there’s an analogy.) Here you are using the Gaian life force to form an initial psychic connection. At this point you will feel a slight emotional connection with your study partner, and you’ll both be ready for the training.
Make sure you have the right attitude. This is not about showing off. Do this training in private. At this level of training it’s best if you don’t practice in front of other people. It’ll be easier to concentrate that way. Try to make the environment you work in as free from distractions as possible. You want to be calm and serene as you do this. Assume the point of view you would have if you were playing a pleasant game. No matter what, don’t get angry with one another. Don’t invalidate yourself or your study partner. Don’t set goals, just experience the results whatever they may be. Some students get positive results right away, for others it takes time. Even if the telepathy training doesn’t go well at first–you should enjoy this as a pleasant social experience with your friend. Don’t bring any fear or negativity into this. Be relaxed and content as you perform this practice.
Sit in your two chairs with a table between you. Decide who will be the Sender by flipping a coin. Again touch the palms of your hands together, this time the Receiver will place his or her hands, palms-upward, on the table and the Sender will place his or her hands, palms-downward, gently onto the palms of the Receiver. Again make eye contact and hold your palms together for about thirty seconds. The training session will officially begin when the Sender shuffles the deck.
The protocols go like this:
1. After shuffling the deck, the Sender looks at the top card to see whether it’s black or red. The Sender holds the card in such a ways so that the Receiver can’t see it. When the Sender sees what color the card is, the Sender closes his or her eyes and appropriately visualizes either red/warm/fire or black/cold/ice. When the Sender has a clear thought-form in mind–the Sender out loud says “ready.”
2. The Receiver practices scan/subvocalize/cognize in this way. The Receiver closes his or her eyes and scans the mind of the Sender. (This scan is similar to when you were practicing remote healing with Reiki. Put your hands up with your palms facing forward. Imagine that beams of light go from your hands into the Sender’s forehead.) When the Receiver feels a connection with the Sender’s mind, the Receiver then subvocalizes the question, “Fire or ice?” Then the Receiver keeps his or her mind blank and waits a few seconds for a cognition. Typically the cognition is made up of a single clear cognate. But accept the cognition in whatever form it comes. The cognition may come as a clear mental-image picture–or it may just be an intuitive impulse. Your intuition might express itself through the simple act of guessing. Furthermore, instead of seeing a picture in your mind, or even having an intuitive hunch, what may happen is that you will feel a sensation of warmth in your left hand or cold in your right hand. Remember that the right hand is black/cold/ice and the left hand is red/warm/fire. No matter what way you read the Sender’s thought-form, don’t spend more than a few seconds making the choice. If you don’t receive a clear cognate in your mind, simply make up a guess. Finally out loud say either “fire” or “ice.”
3. If the Receiver has cognized or guessed correctly, the Sender says “hit.” If not, the Sender says “miss.” Then the Sender shows the face of the card to the Receiver. After that the Sender places the card on the table face down. If it’s a hit, the Sender places it in a pile at his or her right. If it’s a miss, the Sender places it on a pile at the left.
4. After you’ve gone through the deck, add up the hits and misses. If you’re merely guessing, you should average 50/50–50% hits and 50% misses. If more than 50% of the cards are hits, that’s an indication of telepathy. But to know for certain that you are moving in the direction of telepathic skill, you need to practice this over numerous sessions and keep an exact record of your scores.
Only do one training session per day, never more. If you and your study partner can meet everyday, that’s fine–but try to meet at least once a week as a minimum. You both should have at least that level of commitment. If you do these training sessions too often they may become boring and your scores will go down. But if you think of this as a spiritual ritual, and enjoy the spiritual connection created during this practice, it becomes enjoyable in the same way as meditation. Thus you won’t become bored.
In the Elijah Hierarchy they found that some students got positive results doing this very quickly, but others took a much longer time. In some cases study partners had to go through more than a dozen training sessions before they got the results they wanted.
There’s a certain psychological barrier that can get in the way of this. You’ve been told all of your life that your thoughts are your own and nobody else can know them. This privacy of thoughts is in some way desirable. Some people subconsciously fear that if they start to read other people’s minds, or allow others to read their minds, then it will be an end to this privacy. But you should realize that you aren’t really going to lose the privacy of your thoughts. When you are performing the drill, you are specifically giving the Receiver permission to read only one thought-form in your mind–the one that you are intentionally holding in your awareness. Your thoughts are still your own. But there can be this emotional barrier. Such fears are groundless, but nonetheless, this can be a big deal for some people, and it may take some time to overcome it.
If you don’t seem to be making progress after half a dozen training practices or so, there are some things you can do. First, go back to the three preparations for telepathy training described above and do them again in a more intentional way. You can’t be sloppy about this. If that doesn’t work, then you may have to go back in The Enchiridion and look again at the lessons to see if there are any concepts explained which you didn’t fully understand. Look back at the training practices and make sure that you’ve done them correctly. You have to master all the other training practices before you start doing the telepathy training or you may not get positive results. If you’ve skipped some of the training practices, or failed to perform them exactly as described, that could be why you’re not getting results.
If you work enough at this you will eventually get to a point where you’re having success. There are more telepathy training drills in the Second Section. The Elijah Hierarchy worked out a system with teams of telepaths where they could communicate exact messages with 100% accuracy–and distance made no difference. But don’t worry about achieving a 100% success rate in this type of beginner’s telepathy training. When you reach a point where you and your study partner routinely achieve a better than 70% hits with this, you should call that a success. What you’re looking to achieve in this drill is the experience of reading another person’s mind with your mind. So your own subjective experience will determine when you choose to end this training practice. Once you’ve had this interpersonal telepathic experience, you’ll have more confidence and certainty in receiving psychic information from the Universal Mind.
After you’ve succeeded with telepathy training, you can go onto the Part Two of this training practice.
Part Two: Divination
In this technique you use standard playing cards to answer questions which can be answered with “yes” or “no.” The deck you use does not have to be complete, but you must make sure that it has an even number of red cards and black cards. Each time you attempt a clairvoyant divination, follow this exact procedure of scan/subvocalize/cognize.
1. Evoke your awareness of the Creator.
2. Say a prayer asking the Creator to reveal the Spirit of Truth to you through divination.
3. Scan through the deck looking briefly at the face of each card.
4. Subvocalize a question which can be answered with “yes” or “no.”
5. Shuffle the deck until you intuitively sense you should stop.
6. Don’t cut the deck, simply deal out seven cards from the top of the deck.
7. Do the reading in this way–a majority of red cards means yes, a majority of black cards means no.
Only ask one question per reading. Do no more than one reading a day. Don’t ask trick questions or questions to which you already know the answer. Don’t use divination to achieve answers which you could have arrived at through other methods such as research or logic.
You may ask any question to which a definitive answer may be given.
“Will it rain on my home tomorrow? Will this number win the lottery? Did the dealer lie to me when he told me that the car he showed me has no major problems? Will my home team win the game tomorrow? Are my lost car keys still in the house?”
However, don’t ask questions to which the answer would be too subjective. For example don’t ask, “Should I propose marriage to my girlfriend?” Whether or not a marriage proposal is a good idea is too subjective. Whether she agrees to the proposal or rejects it, the results might be either good for you or bad. If she agrees, whether or not the marriage turns out be a good one is something for which only you could know the answer, and that answer would only come from experience. Choose questions which can be answered objectively.
The more specific the question the better. Instead of asking, “Will it be profitable for me to buy this stock?” instead ask something like, “Will this stock increase in value over the next month?”
Of course this brings up the issue of ethics again. Our contemporary society is obsessed with greed and materialism. Although there’s nothing wrong with using your psychic powers to enhance your ability to make a living, you need to take into consideration the ethical issues in doing so. Some traditional Christians feel that it’s morally wrong to have wealth. Personally I think that this phrase from the Bible, “Money is the root of all evil.” is probably a mistranslation; however, irrational greed certainly is the root cause of many problems in our present world. Yet I’m convinced that the Creator does intend that we live in a state of prosperity and joy. There’s nothing wrong with using your powers to achieve prosperity and joy, but you should consider the ethical consequences of how you do this. If you’re uncertain about the ethics of doing something, you can always pray for guidance.
But don’t make important life decisions on based divination techniques until you have achieved a high level of adeptness as a psychic. If your divination practice can’t reliably answer questions like, “Will my favorite team win the game tomorrow?” then you haven’t achieved a high enough level of psychic skill to use divination to make critical choices. First become skillful at repeatedly getting accurate answers to small questions before you start using divination to answer big questions.
The real purpose of divination isn’t to get you to give up your free will; its purpose is to better attune your mind to the Universal Mind. The idea here isn’t to get God to make your choices for you. Divination practice provides a formal structure for communication with the Universal Mind. This structure builds a strong link between your mind and the Universal Mind. In the Elijah Hierarchy, many students stopped divination practice after they became Adept. This is because they came to realize that in their relationship with the Creator they could trust their enhanced intuition. So they didn’t need the mechanism of divination anymore.
Some Psychic Adepts become experts at divination and do remarkable things with this. However, on a personal level, divination should not be allowed to become a crutch for you. You may choose to stop using divination after your mental bond with the Universal Mind is strongly established. Once you feel that you’ve achieved the appropriate attunement to the Creator, you can better co-create your life with the Creator. And at the point where you know with certainty that you are actively co-creating your life with the Creator–then you really are a Psychic Adept.
Victory is not a random process, it’s an intentional choice. Every war is won by the victor before the first battle is fought. Every battle is won by the victor before the first soldier sets foot on the field of combat. Every fight is won by the victor before the first shot is fired or the first blow is thrown. No force in the world can stop the Second Coming of Christ. This emergence of Christ Consciousness will transform civilization creating a new paradise on Earth. In the future clairvoyance will be normal. Psychic Adepts will rule the nations through a progressive form of democracy. The unethical practices of the occult dabblers will be publicly exposed. The Luciferian global plutocracy has already been defeated. We have already won. But contemporary readers should know that it will take some time yet for the full emergence of our victory.